Question - Lower Body Help

I have lost 11 lbs and most of it is my upper body, hips thighs and butt are pretty close to where they were before...I do see a little shrinkage and toning but not much. I know you can't spot train but I just want to know should I concentrate more on the weight training than cardio? What cardio machine is really best? I try to mix it up a bit and have just started jogging intervals on the treadmill (I have never jogged in my life so its hard to sustain). Should the treadmill be on 0 when I run or should I have a bit of an incline? I also read that doing intervals of walking at a high incline is good also? Sorry so many questions...


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    As you said you can't spot reduce.

    You don't have to choose between the two...just make sure the cardio is on off days or after weights unless it's just a warm up.

    As for what cardio is best which ever you will do...I prefer riding my bike...hate runninng...don't mind walking but hate machines period.

    HIIT is a good cardio workout. You can find lots of those can do speed HIIT or incline HIIT or even speed+incline many options if you enjoy it.

    As for your body being the same as that just you looking in the mirror??? if so take tape measurments and keep track, take progress pics and do comparision that way as well...and trust me if you don't see the difference in the pics others will...I don't see a lot of difference in my pics but others do...
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    If you are like me in body type (sounds like you are), the fat on the bottom clings to you like stink on an ape. This is the lard that takes real effort to burn off (slowly). I agree with Stef and I am a big proponent of cross-training. Do it all. I focus on net calories for weight loss. Do whatever cardio makes you happy but do it until you burn at least 500 calories. I do 1000+ calorie workouts quite often and I'm old. Running, in my opinion, is the best (most efficient) method to burn off the lard. You will see that in the sweat produced. Weights are essential too, try to do that on alternate days with some other form of low-impact cardio like bike or elliptical or whatever. Remember, each succeeding pound is harder to lose than the previous one.