I guess I'm not doing this right, any suggestions?



  • MelStren
    MelStren Posts: 457 Member
    I would follow Aaron_K123's advice. Increase your protein and cut back on the carbs. Track your weight daily if you must but don't believe what the scale says... Keep a record of your body measurements, they may be changing while your weight is playing Yo-Yo. Measure your arms, thighs, bust, natural waist, waist at the belly button and your hips.

    Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like the moral support!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    So about 6 weeks ago I decided that I was gaining too much weight and it needed to stop. I cut back on sodas and snacks. Increased my water intake, stuck to 3 meals a day only, watched my portions. Then I bought an elliptical and started using that 6 days a week. Then I joined MFP and started counting calories and just recently started doing strength training using my by own body as weight. The first couple weeks I dropped 2.5 pounds. The next week it came back. Now I'm 2 pounds MORE than that, for a total of a two pound GAIN and nothing lost. I'm so discouraged. If I eat any less than what I am now (between 1200-1400) I am very, very hungry. I'm 137 pounds now and I just want to be back down to about 120-125 and more toned up (I've had six kids, so I have a little belly pooch and my thighs are also a problem area). My calves are getting very toned, my arms have firmed up a bit with the strength exercises, but the weight isn't budging and I still feel (and look) FAT.

    Sorry if this sounds whiny, I'm just really frustrated because I feel like I've been trying very hard and seeing no results. I should note, I also have hypothyroidism, but according to my doctor, my levels are under control with the use of Levothyroxine.

    What am I doing wrong? Am I just too impatient? I really don't like the idea of being hungry, so cutting calories even more doesn't seem feasible. Also, I'm still nursing my baby, so I don't know that cutting back any more calories would be healthy for me/him.

    I'd love any advice or suggestions! Thanks!

    You just arent eating at a calorie deficit. This is no different to other people.