One pound? Really?!? Thats it?!?



  • kellybelly113
    kellybelly113 Posts: 60 Member
    I had a week where I was under 1,200 every day and exercised and I GAINED 2.

    The slower you lose, the more likely you are to keep it off and the less likely you'll have a lot of loose skin.

    It says you joined in October. We're in the second week of October. That's a great loss.

    For inspiration, go look at a pound of hamburger at the grocery store.

    good idea. LOL
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I truely do appreciate all your advice- so I have a question for all of you:: I know i SHOULD eat healthier foods and Im trying, but if I eat the same sorts of food that I did in the past and just less of it- shouldnt I still lose the weight??

    There isn't really a way to accurately answer that question. I know people who eat nothing but junk (but less of it) and they lose weight fine. However, the specific person I'm thinking of has a lot of trouble maintaining her losses and bounces back and forth with the same 10-15 pounds every few months.

    Part of losing weight and keeping it off is changing your habits and getting healthy. There is no real scientific evidence to back this up (and I've looked!) because basically weight loss is calories in vs. calories out, but I honestly believe that eating healthy, whole foods in the end makes for better and more sustainable weight loss because your body knows how to process those foods better than the chemicals.

    I haven't given anything up. I still have a piece of cake if I want it, but I try to eat whole foods about 95% and 5% junk. You have to realize, though, that "healthy" is not always what you think. I'd eat brown sugar and honey over the fake sweeteners any day and I think that's healthier. I just limit the amount.

    I eat 85% cocoa dark chocolate every day. That's actually a healthy food, even if it sounds like an indulgence. So, I get my sweet fix (and it's very rich!) and it comes with antioxidants and visceral fat-busting elements.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I've lost a one a week (except for the week were it was 2) since joining really that first pound was dissappointing...but then I had to keep reminding my self I"m doing it the right way this time, eating the right amount of calories (still working on eating the right foods lol) and starting to exercise...In a month I have lost 5 pounds. Precvoius diets a month could mean 20+ pounds of weight loss but 6 months after that it all comes back.. Hang in there.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I can only tell you what has worked for me, I'm not a doctor or nutritional expert.

    I'm a 46 years old guy, I was at 301 pounds on June 11th, I'm now at 255lbs. That is a loss of 46 pounds in 17 weeks or 119 days. That works out to 2.706 pounds a week or 0.387 pounds a day......... yeah right, I wish that it really happened that way :bigsmile:

    It did not.:tongue:

    I have plateaued as long as two weeks, I even gained about 3 pounds one week :noway:

    Look at my progress.....

    You can see it is not a steep even downward sloping curve, but it is a series of very shallow steps.

    The 2.7 lbs a week is also very misleading, as I lost a LOT of weight (mostly water I assume) at the start, but now I'm losing less per week, but I'm still losing.

    Some things that work for ME;

    Cut out the simple carbs, I go to the extreme of making 90% whole wheat bread myself (still cannot get the 100% stuff to rise right)
    No pasta, no white bread, no cookies, and in general, I eat nothing that comes in a cardboard box (I know there must be exceptions to this, but it is a good general rule)

    Carbonated soft drinks, don't drink them, I've been known to have a bottle or two of sparkling mineral water, I like this one......


    ...... if I squint hard enough, I can imagine it is a bottle of Heineken :bigsmile: (not really....)

    and you have to lose any "Diet" stuff, for me, that artificial sweetener knocks me on my *kitten*, makes me feel like I'm moving in slow motion.

    I also eat my carbs by noon, or there abouts, I try to keep my carbs away from dinner time, I eat mostly veggies and protein, I like chicken or tofu as my favorite dinner protein.

    I also keep healthy snacks on hand, I LOVE yellow and red bell peppers, I cut them up and much away all day and night, also carrots, darn good for you too.

    Do I get tempted, sure thing, do I fall off the wagon so to speak from time to time, you bet, but the frequency of that happening is decreasing every month.

    I'll also add this, for you to lose the weight, get healthy and STAY that way, you have to have a change in mind set, this cannot be a D-I-E-T this has to be a shift in your lifestyle, you have to make the right choices for yourself, not for anyone else.

    This is the single biggest thing I have come to realize, I am doing this for "Me" and, only I can do it. :drinker:

    You have started your journey, where and if it ends, it completely up to you.

    I lost only one pound too, this week :wink:

    Keep at it, at one pound a week, by February 24th you will have lost 20 freaking pounds! :bigsmile:

    Make this into a lifestyle change, take your body measurements, some times when the evil scale would not move on me, I did notice that my belly etc had gotten smaller, so take them pics now and take them measurements now, I did not start with those until I'd already lost a fair bit of weight.

    Best of luck, you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    First of all DONT BE DISCOURAGED! you just started! My wieght is like day I will weigh...and Im up...the next day Im down. Consistency is the key! Keep at WILL come off. Take all the advice of all on this site. You have only just begun this I does come off....I promise. Keep up the the labels...and you will see.

    I promise!
  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! :bigsmile: I cant say this enough to you all!! You all have truely helped me put the focus back on the goal. :happy: I was having one of those emotional moments.:ohwell: Your encouragments have greatly helped and I have learned alot- You are all awesome!!! :flowerforyou: