Teased for Tracking



  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    Just punch them for thinking OCD is something you can "be". Surely only truly ignorant people could think you can be a disorder?

    I'm glad you said this. When a person is reduced to their disorder, it's very demeaning. Even "he's a diabetic". Bipolar, hypertensive, asthmatic, OCD, or autistic. To which he should reply, "I have diabetes. It is not who I am." I read another phrase the other week but I don't remember which disorder it was for. "I have xyz. It doesn't have me."

    Exactly, although what really gets me is people who say they're "so OCD" about something when they just mean anal.

    Sorry OP, seem to have hijacked your post for my own rant.

    Quite alright! Your rant is relevant and makes complete sense to me. :)

    Also wanted to generally comment that long before I started tracking, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and was already being particular about labels and such. Therefore, tracking wasn't really a big leap for me.

    I see it as a bit of a comfort, really. I am fascinated by nutrition and knowing that I have control over my macros and what they will do for me is a powerful feeling. And I like the satisfaction of knowing for a fact that I'm doing all the right things I need to be doing for my goals.