Terrible Dates



  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    My first experience with online dating after my divorce (2.5 years ago) was TERRIBLE.

    I started talking to this guy from online and because I was extremely cautious, we texted for about 3 weeks before meeting.

    We end up going to this fancy restaurant and all is well until he says that he needs to "tell me something".

    He proceeds to tell me that he is an ex-convict that did 3 years in an American prison for being a drug mule in a drug bust that I saw happen on CNN a few years prior. Oh, should I mention we had already discussed how much I loathed drugs and people who did them? Yeah....anyways, I thought he was joking so I'm sitting there laughing like....right bud, when I look at his face and realize he's for serious. The waitress comes up to the table right as i'm realizing this and so after he orders I say "just a bottle of wine for me thanks". He then starts talking to me about his ex-girlfriend who is pregnant....but not to worry, it's not his. It's actually hers and some "quarter black guy" (yup, he's RACIST too, great) and they had apparently had shower sex which resulted in her pregnancy. I clearly needed to know this information to survive. He then goes on to tell me that her vagina is 2cm dialated and she gives him constant updates on her vaginal status. PERFECT? It kind of goes silent for awhile and then he pipes up with "okay so I really like you, but you can't come to my house for at least another couple weeks because my other ex-gf still lives there. She is still hung up on me and I can't get her to move out but i'm just going to throw her things in the driveway and hope for the best. After that, you're free to come by whenever you want"............yeah, no thanks.

    I really don't think online dating is for me anymore lol

    Oh my... that sounds so bad. At least you can laugh about it now!

    I dated a guy I met online for 3 months before I found out he was a felon. We ended up staying together but it was the worst 2 years of my life.
  • m_johannes
    m_johannes Posts: 72 Member
    Omg, these are HILARIOUS!

    Truthfully, I can't really think of any particularly bad dates, but I've dated a lot of weirdos. I did go on a date once with a guy who talked only about money and things he owned and his annual salary and blah blah blah. But the consistent theme with guys I dated before meeting my current S.O. is the incredible clinginess. The texting and calling and Snapchatting ALL DAY LONG. And when I finally snap and tell them, "Look, you're driving me nuts." It's quiet for a day or two, and then I get the classic "Hey" or "Hello?" Insanity. How do people become this socially crippled?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Let's see...

    The friend fix up: we met at Sanfords (American/Southern restaurant). She started off by being about 10 minutes late. We say hi and sit down and check the menu. She asks me what "Cajun fries" were, and I kinda squinted at her to see if she was being for real... so I said "uhh fries with Cajun seasoning?" and she told me I didn't need to be rude about it. The whole time she is griping about the server and comparing how she did things at Ruby Tuesday back in her serving days. So then she tells me she has a kid, a baby, and that the father is a colossal deadbeat. Wonderful. We eat our food and then the bill comes... she grabs it from the server and says "oh he always makes me pay" and then hands it to me. I was prepared to pay, so whatever. I slide my military ID in there to get my discount and the server announces that yes they do have a discount and thanks for my service. Date looks at me and says "wow, you really are a Jew" (thanks to my friend for providing the unnecessary intel). She wanted dessert, and so did I, so despite loathing this girl, we got ice cream. The place we went didn't take cash, and I never carry, so she paid and made a scene, in jest. And then picked on me for not finishing my cone and also wiping my hands with wetwipes when we got in my car. I walked her back to her car along the river, and she then joked that this was where I was going to rape and kill her then dump her body.

    Once on a date I sneaked an apple into a movie theater. Had no clue it was that loud - I think it was the acoustical properties of the auditorium, but not really sure.

    Another date was an online thing, and the "athletic" girl was about 100lbs overweight and refused to eat in front of me as I ate all of my courses. I was annoyed at that misrepresentation and ate cheesecake in front of her too. She texted me after and said "everybody lies a little," she was working the baby weight off (her kid was 7 BTW), and thought I'd probably be overweight too.

  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    I went out with a guy once and he told me he was taking me somewhere and it was a surprise and to dress really nice. So I got all dressed up. He picked me up wearing a tshirt with a huge fish on the front and flip flops and took me to Joes Crab Shack. While Im all dolled up in a fancy dress and heels.. .embarrasing.

    Had some friends introduce me to a guy that had seen my pic on fb and thought I was pretty. Within a hour he was slammed and told me he had been in love with me for years and told his mother I was his soul mate and he was ready to help raise my kids and get in a serious relationship. I bust out laughing thinking the guy is just being silly and he starts crying.. it was beyond AWKWARD. I never let friends hook me up anymore.

    I could go on and on. I always attract the weirdos lol
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    Let's see...

    The friend fix up: we met at Sanfords (American/Southern restaurant). She started off by being about 10 minutes late. We say hi and sit down and check the menu. She asks me what "Cajun fries" were, and I kinda squinted at her to see if she was being for real... so I said "uhh fries with Cajun seasoning?" and she told me I didn't need to be rude about it. The whole time she is griping about the server and comparing how she did things at Ruby Tuesday back in her serving days. So then she tells me she has a kid, a baby, and that the father is a colossal deadbeat. Wonderful. We eat our food and then the bill comes... she grabs it from the server and says "oh he always makes me pay" and then hands it to me. I was prepared to pay, so whatever. I slide my military ID in there to get my discount and the server announces that yes they do have a discount and thanks for my service. Date looks at me and says "wow, you really are a Jew" (thanks to my friend for providing the unnecessary intel). She wanted dessert, and so did I, so despite loathing this girl, we got ice cream. The place we went didn't take cash, and I never carry, so she paid and made a scene, in jest. And then picked on me for not finishing my cone and also wiping my hands with wetwipes when we got in my car. I walked her back to her car along the river, and she then joked that this was where I was going to rape and kill her then dump her body.

    Wow what a nut case!! This is like something I realyy would expect to see in a comedy, not in real life. Wow. Did she attempt to talk to you againg after all of this?
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I went out with a guy once and he told me he was taking me somewhere and it was a surprise and to dress really nice. So I got all dressed up. He picked me up wearing a tshirt with a huge fish on the front and flip flops and took me to Joes Crab Shack. While Im all dolled up in a fancy dress and heels.. .embarrasing.

    Had some friends introduce me to a guy that had seen my pic on fb and thought I was pretty. Within a hour he was slammed and told me he had been in love with me for years and told his mother I was his soul mate and he was ready to help raise my kids and get in a serious relationship. I bust out laughing thinking the guy is just being silly and he starts crying.. it was beyond AWKWARD. I never let friends hook me up anymore.

    I could go on and on. I always attract the weirdos lol

    I sadly attract all the weirdos too : (
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    So my friends were tired of how I was the third wheel. Personally, I have no problem with it but yes, it would be nice to have a relationship. Well, two of them set up an online account for me and didn't tell me. Started getting weird emails and then they finally told me about what they did. They said they took it down and everything, but then we went out, and low and behold, they had set up a speed dating thing with six different guys. Well, one of them literally had seven drinks and after a 'ten' minute date went in for a kiss. Now, I don't mind if you chew, smoke, or whatever, but he had loose tobacco in his mouth and horrible bad breath. I've never ran so fast to the bathroom to throw up.
    Another account is when I went out with a guy and he expected me to drive because my car got better gas milage than his truck.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Let's see...

    The friend fix up: we met at Sanfords (American/Southern restaurant). She started off by being about 10 minutes late. We say hi and sit down and check the menu. She asks me what "Cajun fries" were, and I kinda squinted at her to see if she was being for real... so I said "uhh fries with Cajun seasoning?" and she told me I didn't need to be rude about it. The whole time she is griping about the server and comparing how she did things at Ruby Tuesday back in her serving days. So then she tells me she has a kid, a baby, and that the father is a colossal deadbeat. Wonderful. We eat our food and then the bill comes... she grabs it from the server and says "oh he always makes me pay" and then hands it to me. I was prepared to pay, so whatever. I slide my military ID in there to get my discount and the server announces that yes they do have a discount and thanks for my service. Date looks at me and says "wow, you really are a Jew" (thanks to my friend for providing the unnecessary intel). She wanted dessert, and so did I, so despite loathing this girl, we got ice cream. The place we went didn't take cash, and I never carry, so she paid and made a scene, in jest. And then picked on me for not finishing my cone and also wiping my hands with wetwipes when we got in my car. I walked her back to her car along the river, and she then joked that this was where I was going to rape and kill her then dump her body.

    Wow what a nut case!! This is like something I realyy would expect to see in a comedy, not in real life. Wow. Did she attempt to talk to you againg after all of this?

    Nope. It was a weird, instant, mutual dislike. First and last time that's ever happened to me! I had a good response text all lined up too :(
  • miniimuscles
    miniimuscles Posts: 89 Member
    I recently started dating for really the first time ever... I was married pretty young to my first boyfriend. Anyhoo... met someone at a bar who, it turned out, was so high he didn't notice when he spilled 1/2 his beer down the front of him, continuously started stories in the middle and asked me a dozen times what I do for work. It was that same weekend though, after I was gunshy about going on anymore dates, I met my now amazing boyfriend.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I got lost going to a date, so I text him and told him I would be a few minutes late (I was 3 mins late) when I got there he asked why I was late, I told him that the directions he gave me got me lost...he started to yell at me. WTF!!!!! Then he asked how I went and I told him and he said that it as my fault for not taking the right off the mall exit...I'm sorry I take the one that legit loops around the mall, what other one is there?!? And he wouldn't let it go all night. Then when it was time to pay, I paid for my half and he goes oh you're one of those who thinks they are too good to let the guy pay, I held my tongue. Then he asked for a hug since he wasn't getting anything else that night. YUP, he was a winner!

    On the flip side, my brother went on a first date that he got wicked drunk at and passed out then woke up and threw up in his truck and on her. She finally got his address to take him home and while she was in his apt waiting for her ride he told he she could fold his laundry since it was clean and she had nothing better to do. Well 6 years later the got married, go figure!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member

    I went to an activity park and while waiting in line to zipline after just meeting for the first time, he proceeded to spend the whole time chatting up the single woman behind us. I thought about asking her for her number for him.
  • dwm2112
    dwm2112 Posts: 77 Member
    Wow! Thanks to all the ladies with the courage to open up about their terrible dating experiences. You've helped me a lot with my intermittent self-image problem. After reading these stories, I will never, ever again think I'm a loser, or don't have much to offer. I hope you all find the man of your dreams!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member

    Another date was an online thing, and the "athletic" girl was about 100lbs overweight and refused to eat in front of me as I ate all of my courses. I was annoyed at that misrepresentation and ate cheesecake in front of her too. She texted me after and said "everybody lies a little," she was working the baby weight off (her kid was 7 BTW), and thought I'd probably be overweight too.

    Y'know, I have never really understood that. I was online dating at my heaviest and simply included CURRENT photos and my honest description of plus sized. I never had any problems at all with finding attractive & interesting guys who were into my body type.

    I have had many female friends & coworkers over the years whining/crying after dates who weren't into them after meeting irl when they had only shown these guys profile pics from 7+ years and 2 kids earlier.

  • ajmaupin
    ajmaupin Posts: 44
    prom: walked into my prom and one after another, these girls start chatting him up and talking about how they dated him briefly. Most of the night was spent with him "catching up". my date was homeschooled... no idea how he knew all these girls....

    While a freshman in college, a guy I had known for years told me he liked me for a long time and asked me out. sure, why not? well, turns out he was a closet racist and starts telling me how mexicans are lazy, ignorant, and just need to get out of the US. when i mention how offensive this is and that I was hispanic (mexican in fact) he backpedaled and told me I "wasnt like all of them" and "you cant even tell you're colored".

    So glad i am married to a prince now.... dating is rough....
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I am married now... thank god... because in the past... I have attracted the biggest weirdos on the face of the planet. Soo many bad dates.... but the 2 that stick out:

    Met the guy online and we had talked for a few weeks and he seemed normal... we decide to have dinner... we met there... he brought me flowers and all. 5 minutes into the date he is telling me "if we got married my family would totally love you". First date, 5 minutes in and he is planning our wedding... check please! I finished the date but ignored his calls thereafter.

    When I was about 19 I had this personal trainer that was only a few years older than me... I thought he was pretty cute and charming so my girlfriend that went to the gym with me and I asked if he and a friend wanted to go get dinner later. He agreed... brought an equally cute friend with him... the whole time the 2 of them had nothing to talk about but fitness/workout/sports related topics... ended up playing football with their napkin rings (you know how you kick it through someone's fingers as the "goal") and pretty much ignored us the whole time. Not only was that the last time we saw each other for a date... it was pretty awkward having him for a trainer afterwards too :)
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    My terrible date started out with me thinking I'd been stood up. Met this guy online and the plan was to walk along the waterfront boardwalk and then pop into a neighborhood pub. He was supposed to show up outside my apartment building at 7:30pm so I waited in the lobby as I didn't want to give him my suite number. By 8:00 I figured he wasn't showing. By 8:15 I was calling him all sorts of unflattering names in my head. ;)

    On the off-chance he'd gotten lost trying to find my place, I'd stayed in the lobby this entire time. Just as I was getting up from my seat to call it a night I see him running up to the front door of my building waving his hands trying to get my attention. Turns out he'd been pulled over by the cops about a half block away just before our meeting time.

    His car was impounded and his license yanked for three months. Our 'date' consisted of him asking me for a ride home - about 45 minutes away. I think I was in shock as I did take him home! :) He was a drunk, sad, puppy-dog-eyed guy who wanted so hard to impress me. Yeah.....no.
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
    I went on a blind date through a personal ad (age before computers). We met at a bar for drinks and she immediately started hitting on the bartender. Never really talked to me at all. Good thing they had some nice beers on tap!
  • fauxpunker
    fauxpunker Posts: 59 Member
    And here I was thinking my co-worker that wound up going out with a guy that sent her haikus before and after the date had it odd. Definitely glad I'm married. I don't envy missing out on these opportunities.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I went on a blind date through a personal ad (age before computers). We met at a bar for drinks and she immediately started hitting on the bartender. Never really talked to me at all. Good thing they had some nice beers on tap!


    I had one personals experience prior to the internet dating years. I was 18 or 19 (1996) and in college, and a local radio station had this weird phone service where you could call and listen to others' recordings and leave them voicemails...lol.

    Anyway, I did a recording and mentioned I liked the Pixies and no one my age I knew was really into them but this guy in his 30s sent me a voicemail on the service and we spoke on the phone a few times. It was THE most awkward thing ever. He was actually not CRAZILY unsuitable for me considering the age difference because he was single, no kids, had a job and degree etc, and he looked maybe 25-29. But I was super young and in some ways even a bit immature for 18-19 and my life was all about college, ska shows, my job in a supermarket, wild parties, etc, and he was a motorcycle collector and wanted to take me to see Jimmy Buffett. The one time we met up it was just really awkward and he ran into his friends and they were a couple in their 40s who looked like my parents did at that time. Sorry no!! hehe
  • cegirl69FIT
    cegirl69FIT Posts: 1 Member
    After two IM chats, he INSISTS on meeting. We agree to meet in two hours at a place fifteen minutes drive away for both of us. This guy walks in with Bozo the Clown hair, dirty cargo pants, ratty flip-flops, and a t-shirt that does NOT cover his very large belly. After fifteen minutes of no conversation (despite my best efforts), Bozo asks me to confirm my age. It's just a number, so I confirm that I am indeed 44. He is 52 so not such a big difference, right?

    Now, I don't mind older, chubby, broke, shy, or awkward. But *kitten* is a problem...this *kitten* looked at me and said, "You are a little old for me. I am really looking for someone in her 20's."

    I picked up my purse and told him, "I don't think this is going to work out." :noway: Could not get out of there fast enough!

    Thanks for all the great stories - you guys make me feel better about the drama of the dating scene...