How long after eating can I walk?



  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member

    I can't run after I eat->cramps. Need at least 2 hours, sometimes more before I can run.

    Also, I haven't a clue what you were talking about regarding the calorie thing. You burn what you burn, and you eat what you eat.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    but I don't want to walk for 40 minutes only to gain back all the calories I lost.

    Aaaand this makes no sense
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.

    please tell me this is not serious….please….pretty please
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.

    please tell me this is not serious….please….pretty please
    With sugar on top!!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    That anatomy and physiology teacher sounds as if he's completely unqualified. I never heard such nonsense.
  • OkamiLavande
    OkamiLavande Posts: 336 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.

    please tell me this is not serious….please….pretty please
    With sugar on top!!

    Nope, not even joking. This is what he said and he's been teaching for years. He's pretty damn knowledgeable about everything regarding physiology and anatomy. I thought it was pretty stupid too, but thought I'd throw it in just to see if it was an answer the OP was hoping for.

    Though personally I feel weird doing any exercise right after eating.
  • lorim200
    lorim200 Posts: 38 Member
    I tread water and drink beer. Does that count?

    This site needs a like button lol
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I tread water and drink beer. Does that count?

    I count it towards my 5+ servings a day.
  • Maqneta
    Maqneta Posts: 388 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.

    this is what I was asking^
    what I meant to ask was "Is it ok to walk right after you eat"
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.

    this is what I was asking^
    what I meant to ask was "Is it ok to walk right after you eat"

    why would it not be?
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.
    this is what I was asking^
    what I meant to ask was "Is it ok to walk right after you eat"

    Let's just think about that sentence for a minute: "Physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned".

    Read it again. It doesn't make any sense on any level. Firstly your digestive system has food running through it, not blood. Your blood and veins are part of your circulatory system. Secondly, the second part is completely ludicrous; how is less food "absorbed" because of your activity level? And how does that possibly mean you would burn more or less calories??? Your body is capable of running its digestive system and circulatory systems at the same time. Fancy that! It's not like one bodily process stops in order for another to start. SCIENCE HOW DOES IT WORK.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.

    please tell me this is not serious….please….pretty please

    have I been doing this wrong??? :sad:
  • Domineer
    Domineer Posts: 239 Member
    an easy walk several times around your neighborhood after you eat is the best for you. Burns the food off quicker and helps digest it. If you can't walk after eating, chances are you consumed too much.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.
    this is what I was asking^
    what I meant to ask was "Is it ok to walk right after you eat"

    Let's just think about that sentence for a minute: "Physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned".

    Read it again. It doesn't make any sense on any level. Firstly your digestive system has food running through it, not blood. Your blood and veins are part of your circulatory system. Secondly, the second part is completely ludicrous; how is less food "absorbed" because of your activity level? And how does that possibly mean you would burn more or less calories??? Your body is capable of running its digestive system and circulatory systems at the same time. Fancy that! It's not like one bodily process stops in order for another to start. SCIENCE HOW DOES IT WORK.

    maybe her teacher's cat does this …because you know = magic???

  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    put the dish away in the sink and get on your shoes. I go right after eating, it helps me to digest.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It's best for weight loss to walk and hour after you eat because physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned.

    Learned this from my Anatomy&Physio teacher.
    this is what I was asking^
    what I meant to ask was "Is it ok to walk right after you eat"

    Let's just think about that sentence for a minute: "Physiologically it draws blood from your digestive system so less food is absorbed so less calories used and more calories burned".

    Read it again. It doesn't make any sense on any level. Firstly your digestive system has food running through it, not blood. Your blood and veins are part of your circulatory system. Secondly, the second part is completely ludicrous; how is less food "absorbed" because of your activity level? And how does that possibly mean you would burn more or less calories??? Your body is capable of running its digestive system and circulatory systems at the same time. Fancy that! It's not like one bodily process stops in order for another to start. SCIENCE HOW DOES IT WORK.

    Perfusion priority does exist. If needed, blood flow can be prioritized to either the gut or the skeletal muscles, but not both. Digestion will slow if flow is diverted elsewhere. Then it resumes normal speed when activity ceases. No calories escape into the ether in this scenario.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yes, it is ok to walk right after you eat. It's ok to move, be active, exercise, after you eat. I am active all day long and I need to eat.

    I wake up, have breakfast, walk, take the train, walk, dance, walk, take the train, walk, eat food, walk, dance, walk, eat food, walk.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Uh oh - are you thinking that you must burn all the calories that you eat by exercise?

    And walking is hardly the blood flow level to your muscles that requires the gut getting nothing to suspend digestion.

    While those that do endurance cardio do have to be careful on how much and what type of stuff to eat for success, it shows that even at much more intense levels it's possible for the gut to still get blood for taking nutrients to the body for use.

    Eat, then walk. Shoot, walk and eat, shouldn't be a problem unless perhaps speed walking up steep hills.