Meal Replacement shake for 3 weeks....



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Sarah u no the score with the shakes don't take no notice of this bunch.....u no when on hols u will put some back on.....I'd replace one meal a day with the shakes then eat clean like Hugh would!!!!....u no what there like on here we both lost a lot of weight !!!!I don't blame u for wanting to look super good for ya holsxxxxx

    yeah I know what most of the people are like on these boards who advise against short cuts, quick fixes and fast weight loss.... they're very successful people who lost a lot of weight and have great bodies, and what's more, no trouble maintaining it long term. And quite a few who went down the quick fix, crash diet, fast weight loss route and saw it got them nowhere, and don't want others to make the same mistakes.

    Believe it or not, the advice they're giving is because they want the OP to succeed and not waste time doing expensive and counterproductive things that aren't going to work in the long term.

    OP: as you already have the powder, you can use it like protein powder and make e.g. 1 smoothie a day. One recipe that I love with protein powder is 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 100ml laban (that's an Arabic dairy product, yoghurt will do for this recipe) and 100g frozen fruit, e.g. strawberries, mangoes. The protein makes this filling, and it's delicious, it tastes like ice cream, only it's a lot higher in protein. I sometimes have this as a post-workout meal. Dunno what flavour your powder is but if it's either vanilla or fruit flavoured then it should work in this recipe. this isn't necessary for your continued success.... that comes from portion control and sticking to your calorie goal (i.e. a sensible calorie goal not a crash diet one).... but it does taste delicious and you can make it in about 2 minutes and it's a good way to make sure you're hitting your protein goal for the day.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    Go for it. It is only 3 weeks.

    Can you do the 30 day shred? You could lose a dress size in that amount of time. It's on youtube.

    Thank you!!

    Yep i have the 30 day shred and i'm doing that along with exercise classes at the moment (body combat). So hoping i will get at least near to my goal then will carry on after holiday :) xxx
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    Sarah u no the score with the shakes don't take no notice of this bunch.....u no when on hols u will put some back on.....I'd replace one meal a day with the shakes then eat clean like Hugh would!!!!....u no what there like on here we both lost a lot of weight !!!!I don't blame u for wanting to look super good for ya holsxxxxx

    Hahaha thanks hun...I've just facebooked you! xxx
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Three weeks of starving yourself is probably going to make you look the same you do now. No visual changes. The scale might tell you a different number but the scale is a trivial number no one knows but you. Unless, you plan on wearing your weight number on your clothes to portray your epic achievement of weight loss. I'm assuming you want fat loss. You're more likely to lose fat with a sustainable deficit, some form of resistance training, and time. It takes time. Plain and simple. But this is probably a wasted block of text for you, as based on your responses in this thread, you seem hellbent on taking the crash and burn course of action.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    With the number of threads centered on quick weight loss to go on vacation, you would think that people who take a lot of vacations would be super thin. Unfortunately, I have never seen that work long term.
  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    You asked people for their opinions, then disregarded all except for the one you wanted. If what you really wanted was support for your fad-diet idea,it would have been more productive to simply ask for it.

    Really, do what you please. It's your body and your diet. I always found that meal-replacement shakes left me starving, but it could be fine for you. The shakes are convenient, certainly, but you could just as easily have any number of easy-to-prepare foods for the same calorie cost.
  • SarahMZxx
    SarahMZxx Posts: 62 Member
    Geeez people are really harsh on here!!! No need at all...
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Geeez people are really harsh on here!!! No need at all...

    No one on here has been unnecessarily harsh. ..Honest? Yes. Because a majority of people on here would like to see you succeed. Not set yourself up for failure.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Three weeks of starving yourself is probably going to make you look the same you do now. No visual changes. The scale might tell you a different number but the scale is a trivial number no one knows but you. Unless, you plan on wearing your weight number on your clothes to portray your epic achievement of weight loss. I'm assuming you want fat loss. You're more likely to lose fat with a sustainable deficit, some form of resistance training, and time. It takes time. Plain and simple. But this is probably a wasted block of text for you, as based on your responses in this thread, you seem hellbent on taking the crash and burn course of action.

    Thank you for typing what I was thinking! :drinker:

    OP, we all have made mistakes looking for the right answer. You have some honest advice all up in this thread. Remember: just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean they're a meanie. Next time, stay away from the slick advertisements out there. Good luck!!

    ETA: is there anyway you can get your money back or have you already opened it? If you can, return it and buy some food at the grocery store. :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Drinking the shake would probably be like having a chicken breast with a bit of sweetened mustard in terms of macronutrient breakdown and calories. It won't harm you in and of itself, its just some added protein and if that is how you are using it then that's fine. At worst you overpaid for some protein then.

    However, if the plan again is to use this as actual meal replacement so that you can eat a dangerously low (say 800) calories a day for 3 weeks then no you will do yourself much more harm than good and it won't improve the way you look either.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Geeez people are really harsh on here!!! No need at all...
    Yes, we are all so harsh for telling you the truth....except for the one who said what you wanted to hear.:wink:
  • dmjamezy
    dmjamezy Posts: 1
    Hi have you tried it yet??
    how are you getting on with it, I've just brought the product and was looking for meal ideas when I came across this.
    I'm looking at the first week with two shakes one meal, and going to try the second week with 3 days of 3 shakes and then back to two. also I brought the fat burner.
    I'm really looking forward to trying this diet but would like to hear from someone who has used it

    and people need to take there negativity else ware! You wont put all the weight back on unless you just stop and eat junk food, but that happens with ever diet going not just the slender blend people!
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    Three weeks of starving yourself is probably going to make you look the same you do now. No visual changes. The scale might tell you a different number but the scale is a trivial number no one knows but you. Unless, you plan on wearing your weight number on your clothes to portray your epic achievement of weight loss. I'm assuming you want fat loss. You're more likely to lose fat with a sustainable deficit, some form of resistance training, and time. It takes time. Plain and simple. But this is probably a wasted block of text for you, as based on your responses in this thread, you seem hellbent on taking the crash and burn course of action.

    Exactly what I was thinking! Also Speaking as someone who's done fad diets in the past (not shake ones, but food group eliminating ones, low fat, etc); they as total bs, only work in short-term, and are awful for your metabolism. It's your body, do what you want with it, but you'll regret it when you drop 10 and gain back 20. But like SugaryLynx said based on your answers you'll ignore or dismiss the replies you don't like anyway.

  • midwestspitfire
    midwestspitfire Posts: 46 Member
    Hi have you tried it yet??
    how are you getting on with it, I've just brought the product and was looking for meal ideas when I came across this.
    I'm looking at the first week with two shakes one meal, and going to try the second week with 3 days of 3 shakes and then back to two. also I brought the fat burner.
    I'm really looking forward to trying this diet but would like to hear from someone who has used it

    and people need to take there negativity else ware! You wont put all the weight back on unless you just stop and eat junk food, but that happens with ever diet going not just the slender blend people!

    If by "stop and eat junk food" you mean "stop and begin eating meals like a normal person again" then you are absolutely correct.
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    and people need to take there negativity else ware! You wont put all the weight back on unless you just stop and eat junk food, but that happens with ever diet going not just the slender blend people!

    That's why dieting is bad. Calorie control is the only way to lose and then maintain weight.

  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Geeez people are really harsh on here!!! No need at all...
    You asked for people's opinions and then call them harsh for not telling you what you want to hear?

  • MrsIngram2012
    I'm giving it a go to see of it kick starts my weightloss. I agree sensible eating is the key but I'm one of those fatties inspired in the veining when the weight comes off. I plan to gradually reduce the shakes with small portion plates of food. My problem is portion size rather than unhealthy food.

    If it helps me lose weight I can't see how it's a bad thing.

    Didn't find it too expensive either
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm giving it a go to see of it kick starts my weightloss. I agree sensible eating is the key but I'm one of those fatties inspired in the veining when the weight comes off. I plan to gradually reduce the shakes with small portion plates of food. My problem is portion size rather than unhealthy food.

    If it helps me lose weight I can't see how it's a bad thing.

    Didn't find it too expensive either

    So you agree that sensible eating is key, and that your problem is portion sizes.

    And your plan to fix these two problems is to ignore them completely for the time being.
  • MrsIngram2012
    I'm rubbish at meal plans and just think that I will be motivated by a good weightloss to start with. Each to their own and all that