Naturally thin people...what do you eat in a day?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People who are naturally thin can eat whatever they want. My roommate has weighed 120 pounds since we graduated high school nearly 11 years ago and eats nothing but junk food. I swear she lives on Totinos Party Pizzas, Oreo cookis, and Mountain Dew and never gains a pound.

    OK. We'll just chalk it up to medical miracles of science. Someone should seriously call a research facility. I'm sure they would be interested in this marvel that defies all laws of thermodynamics.

    I think it's an excuse and scapegoat for those that struggle with their weight.
    Actually, it's just a matter of metabolism. Some people have metabolisms that burn faster than others. There was a study years ago on brown fat and they used identical twins. The more brown fat a person had, the faster that person's metabolism. Eating the same diet, some people (and it was consistent within the twin groups) gained weight, some stayed the same and some lost.

    As I said earlier in the thread, I used to live on a diet of fast food. I ate whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. Since I started having to watch what I eat, I have discovered I was putting away 3,000-4,000 calories in one restaurant meal alone. A brownie sundae at The Ale House is 2,400 calories alone and I ate those all the time. One slice of the Cheesecake Factory's Godiva Chocolate cheesecake is 700-800 calories and I used to eat that a couple times a week. And I didn't gain weight and I was less active then than I am now.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    There are no naturally thin people. They just dont overeat....
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Back in the day when I could claim this, my diet consisted of ice ceam, pizza, chicken wings, Little Debbie snacks and 3,000-plus calorie restaurant meals.

    I know people don't think it's possible to eat that much and be thin, but I did. I had no idea how many calories I was even eating back then because I didn't track and I ate smaller amounts of food (by volume) that was VERY calorie dense. And, no, I didn't exercise much at all.

    But when I turned 28, my metabolism decided to take a nosedive and now I eat a fraction of the calories and can't lose for trying. :-(
    how are you trying? Do you weigh and measure all of your food?
    Yes. I weigh and measure, I track (except when I get frustrated because I've been tracking for weeks and seeing no results, so it's too depressing), I lift and I do cardio. I successfully lost 34 pounds in 12 weeks a few years ago, kept it off for a couple years, then changed birth control and without changing a single thing in my lifestyle I slowly gained almost all of it back. Now I'm off the BC, working my rear off to lose and nothing is working.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    anything they want... in moderation.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    People who are naturally thin can eat whatever they want. My roommate has weighed 120 pounds since we graduated high school nearly 11 years ago and eats nothing but junk food. I swear she lives on Totinos Party Pizzas, Oreo cookis, and Mountain Dew and never gains a pound.

    Yes, in the land of make-believe. Here on planet Earth however, people who overeat put on weight. There are no people born with a magic gene or with fairy dust that physically prevents them from putting on weight. Besides, what would happen on the days they eat the same as a 'normal' person? This clearly wouldne be enough and they would just lose and lose and lose and would end up fading out of existence.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    People who are naturally thin can eat whatever they want. My roommate has weighed 120 pounds since we graduated high school nearly 11 years ago and eats nothing but junk food. I swear she lives on Totinos Party Pizzas, Oreo cookis, and Mountain Dew and never gains a pound.

    OK. We'll just chalk it up to medical miracles of science. Someone should seriously call a research facility. I'm sure they would be interested in this marvel that defies all laws of thermodynamics.

    I think it's an excuse and scapegoat for those that struggle with their weight.
    Actually, it's just a matter of metabolism. Some people have metabolisms that burn faster than others. There was a study years ago on brown fat and they used identical twins. The more brown fat a person had, the faster that person's metabolism. Eating the same diet, some people (and it was consistent within the twin groups) gained weight, some stayed the same and some lost.

    As I said earlier in the thread, I used to live on a diet of fast food. I ate whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. Since I started having to watch what I eat, I have discovered I was putting away 3,000-4,000 calories in one restaurant meal alone. A brownie sundae at The Ale House is 2,400 calories alone and I ate those all the time. One slice of the Cheesecake Factory's Godiva Chocolate cheesecake is 700-800 calories and I used to eat that a couple times a week. And I didn't gain weight and I was less active then than I am now.

    Metabolism never varies to the extent which you are dreaming up about and overweight people have higher metabolism. The MFP calorie counter would fully support this statement as your calorie allowance decreases the lighter you are.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member

    Im not really overweight even now (5'5, 129 pounds) but I am USED to be being thin, I was all my life. And I could eat 4 slices of pizza in one sitting, wouldn't gain a pound, at times i even tried hard to gain, no luck ... those days are long gone : (

    It makes me sad that you think that 5'5, 129 pounds is even close to overweight because I'm 5'5 and 135 pounds and I would most definitely describe myself as thin... and nowhere near overweight...
  • MichelleB69
    MichelleB69 Posts: 213 Member
    I disagree…I think we are ALL "naturally" thin people, but have overridden that by our food choices and lack of exercise. I can guarantee you that if you quit eating all the processed garbage that passes for food in our society and return to eating a "natural" diet, your "naturally thin" person would reemerge. The majority of people are not overweight and/or obese due to anything other than poor lifestyle choices. Your body will go through times of gains and loss (i.e. post childbirth, post injury, etc) but our bodies were designed to be functional. YOU have complete control in how your body looks and feels in that you control being the best version of YOU. Good luck to you :)
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    All my friends think I'm naturally thin. The truth is there's no such thing - people like to think that, and I've been "accused" of being naturally thin even by my roomates, even though I was eating healthily, physically active and had no candies/snacks and processed food (while they did have them and never liked walking more than 5 minutes). But I've always been thin. You can look if you like (I didn't log properly the past few days)
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Though there may not be many of you on here, I am just really curious to see the everyday diet of a naturally thin person. Does anyone have an open diary they'd be okay with me looking out or just copying and pasting a sample day?

    Probably not that much different from what many other people eat!

    Food is food is food. Get it in yah!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    People who are naturally thin can eat whatever they want. My roommate has weighed 120 pounds since we graduated high school nearly 11 years ago and eats nothing but junk food. I swear she lives on Totinos Party Pizzas, Oreo cookis, and Mountain Dew and never gains a pound.

    OK. We'll just chalk it up to medical miracles of science. Someone should seriously call a research facility. I'm sure they would be interested in this marvel that defies all laws of thermodynamics.

    I think it's an excuse and scapegoat for those that struggle with their weight.
    Actually, it's just a matter of metabolism. Some people have metabolisms that burn faster than others. There was a study years ago on brown fat and they used identical twins. The more brown fat a person had, the faster that person's metabolism. Eating the same diet, some people (and it was consistent within the twin groups) gained weight, some stayed the same and some lost.

    As I said earlier in the thread, I used to live on a diet of fast food. I ate whatever I wanted and as much as I wanted. Since I started having to watch what I eat, I have discovered I was putting away 3,000-4,000 calories in one restaurant meal alone. A brownie sundae at The Ale House is 2,400 calories alone and I ate those all the time. One slice of the Cheesecake Factory's Godiva Chocolate cheesecake is 700-800 calories and I used to eat that a couple times a week. And I didn't gain weight and I was less active then than I am now.

    Metabolism never varies to the extent which you are dreaming up about and overweight people have higher metabolism. The MFP calorie counter would fully support this statement as your calorie allowance decreases the lighter you are.
    So explain why I could maintain 120 pounds (5'3") eating thousands of calories and now I eat less than half of that and not only can I not lose weight, but I'm gaining.

    I don't care what the MFP calorie counter does. I know what my body does.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Im not really overweight even now (5'5, 129 pounds) but I am USED to be being thin, I was all my life. And I could eat 4 slices of pizza in one sitting, wouldn't gain a pound, at times i even tried hard to gain, no luck ... those days are long gone : (

    It makes me sad that you think that 5'5, 129 pounds is even close to overweight.

    She doesn't.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I just ate two slices of pizza and a bottle of Diet Coke for breakfast. Yesterday I had Taco Bell and cookies, but I went over my calorie goal. Oh, and a donut.

    I'm naturally thin. Or so I've been told.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Besides the points made by others explaining why some are "naturally thin," studies have been done that show that yes, on some days, they consume huge amounts of calories. The next few days, however, these "naturally thin" people have been shown to consume less than normal calories and/or move around more, thus negating the day of overeating. One day of surplus followed by days of negative caloric intake to balance everything out. In general, they also fidget more, increasing their NEAT by as much as 400 calories a day.

    I used to do metabolic testing in a hospital, and we'd get those people who claimed they ate a ton of food and couldn't lose weight. Did they have super fast metabolisms? Nope. They thought they were eating a lot because they ate until they were full. However, it took very little food to make them feel full. Sometimes it was hard to get these people to be still for the duration of the test because they were such fidgeters.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    For the majority of my life i was "naturally thin". I ate everything in sight. I was a pure glutton and never met an AYCE buffet I didnt like. But I was also incredibly active. Running track, basketball, weight lifting, etc. I just did what I did, and ate without any concerns. People say you can't out exercise a bad diet, well I beg to differ. Even up thru my early 30's hard weight lifting was enough to keep me in check. But these days, I have to be a little bit mindful, although I still dont have to track foods. But I probably eat 1/2 to 2/3 of what I used to.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am naturally thin... even after 2 kids ... I eat whatever I want... junk... junk... and more junk... but although I eat like that I feel really crappy afterwards...

    I don't know why im thin? I am noticing myself gaining though that's why im here to TRY to change
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    My husband is an ectomorph and pretty much eats whatever he wants all night long and keeps his 35" waist, but he does skip breakfast usually and eats smaller portions at meals.

    A lot does depend on your body type, even if you can get your metabolism in gear, you have limits to what your body type can be. A short torso person may want to look like a long torso person, but it is not going to happen, they can't have a 17 or 18" waist. Your body needs enough room to fit all your organs, etc., so you must have a certain amout of room. I am a combination torso (in the middle) and the smallest my waist can be (know because I was there a lot of my life) is about 22". Short torsos are more like 27" at best.

    You can't change your bone structure, no matter how many weights you lift.

    It has been my observation in life that the long torso people I know have an easier time not gaining weight, or if they do losing it easily, and I see very few obese ones. They have the ectomorph body type and I definitely do think they just naturally have an easier time of it. That doesn't mean they can eat cake 24/7 and not gain weight, it just means they have an easier time staying a healthy weight.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Every time someone appeals to somatotypes and bone structure, a thin person gets fat.

    FYI: the terms ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph are crazy BS made up by a 1940s psychologist who spent all his time looking at pictures of naked people. They don't actually correspond to anything in reality. Endomorphs magically become ectomorphs when they get their diet and exercise in check.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Surely you'd need to know how active they are and how they compare with others? "Naturally" thin in my friends translates as more active than the fatter ones quite often.


    It may seem like some people are "naturally" thin, but the reality is that they are very active.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    Back in the day when I could claim this, my diet consisted of ice ceam, pizza, chicken wings, Little Debbie snacks and 3,000-plus calorie restaurant meals.

    I know people don't think it's possible to eat that much and be thin, but I did. I had no idea how many calories I was even eating back then because I didn't track and I ate smaller amounts of food (by volume) that was VERY calorie dense. And, no, I didn't exercise much at all.

    But when I turned 28, my metabolism decided to take a nosedive and now I eat a fraction of the calories and can't lose for trying. :-(

    28 was my magic age as well! all down hill from there. My diet sounded a lot like yours :) fast food morning noon and night, no exercise