What do you put in your lunch box for work?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Usually I bring leftovers for lunch. If no leftovers it's usually either cottage cheese with greens and tomatoes or a sandwich wrap. I keep cans of reduced sodium soup in my desk for days I forget my lunch.
  • Dechant63
    Dechant63 Posts: 59
    I cook all my lunches on my day off. I am always on a mostly protein lunch. Chicken/beef and plenty of veggies. Always yogurt and usually some sort of fruit to go along with it. I also usually pack another piece or fruit or a protein shake for morning snack and protein bar for a snack before I leave and head to the gym.
  • oChristyo
    oChristyo Posts: 61 Member
    I make home made 3 bean salad. I'm obsessed with it and it keeps me full.
    ETA: I also love a fresh mango!
  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    Lunch is almost always some kind of salad with a protein, but it changes almost every day.

    Besides lunch I bring 2 snacks, some combo of veggies and dip, fruit, greek yogurt, string cheese, nuts, Kind bar...lately I've been loving quinoa chips, too. Sort of like a cross between Sun Chips and Munchos.

    Today, I have spinach salad with raw mushrooms and onions, homemade french dressing, and leftover roast beef from yesterday; celery and leftover homemade spinach dip; 2 clementines; and a Kind bar.

    I try to get my before/at work food to end up around 600 calories (give or take) so that I have plenty left for later in the day...I'm a big after dinner snacker :). And, I try to get in at least 3-4 servings of fruit and veggies and a decent amount of protein during the day, too.

    Sounds good! I'm a big after dinner snacker too, but really struggle to eat much in the mornings so always tend to have plenty of cals left for the evening. :)
  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    I cook all my lunches on my day off. I am always on a mostly protein lunch. Chicken/beef and plenty of veggies. Always yogurt and usually some sort of fruit to go along with it. I also usually pack another piece or fruit or a protein shake for morning snack and protein bar for a snack before I leave and head to the gym.
    How do you keep it fresh for the full week? Do you freeze? Cooking for the rest of the week would definitely be a good option :)
  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    There's a guy at my office that always brings a lunchbox, but then goes out to eat.

    I think he has a severed head in there or something

    Take a peek when he's out to eat and report back to us :p
  • MarisaDLS2
    MarisaDLS2 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm with tincanonastring.

    I eat the same salad almost every day.

    I make several salads all at one time, prepack them in fridge.

    Romaine chopped - about 4C
    English Cucumber chopped - 1/2 C
    Red Pepper cubes - 1/2 C
    3 Kalamata olives
    Feta Cheese or Gorgonzola 1 oz
    Sun Dried Tomatoes 20gm

    Avocado is optional, depending on if I have one on hand.

    Sometimes I fry up a couple slices of turkey bacon the night before, dice it and add it.

    2 T homemade dressing, either a balsamic EVOO or a creamy herb dressing made with FF yogurt.

    Snacks are whatever fruit is on hand, right now minneola tangerines,
    plus the occasional cheese stick.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Well, I work 2 part-time jobs, one in the AM and one in the evening. So my "lunchbox" is more of a "breakfastbox" and "dinnerbox." For breakfast, I bring a banana or apple, and granola with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter (clumps the granola together, and gives a little protein boost). For dinners (which can easily be a lunch if you wanted it to be), I bring hummus + carrots + a cheese stick, or soup, or a PB&J sandwich if I have calories to burn. I only get a 15 minute break at my evening job, so I try to bring something I can eat quickly.

    Breakfasts are usually 350-450 calories, and I eat it between 9 and 10 am, because I don't eat lunch til 2 or 3 pm. Work dinners are fairly small (I aim for 250-350 calories) because I'll eat a big, calorie-heavy lunch right before I head off to job #2. I like to eat my biggest meal at home, where I can take my time prepping and there's no rush for eating!
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    Sometimes leftovers from last nights dinner
    mixed fruit
    flatbread with chicken and red peppers
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    My first choice will always be last night's leftovers, if there are any. So simple!

    Chopped salads are good. I keep a small basket of hard-boiled eggs and a container of pre-shredded chicken in the fridge. Pair that with some spinach and kale mix, small cubes of cheese, olives, and whatever other veggies I have leftover. Smaller container inside with an olive oil and vinegar mix.

    I like the low carb wraps (sooo much fiber!) with some mayonnaise or mustard, shredded chicken, tomatoes, spinach, cheese. Or chicken salad!

    How long can you keep hard boiled eggs or chicken in the fridge ? I don't normally keep longer than the day after cooking. I do quite like wraps so I'll have to search for low carb ones, is there a brand you would recommend? :)

    I'll eat chicken that's been cooked, up to 5 days after cooking. You have to do what's comfortable for you but I've never gotten sick from eating leftovers.

    Today's lunch chicken sausage, green beans, yogurt. I even left enough free calories to have a candy bar.
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    My first choice will always be last night's leftovers, if there are any. So simple!

    Chopped salads are good. I keep a small basket of hard-boiled eggs and a container of pre-shredded chicken in the fridge. Pair that with some spinach and kale mix, small cubes of cheese, olives, and whatever other veggies I have leftover. Smaller container inside with an olive oil and vinegar mix.

    I like the low carb wraps (sooo much fiber!) with some mayonnaise or mustard, shredded chicken, tomatoes, spinach, cheese. Or chicken salad!

    How long can you keep hard boiled eggs or chicken in the fridge ? I don't normally keep longer than the day after cooking. I do quite like wraps so I'll have to search for low carb ones, is there a brand you would recommend? :)

    I'll eat chicken that's been cooked, up to 5 days after cooking. You have to do what's comfortable for you but I've never gotten sick from eating leftovers.

    Today's lunch chicken sausage, green beans, yogurt. I even left enough free calories to have a candy bar.

    I know people are really paranoid about this, and I don't know why. I have always kept chicken or hard boiled eggs for a week. They are good as long as they are refrigerated. I've never had any problem. Cooked chicken does have the same issues as raw chicken.

    I agree
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    I usually take left overs from the previous night's dinner, along with either fruit or a salad. I'll bring a granola bar in case I get hungry. Not very exciting, but it's pretty much my only option since I live with my parents and I don't want to spend extra money lol
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    My first choice will always be last night's leftovers, if there are any. So simple!

    Chopped salads are good. I keep a small basket of hard-boiled eggs and a container of pre-shredded chicken in the fridge. Pair that with some spinach and kale mix, small cubes of cheese, olives, and whatever other veggies I have leftover. Smaller container inside with an olive oil and vinegar mix.

    I like the low carb wraps (sooo much fiber!) with some mayonnaise or mustard, shredded chicken, tomatoes, spinach, cheese. Or chicken salad!

    ^She pretty much said everything I was gonna say!
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    I usually go the route of a Big *kitten* Salad, with some protein - eggs, turkey - I also like to chop up an apple and throw that in there. Sunflower seeds for the crunch factor.

    New fave lately- avocado chicken salad. So yummy.
  • stacshelb
    stacshelb Posts: 550 Member
    I keep eggs in the fridge at work and the make them in the microwave. I scramble them with ham, cheese and frozen peppers, onions and mushrooms. It's low carb and super yummy!!
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Today I brought half a mixed fruit cup (ate the other half for yesterday's work lunch), Nature Valley granola bar, baby carrots and ranch dip, a Lean Cuisine meal, almonds, and some jellybeans. Not perfect but I'm working on it :)
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    Everyday basically:

    Snack 1:
    Two - three tablespoons of Nestle Tollhouse Mini Chocolate Chips
    Banana 80-100 G
    OR Sometimes Almonds raw unsalted 30 G

    3-4 ounces of Chicken Breast that is cooked in my own orange juice/apple cider vinegar marinade
    150-200 G of mixed veggies (broccoli, zucchini, pepper, squash)
    Some times Green Beans
    Some times Sweet potato (mashed plain or cubed, steamed) 4 oz
    OR Some times Brown Rice 3 oz

    Snack 2:
    String Cheese (anywhere from 50-80 Calorie pieces)
    Frozen Edamame (I broil it at work) 75-80 G
    1 Can of Tuna (white in water) w/
    2-3 TBS of Original Hummus, 2 TSP Lemon juice and Chives, Garlic and black pepper

    Snack 3:
    Cantelope 3 - 4 OZ
    Grapes OR Pineapple 3 oz ea.
    Greek Vanilla Non Fat yogurt 3-4 ounces
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    Today was leftover Quinoa & Black Bean Chili for lunch and a banana w/almond butter for afternoon snack.

    Usually pack leftovers from the night before for lunches.

    I also pack snacks for morning and/or afternoon. Snacks would include carrot sticks and hummus, a slice of organic smoked turkey w/string cheese, plain greek yogurt with sliced fruit and walnuts, or fruit (usually banana or apple slices) w/some almond butter for dipping.