Beautiful Blues 10/11/10

MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello all,

Here's our chart for this week. The person with the highest percentage lost is in green, which is maneyes- congrats to you. Congrats to everyone as well, and this is going to be an awesome week.


We are having great weather over here, with no rain. Saturday night we have an indoor volleyball game at church. I plan on doing p90x and insanity on sunday morning, and hoping to do some clothes shopping. Then sunday we are going to a sweet 15, which should be fun. My goals for this week are to get a motivation to stay on track and to learn that this is a lifestyle change not just a diet. I'll also be drinking water, logging my foods, and exercising.

What are your goals this week?


  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Chrissy I will post a pix of both my tats as soon as I can. Well I was excites to start my job monday with hubby but he lost his job today because of too many speeding tickets so we will have to find something else.

    While we are home I am going to get back into my running I have missed it so much over the past coulple weeks

    My goals for this week are to increase my water and start running again
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi all...I am home alone tonight, well not really. My youngest went to bed at 8:45 and my oldest is working so the house is very quiet. This is hubby's 12-hour graveyard weekend so we don't see him much this weekend. Both boys have soccer games in the a.m. and then oldest son has to work again. My great-nephew's birthday party is on Sunday after church. Other than that we will be hanging around the house. Maybe I'll catch up on some housework???

    My goals this week:
    Make it to boot camp all 4 days.
    Jog the track at church on Tuesday (off day from boot camp).
    Drink at least 4 glasses of water daily (baby steps). I switched to decaf and Splenda but I drink way too much tea.

    Have a great weekend everybody.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Chrissy I will post a pix of both my tats as soon as I can. Well I was excites to start my job monday with hubby but he lost his job today because of too many speeding tickets so we will have to find something else.

    While we are home I am going to get back into my running I have missed it so much over the past coulple weeks

    My goals for this week are to increase my water and start running again

    Sorry about hubby's job loss. Hopefully something better will turn up. I would like to start back jogging around the church track on Tuesday. That will be my goal.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am going to use this as m,otivation and get back into eating right and back to my jogging to try to keep off the winter weight.

    I hope yall have a great weekend right now I have 6 drunks playing poker in my kitchen :laugh: and I am ready for bed :yawn:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    I need to start a new this week so I don't get frustrated. I've been a little obsessive with the scale because I had a big loss last week and then a tiny gain this week. I was so excited to get to 135 because that's the top of the healthy weight for someone my height and I really wanted it this week but, alas, it was not to happen. So, this coming week I'm gunna work my butt off..

    -Continue doing the 30 day Shred (Monday starts level 2!)
    -Run at least a little every day this week except Sunday
    -Stop eating Halloween candy that everyone gives me because it's my favorite holiday
    -Keep track of / drink all the water I'm supposed to every day

    These are things I can do! Hopefully it'll help blast me to 135! Have a great week blues!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Such good goals ladies!!

    For me I am going to follow my diabetic diet better--carb counting and checking sugars. I fell off the wagon last night and ate a bunch of dove chocolates....soooo good! I should not have even bought the things. I paid for it later....I had crazy dreams all night and (Of zombies and ghosts---I have had scary dreams with this pregnancy) my blood sugar was high...serves me right. I will learn to make better choices...

    I put that quote in my signature. I need to remember that every day!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    MTDork- great goals for this week. I think you will reach your goal weight and you can do it.

    Debnu- Tell me about it with the sugary foods. I always need to remember to eat proteins and what my sugar because I tend to get sugar spikes.

    I just got back home from a long day and now the women in my church are going to play volleyball. I am hoping for some fun and just a good workout.

    Have a good night all!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I finished the bag of chocolates today. Only I did it better, just a few at a time instead of a half bag in a sitting. I will have to never buy those again!

    Time to pay bills, the real reason I got on the computer...HAve a great night!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Spent a grat day just chillin with hubby. We are trying to figure out what to do next I think monday I am going to see if I can get foodstamps to help out until we can get a job.

    I have had a bad sweet tooth lately and I am hoping that it is just a phase and will pass soon
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    I've been having a sweet tooth myself for the last little bit. Mine may be due to TOM coming up and the habits that I have formed while being in school. I'm working to break those now.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    It has been so long since i have had yogurt I forgot how good it is. Glad I picked it instead of something chocolate :drinker: . PLus i can help fight breast cancer by entering the code under the lid
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning all...I am supposed to be getting ready for church instead of being on this computer lol. It is beautiful here today. We have an inside birthday party to go to but it would be a great day for a fall picnic. Maybe we can do the picnic next Sunday. Those Butterfingers are finally gone. Hubby helped me eat them. I will not buy those again. I can leave the junk food alone most of the time but during my TOM I just can't fight it. Hope you all have a great day.
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Christy and Tammy (tamelab) and I were in a group together. I had stopped posting for a while because I was pregnant. The weight gain was necessary, but a little depressing at times. Anyway, I had my daughter on August 26th and wanted to get back into the group and posting. However, the group kind of disappeared. I read Tammy's posting about your group. She has lots of good things to say about you all. I would love to join if you are up to having a new member. I need to have someone to chat with several times a week and need the accountability for sure. When I went to have my daughter I weighed 205. I am now at 174. Hope to reach my goal of 155 by January! Hope to talk to you all soon!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Christy and Tammy (tamelab) and I were in a group together. I had stopped posting for a while because I was pregnant. The weight gain was necessary, but a little depressing at times. Anyway, I had my daughter on August 26th and wanted to get back into the group and posting. However, the group kind of disappeared. I read Tammy's posting about your group. She has lots of good things to say about you all. I would love to join if you are up to having a new member. I need to have someone to chat with several times a week and need the accountability for sure. When I went to have my daughter I weighed 205. I am now at 174. Hope to reach my goal of 155 by January! Hope to talk to you all soon!

    Hey Christy. Glad you joined us. You will like this group. I need to do some typing tonight so I'll chat tomorrow.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Welcome Christy we love new members

    Spent the day with the inlaws just chillin, right now hubby is lifting weight with his best friend and we are going to start running in the AM. Hubby is going to help me with my workouts and keeping me motivated.:drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hi Christy - WELCOME! and congrats on the little one!

    Well my weekend was filled with stuff to do and I didn't get to run-original plan was to run yesterday but a foul ball of the field behind us hit the concrete in front of my and then hit me in the face. Had a major headache but seems to be a little better today. Will run thru it this evening. Have a 5k in hickory this weekend--will not be setting any records BUT I will be doing it!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Chrissy, I hope you are feeling better! That would be an unexpected hazard of exercising!:wink:

    Christy welcome! You will love this group!

    It has been a crazy weekend. I took my daughter in to the dentist on Friday she had 3 teeth pulled (stubborn baby teeth) and a couple of cavities filled. (She told me that she had stopped using toothpaste, you can guess what we have started again...) We did oral sedation and the nitrous. I thought it would be a long day--she was bouncing off the walls!! She was ready to play like crazy as soon as we were home, even though she was still woozy! She never really did crash from it either. I kept her home just in case, but what do I know!?! I actually with help from my hubby even got part of the house clean. It is funny--I had to ask. Why don't I do that more often? Now to tackle the rest of the house today. Wish me luck. I have lots of deep cleaning to do, the dust bunnies have taken over since I got pregnant!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Another quote--this one from P90x on facebook... "As hard as it may seem at times to get into shape, it's often more
    stressful, depressing, and even potentially life threatening to remain overweight."
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Another quote--this one from P90x on facebook... "As hard as it may seem at times to get into shape, it's often more
    stressful, depressing, and even potentially life threatening to remain overweight."

    I may steal this and put it on facebook as my status next week.
  • cah0806
    cah0806 Posts: 112
    Thanks for the warm welcome! Hope everyone has a great Monday. I had to go into work for a little while today and left the baby with my neighbor/friend. I hated it!! I don't know what I'll do when I go back to work. Off to clean house and hope to get a long walk in with the kids this afternoon, especially since I had a piece of my daughter's birthday cake! She was 10 yesterday. The weather is beautiful here in NC - sunny and 89. Talk to you soon! Keep up the great work.
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