Terrible Dates



  • BigBellyGoAway
    BigBellyGoAway Posts: 781 Member
    I threw your sammich at you.....my bulky arms must've caused me to throw harder than a woman should. You know, since I lift more than a sammich weighs....

    See, your date was right. :laugh:
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    I threw your sammich at you.....my bulky arms must've caused me to throw harder than a woman should. You know, since I lift more than a sammich weighs....

    See, your date was right. :laugh:

    Perhaps, but I wouldn't want to live in the hay bale he crawled out from under :tongue: His ego takes up too much room.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Well I was at a goth club (don't judge lol it was many a year ago) with this guy is was "seeing" . Well I go to go home and didn't know he had decided to come over. I left my purse in the trunk of my car and went in to bed. I wake up and his is sitting on my floor dripping wet! My roommates had let him in. Turns out he had driven his car off the side of the turnpike into a canal got out of the car. He walked from the accident site to my house. No one would pick him up because he was all gothed out with fishnets on and everything. He sat on my floor cause he didn't want to wake me lol......... Neeedless to say I got over my emo period rather quickly

    LOL awesome story!!!

    When we were fresh out of high school (1996-ish) one of my good friends had a thing for Brandon Lee in The Crow and would date guys who looked somewhat like him. They had to have the goth style, guyliner, etc. But they were usually freaks...I am not saying all guys with that style are freaks...but it was quite entertaining! One of them wrote her the worst poems including one about how without her he would be a "dog without a bone", and another one flushed a baggie of McCormick's basil down the toilet telling her he was giving up drugs for her if she let him move in...she knew it wasn't drugs in the baggie, and the spice container was in her kitchen trash. That particular guy she paid me $20 to drive back home to his grandmother's house 30 miles away.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    OMG, which one should we discuss now.... well let's talk about the guy who had absolutely nothing original to say. In the 2 hours we were together he told me the same story about his daughter and ex-wife at least 4 times! Showed me the same picture of his house in Maine at least twice, and talked about how he was getting ready to leave the Navy (retirement time) and get a job where he currently worked at least a dozen times!

    He ate half my dinner, drank my glass of water... and then when we were getting ready to leave (thank God we drove separately I never let someone know where I live if I'm unsure of them), he made his move.... mouth wide open and tongue half out of his mouth! It is exactly how I imagine a St. Bernard would kiss!!!!

    As I'm pulling out, I noticed that it looked like he was following me.... (according to what he'd said earlier, he lived in the opposite direction from me). I pulled into the Sheetz along the way, and so did he.... I got gas, he just sat there in his parked car. So I then stopped at my fav local watering hole to talk to a friend of mine (the bouncer there) because I just didn't like the feeling I was getting.... by the time I got to my friend I had a text from this guy asking why I wasn't going home! Needless to say, I stayed there with my friend for a bit, then he followed me home to make sure the guy was gone! Holy hell!

    I hadn't seen this guy since that night... then this past weekend he showed up at my watering hole and tried to spark up a conversation. Thank God my friend was working and "escorted" the guy out the door :wink: UGH.

    My mother always taught me to drive straight to the police station if something like that happens.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Well I was at a goth club (don't judge lol it was many a year ago) with this guy is was "seeing" . Well I go to go home and didn't know he had decided to come over. I left my purse in the trunk of my car and went in to bed. I wake up and his is sitting on my floor dripping wet! My roommates had let him in. Turns out he had driven his car off the side of the turnpike into a canal got out of the car. He walked from the accident site to my house. No one would pick him up because he was all gothed out with fishnets on and everything. He sat on my floor cause he didn't want to wake me lol......... Neeedless to say I got over my emo period rather quickly

    LOL awesome story!!!

    When we were fresh out of high school (1996-ish) one of my good friends had a thing for Brandon Lee in The Crow and would date guys who looked somewhat like him. They had to have the goth style, guyliner, etc. But they were usually freaks...I am not saying all guys with that style are freaks...but it was quite entertaining! One of them wrote her the worst poems including one about how without her he would be a "dog without a bone", and another one flushed a baggie of McCormick's basil down the toilet telling her he was giving up drugs for her if she let him move in...she knew it wasn't drugs in the baggie, and the spice container was in her kitchen trash. That particular guy she paid me $20 to drive back home to his grandmother's house 30 miles away.

    That is hilarious and totally brought me back to childhood for a moment. The community center used to have dances every Friday night for middle school and high school kids. One guy used to dress like The Crow, make up and all. My best friend had such a thing for him. I had forgotten all about that. I will have to give her a hard time lol
    And seriously, basil? What a tool!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I find the worst date ever happens yearly, usually in June. When the kid is out of school for the summer.

    Worst. Date. Ever.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Oh boy where to start. Well I met this guy at a happy hour one night and he asked if we could go out sometime and I agreed. I thought it would be promising because he was funny and had job as a social worker, so I thought surely he must be mentally stable and all that jazz lol. Well we meet at a restauraunt for drinks and apps and I could tell he had already had a few drinks. He starts giving me this long speach about how honesty and trust are important. And tells me he isnt talking to anyone else and so on and so forth. I was like it's only date one I dont expect you to not talk to other women yet, thats what dating it. Then his phone goes off and it was a naked picture of a woman. He tried to tell me it was his cousin. I was like wow kissing cousins ehh? lol. Anyways I was ready to leave and he begged me to have one drink with him to redeem himself so I stupidly did. He was pretty drunk and asked me if I masterbait!!?!?!?!?!? I was like "I'm a lady and I wont discuss this. Bye" So I left and he tried to contact me and I finally had to just explain to him how badly our date was so that he would stop.

    how was he supposed to know you were so secretive about your bass fishing?


    Yes, this place exists.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    I'll try to keep this short:

    I was young, 23 I think, and met this gal out at a club in downtown Jacksonville, FL. Turns out she is from my home state, she's hot, and she likes to dance with me. Also revealed, is that she's 34. Even though she fit description of "cougar," she honestly didn't have that demeanor about her. I got her number, and told her I'd like to take her out...

    The next week, we go out to dinner. She looks amazing. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, taking this much older woman out. We get seated at our table, and out of nowhere, this random dude sits down beside her and starts talking to her like I'm not even there...

    "Why are you doing this to me? Who is this guy? How old is he? Does he know we're married?"

    Um, DA *kitten*? :huh:

    He starts making her cry, and I tell him I don't know who he is, but he can kindly excuse himself or I'm going to have to remove him from the situation. He abides, and she is a wreck. I calm her down, and she explains that he is her psycho soon-to-be-ex-husband, and the divorce was still going through (he was contesting it). Apparently he had been stalking her for weeks.

    I don't blame her, but told her I wasn't in for the drama. Told her to call me once she legally got things in order, if she cared to. As I'm leaving, she says, "Be sure to be careful who is following you home. He might try to follow you."

    I slept with a baseball bat for the next week. :laugh:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Well I was at a goth club (don't judge lol it was many a year ago) with this guy is was "seeing" . Well I go to go home and didn't know he had decided to come over. I left my purse in the trunk of my car and went in to bed. I wake up and his is sitting on my floor dripping wet! My roommates had let him in. Turns out he had driven his car off the side of the turnpike into a canal got out of the car. He walked from the accident site to my house. No one would pick him up because he was all gothed out with fishnets on and everything. He sat on my floor cause he didn't want to wake me lol......... Neeedless to say I got over my emo period rather quickly

    LOL awesome story!!!

    When we were fresh out of high school (1996-ish) one of my good friends had a thing for Brandon Lee in The Crow and would date guys who looked somewhat like him. They had to have the goth style, guyliner, etc. But they were usually freaks...I am not saying all guys with that style are freaks...but it was quite entertaining! One of them wrote her the worst poems including one about how without her he would be a "dog without a bone", and another one flushed a baggie of McCormick's basil down the toilet telling her he was giving up drugs for her if she let him move in...she knew it wasn't drugs in the baggie, and the spice container was in her kitchen trash. That particular guy she paid me $20 to drive back home to his grandmother's house 30 miles away.

    That is hilarious and totally brought me back to childhood for a moment. The community center used to have dances every Friday night for middle school and high school kids. One guy used to dress like The Crow, make up and all. My best friend had such a thing for him. I had forgotten all about that. I will have to give her a hard time lol
    And seriously, basil? What a tool!

    hahaha nice.

    Not gonna lie...when I was 14 yrs old I used to dress up like Robert Smith from The Cure. Not just for Halloween, but randomly when hanging out with my friends. One of my friends did it too, but she was a tiny redhead and she was SO obsessed with Robert Smith that she admitted decades later she was a little jealous of me because I could look more like him. Nooooo. So funny.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Oh boy where to start. Well I met this guy at a happy hour one night and he asked if we could go out sometime and I agreed. I thought it would be promising because he was funny and had job as a social worker, so I thought surely he must be mentally stable and all that jazz lol. Well we meet at a restauraunt for drinks and apps and I could tell he had already had a few drinks. He starts giving me this long speach about how honesty and trust are important. And tells me he isnt talking to anyone else and so on and so forth. I was like it's only date one I dont expect you to not talk to other women yet, thats what dating it. Then his phone goes off and it was a naked picture of a woman. He tried to tell me it was his cousin. I was like wow kissing cousins ehh? lol. Anyways I was ready to leave and he begged me to have one drink with him to redeem himself so I stupidly did. He was pretty drunk and asked me if I masterbait!!?!?!?!?!? I was like "I'm a lady and I wont discuss this. Bye" So I left and he tried to contact me and I finally had to just explain to him how badly our date was so that he would stop.

    how was he supposed to know you were so secretive about your bass fishing?


    Yes, this place exists.

    They have a shop like that in the Outer Banks! I used to laugh every time we would vacation out there. They also have a place called Dirty ****s Crabs :laugh:
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    Worst date ever.......I had been helping a friend of mine DJ at a local bar and this girl kept coming in, stopping by, etc, going on about how she was tired of dating, etc. By the end of the night she asks me out and I figured hey why not. So the plan was for her to meet at my house and we would take the motorcycle out for a ride, have some dinner, and go catch a movie later on. Now mind you I was between jobs but still had plenty of money to go out. Ok, so she shows up....we hop on the motorcycle and I start taking her around. She's cool with it and we're having decent conversation on the bike. We stop off at JJ Finnegans (similar to Friday's) for a bite to eat. I'm thinking things are going well. Still talking, laughing etc. The waitress comes up and takes our drink order. Ok, still cool. She comes back to take our order and I motion to her to go ahead.....she says that she needs a minute, so I go ahead and order a ham and cheese croissant sandwich plate. She glances at the menu but now more concentrating, orders something very similar off the menu. The waitress walks away.....and then it's like the bottom fell out......she starts getting all chippy and aggravated......so I ask her what's wrong....."Nothing".....ok.....no really, what's up....."Well you didn't tell me I could get what I want".....what?....."and because you didn't I felt limited in my choices"......ummmmm, ok, I can call the waitress back and you can have whatever it is that you really want......"No, that's ok (scowl, grimace, snot snot LOL) So things are getting rather uncomfortable....she's tapping the fork against the butter knife and sighing extensively.....it's getting so awkward that I had to excuse myself to the washroom to basically try and collect myself......I come back out and the food is there......she picks at it like it's the worst garbage on the planet. I eat food rather quickly hoping to put and end to this fast. She then suddenly realizes that I'm her mode of transportation, that her vehicle is still parked outside my house 5 miles away. Then she starts half heartedly apologizing, that she is used to a certain way of doing things, etc. I get the check and pay it, tell her hey it's ok these things happen, put her on the bike, ride back to my house. She asks what we're going to be doing next and I tell her to hang on, that I left something in the house. My roommate is washing his dishes in the kitchen when i walk in. I tell him what a disaster of a date this is.....he turns to me and says OK broski, so where are we going tonight then?? I tell him hang on.....walk outside and tell her that the date was too awkward and that I couldn't see it getting any better
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    1st blind double date.

    Andy Warhol's X-rated 3D Frankenstein at the midnight flicks.

    My date got in a fistfight with the other guy.

    At least the movie was cool.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    ."Well you didn't tell me I could get what I want".....what?....."and because you didn't I felt limited in my choices"......ummmmm, ok, I can call the waitress back and you can have whatever it is that you really want......"No, that's ok (scowl, grimace, snot snot LOL)

    Jeesh....dodged an insecure bullet with that one!
  • Gingerkid05
    Gingerkid05 Posts: 60 Member
    I went on a first date once and the guy in the first ten minutes of meeting each other told me he could see me having his baby and being his wife.... I was 20 years old. I wish I could run that fast all the time LOL.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I've had a couple of dates that were not much fun, but the only one I can say was truly bad (in the sense you're talking about) was my 30th birthday with my then-boyfriend. I won't go into detail because bashing a guy who isn't in my life anymore isn't really my style. But dating in general has not been that bad for me. My "picker" is pretty good, so I don't tend to end up on a date with a total loser in the first place. And I'm good at interesting conversation. So a bad date for me is typically one where the guy won't talk, doesn't get my sense of humor, or we don't really have anything substantive in common.
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    ."Well you didn't tell me I could get what I want".....what?....."and because you didn't I felt limited in my choices"......ummmmm, ok, I can call the waitress back and you can have whatever it is that you really want......"No, that's ok (scowl, grimace, snot snot LOL)

    Jeesh....dodged an insecure bullet with that one!

  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    Guy shows up in a dirty T-shirt with a ripped flannel over it. . . I'm not sure he showered that day. Took me to Old Country Buffet as some big treat, so we could both get exactly what we wanted. Spent the whole date talking about how his union screwed him.

    When I tried to make conversation and asked why he had chosen his job as a laborer instead of going in to his field of study (claimed to have a mathmatics degree), he lowered his voice and leaned across the table in one of the creepiest moves I've ever seen and said "Don't worry, darlin', I make enough to take care of you"

    I couldn't get out of there fast enough. . . .
  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    Met a girl and found out she didn't lift.So called her a taxi.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Mine wasn't even a date really. I had just been through an ugly break up, so my friend tried to be helpful and introduce me to one of his single friends who he thought I'd hit it off with. It was New Year's eve and he was working so we went to his job (he was a cashier at a grocery store, but i was about 16 at the time so I didn't really expect anything amazing). We had some pleasant small talk and arranged to go on an actual date later that week.

    Here's where it gets weird. I meet him at his work before the date, because he's just finishing up his shift. He tried to tell me to meet him in unisex the bathroom, and tried to convince me it was because he needed to "talk" privately with me. I refused, and was starting to get weird-ed out. So then he grabs my face and starts ferociously playing hockey with my tonsils in the middle of the store.

    At this point I am furious. I pushed him away very aggressively and told him that the date was off, and to erase my number from his phone. (Loudly, so everyone around would see that I was being harassed.) I didn't drive so I had to call a friend to come pick me up. The entire time I stood outside waiting, the guy was literally in tears on his knees in front of me. He told me he thought I was his soul mate and he could tell I was "pure of heart" and he couldn't control himself around me.

    When my friend finally showed up I didn't even wait for the car to stop before I opened the door and got in. The guy chased the car until we turned onto the main road.

    This was followed by weeks of texts and desperate phone calls until I blocked his number. Then he started showing up at my job and I had to file a restraining order against him.

    ALL THAT and I didn't even talk to the guy for more then 5 minutes!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I went on a first date once and the guy in the first ten minutes of meeting each other told me he could see me having his baby and being his wife.... I was 20 years old. I wish I could run that fast all the time LOL.

    this happened to me as well.
