Meal Replacement shake for 3 weeks....

Hi all,

I go away on holiday in 3 weeks...just looking to lose the final bit of weight now. Has anyone heard of Slender Blend by Protein World? It is a meal replacement shake...Thinking of trying it for the final 3 weeks. Here is the info:

Take 40g (4 yellow sc0ops) of Slender Blend with 400ml water or milk per serving 1-2 times a day! Also try blending with some fruits and vegetables to make Slender Smoothies! (Yellow scoop = 10g)

Whey protein concentrate (92%), Raspberry Ketones (1.6%), Green Tea Extract (1.4%), PW Multi-vit/Minerals (1%), Natural flavourings (4%), Sweeteners; Acesulfame K & Sucralose. *flavouring will increase 6% for chocolate varieties

NUTRITIONAL FACTS (Per 40g serving)
Calories: 146 kcal
Protein: 28.7g
Carbohydrates: 2.4g
(Of which 2.4g are naturally occurring sugars)
Fat: 2.2g

You are meant to have a shake for breakfast....a normal healthy lunch....a shake for dinner and 2 healthy snacks of fruit/nuts in between. What do you think? xxx


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    waste of money. Just eat real food at a deficit, and you'll lose weight.

    That being said, I myself drink whey protein. But it's just the big tubs of whey, not the super expensive stuff I think you're talking about.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    waste of money. Just eat real food at a deficit, and you'll lose weight.

    That being said, I myself drink whey protein. But it's just the big tubs of whey, not the super expensive stuff I think you're talking about.

    Hi :) Well i've already got the wasn't too expensive really but just don't know whether to stick to clean eating or replace two meals like this one says to. Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you lose weight fast, then it'll probably just come back. Is that what you want? If that isn't what you want, go to your MFP settings, change it to "lose 1 lb per week." and then eat the number of calories it's telling you to. You'll probably lose 5 lbs. But you'll be much less likely to regain them. I'm sorry we can't wave a wand and make it happen faster. Sorry.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you lose weight fast, then it'll probably just come back. Is that what you want? If that isn't what you want, go to your MFP settings, change it to "lose 1 lb per week." and then eat the number of calories it's telling you to. You'll probably lose 5 lbs. But you'll be much less likely to regain them. I'm sorry we can't wave a wand and make it happen faster. Sorry.

    I've already lost a fair amount. This is just the final push before my holiday.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you lose weight fast, then it'll probably just come back. Is that what you want? If that isn't what you want, go to your MFP settings, change it to "lose 1 lb per week." and then eat the number of calories it's telling you to. You'll probably lose 5 lbs. But you'll be much less likely to regain them. I'm sorry we can't wave a wand and make it happen faster. Sorry.

    I've already lost a fair amount. This is just the final push before my holiday.

    If you have lost a reasonable amount of weight, then why "fix" what is not broken? Keep playing the long game and don't introduce potential yo-yo dieting to a regime that is yielding results. Real food is getting you where you want to be, so keep eating and use shakes as supplements when you are short on time or a particular macro.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you lose weight fast, then it'll probably just come back. Is that what you want? If that isn't what you want, go to your MFP settings, change it to "lose 1 lb per week." and then eat the number of calories it's telling you to. You'll probably lose 5 lbs. But you'll be much less likely to regain them. I'm sorry we can't wave a wand and make it happen faster. Sorry.

    I've already lost a fair amount. This is just the final push before my holiday.

    Even so, you will most likely gain it all back either while still on vacation or directly after if you lose it fast. All weight loss should be achieved in a slow and steady, sustainable kind of way. :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    waste of money. Just eat real food at a deficit, and you'll lose weight.

    That being said, I myself drink whey protein. But it's just the big tubs of whey, not the super expensive stuff I think you're talking about.

    Hi :) Well i've already got the wasn't too expensive really but just don't know whether to stick to clean eating or replace two meals like this one says to. Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx
    Really, it's a waste of money, and your energy as well. If you lose weight really fast, you will gain it back really fast as soon as you start eating normally.

    Clean eating has nothing to do with weight loss. Also, you will not lose weight because of the shakes, you will lose weight because you will have created a calorie deficit.

    Weight loss is truly about eating less than you burn and making a lifestyle change. It's not about a quick fix because holiday is coming up.

    I encourage you to set up your goals in MFP to lose weight slowly and safely. If you have around 10-15 pounds to lose, that would be a loss of a half pound a week.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you lose weight fast, then it'll probably just come back. Is that what you want? If that isn't what you want, go to your MFP settings, change it to "lose 1 lb per week." and then eat the number of calories it's telling you to. You'll probably lose 5 lbs. But you'll be much less likely to regain them. I'm sorry we can't wave a wand and make it happen faster. Sorry.

    I've already lost a fair amount. This is just the final push before my holiday.
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far. However, there is "final push," regarding weight loss, as there is no "kick start". Slow and easy does it.
    This is the link to the product:

    Posting a product link will not get you validation or "the okay" to go ahead, especially for some of us who have been doing this awhile. I think it's advertising too, which is against the terms of service. :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'd have one a day, not more than that.. you need the nutrients in real food, IMO.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Replacing meals with shakes is not going to teach you how to eat for the rest of your life. When you go back to eating normally, you will put the weight back on.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    Looking for the fastest results really given i only have 3 weeks left xxx

    I don't mean to sound harsh, but if you lose weight fast, then it'll probably just come back. Is that what you want? If that isn't what you want, go to your MFP settings, change it to "lose 1 lb per week." and then eat the number of calories it's telling you to. You'll probably lose 5 lbs. But you'll be much less likely to regain them. I'm sorry we can't wave a wand and make it happen faster. Sorry.

    I've already lost a fair amount. This is just the final push before my holiday.
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far. However, there is "final push," regarding weight loss, as there is no "kick start". Slow and easy does it.
    This is the link to the product:

    Posting a product link will not get you validation or "the okay" to go ahead, especially for some of us who have been doing this awhile. I think it's advertising too, which is against the terms of service. :smile:

    Hahahaha I assure you I am not advertising in the slightest....I came on here asking for advice!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    BTW, the product itself is just overpriced whey protein with a multivitamin and a couple of totally pointless supplements (raspberry ketones and green tea extract).

    This is not a meal replacement. It's a protein supplement.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    BTW, the product itself is just overpriced whey protein with a multivitamin and a couple of totally pointless supplements (raspberry ketones and green tea extract).

    This is not a meal replacement. It's a protein supplement.

    The idea is that you make mix the protein powder with fruit/veg, almond milk, greek yogurt. To make them the calories of a small meal.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    BTW, the product itself is just overpriced whey protein with a multivitamin and a couple of totally pointless supplements (raspberry ketones and green tea extract).

    This is not a meal replacement. It's a protein supplement.

    The idea is that you make mix the protein powder with fruit/veg, almond milk, greek yogurt. To make them the calories of a small meal.

    So just eat a small meal. Or make a shake with a more reasonably-priced protein powder.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    BTW, the product itself is just overpriced whey protein with a multivitamin and a couple of totally pointless supplements (raspberry ketones and green tea extract).

    This is not a meal replacement. It's a protein supplement.

    The idea is that you make mix the protein powder with fruit/veg, almond milk, greek yogurt. To make them the calories of a small mea

    So just eat a small meal. Or make a shake with a more reasonably-priced protein powder.

    I already have the powder at home so it is not an additional cost!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Then go right ahead? Not sure what question you want an answer to.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    146 calories plus milk and fruit would make at least a 350 calorie meal, probably more. That seems kind of expensive (calorie-wise) for a shake, doesn't it? Many of my full meals are about the same. If you REALLY like shakes, it's not like it will hurt you any, but the weight isn't going to come off faster.

    If you really want to look and feel like you did your best, why not spend the three weeks being super-focused on your calorie goal and kick up your exercise a bit?
  • daisyjazjules
    Sarah u no the score with the shakes don't take no notice of this bunch.....u no when on hols u will put some back on.....I'd replace one meal a day with the shakes then eat clean like Hugh would!!!!....u no what there like on here we both lost a lot of weight !!!!I don't blame u for wanting to look super good for ya holsxxxxx
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Go for it. It is only 3 weeks.

    Can you do the 30 day shred? You could lose a dress size in that amount of time. It's on youtube.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hi all,

    I go away on holiday in 3 weeks...just looking to lose the final bit of weight now. Has anyone heard of Slender Blend by Protein World? It is a meal replacement shake...Thinking of trying it for the final 3 weeks. Here is the info:

    Take 40g (4 yellow sc0ops) of Slender Blend with 400ml water or milk per serving 1-2 times a day! Also try blending with some fruits and vegetables to make Slender Smoothies! (Yellow scoop = 10g)

    Whey protein concentrate (92%), Raspberry Ketones (1.6%), Green Tea Extract (1.4%), PW Multi-vit/Minerals (1%), Natural flavourings (4%), Sweeteners; Acesulfame K & Sucralose. *flavouring will increase 6% for chocolate varieties

    NUTRITIONAL FACTS (Per 40g serving)
    Calories: 146 kcal
    Protein: 28.7g
    Carbohydrates: 2.4g
    (Of which 2.4g are naturally occurring sugars)
    Fat: 2.2g

    You are meant to have a shake for breakfast....a normal healthy lunch....a shake for dinner and 2 healthy snacks of fruit/nuts in between. What do you think? xxx

    I think that isn't enough calories unless your normal healthy lunch is about 1300 calories. You can supplement the shake with some whole milk and fruit, maybe get it up to 400 calories...but then really the powder you are adding isn't really contributing that much to what you are taking in. If you are eating as you should and getting enough calories you are looking at a very small amount of your daily nutrition coming from this stuff.

    If you are using it to replace food so you can eat an overly low amount of calories then I think its a bad idea.