Do you weigh yourself the day after a feast?

Such as easter? I went over my calorie goal yesterday, and I'm scared to weigh myself.. even though I know I couldn't actually gain fat, it de-motivates me to see the scale numbers go up. plan on waiting until Wednesday or later to weigh myself again. What about you?


    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Yep, I weigh myself every day. I went over on Saturday by 1500!! And have gained 2lb according to the scales today. I know from experience however that the scales will drop daily until my official weigh in Friday. It has made me feel a bit down seeing the gain, but I find weighing myself everyday day makes me work harder and cut more calories if I need to if the scale isn't going the way I want it too for Fridays weigh in. X
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    My scale is on my Wii Fit and it makes me weigh in if I want to do exercise/games on there, so I can't really avoid it! But I will weigh in tonight before bed so I have a chance to get loads of water in me. I am a cheater anyway, and I only record my lowest weight on MFP, so if I gained 1lb over easter, I wouldn't tell MFP that lol (but my Wii Fit knows my dirty dirty lies).
  • lensperry
    lensperry Posts: 29 Member
    I weighed myself after a little bit of a wild weekend. I like to see how the numbers respond to what I eat, whether it goes up or down. I also think that it keeps me in check, because I don't take the fluctuations for more than what they're worth unless the numbers continue to go up.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I weigh myself every day and log it in my excel spreadsheet, it's just more data. Today I'm up 2 lbs it will drop back down quickly. I don't put an emotional attachment to the number on the scale.

    I keep an eye on my general trend and as long as that's moving in the right direction it's all good, if it's not then I find ways to fix it.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    My scale is on my Wii Fit and it makes me weigh in if I want to do exercise/games on there, so I can't really avoid it! But I will weigh in tonight before bed so I have a chance to get loads of water in me. I am a cheater anyway, and I only record my lowest weight on MFP, so if I gained 1lb over easter, I wouldn't tell MFP that lol (but my Wii Fit knows my dirty dirty lies).

    I have a wii fit, and I don't have to weigh in every time I use it...just hit training, not body test. It takes you straight to the exercises...

    And yes, I usually still weigh after going over in calories, since I like to weigh every day, but I know that that days weight really isn't gonna stick around as long as I get back to my usual calorie goals. Weighing helps keep me in that frame of mind tho... :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Weighing helps stop me from turning one 'over' day into 2 or 3 or ... 6 months ...
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I weigh daily and keep a record without worrying about fluctuations. I expect to go up a bit all this week because I'm eating leftover ham. The extra sodium will cause some extra water retention. No problem.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Absolutey no way.
    I do not respond well to increases on the scale.
    You see so many people get on message boards who freak out by weighing themselves after a night out, or a bad day and just cannot emotionally handle it.
    Some of you obviously can, but many people cannot.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I also overdid it on Sunday. This morning I was up 3 lbs from my Sunday morning weight! I overate, but not that much. Find it motivating. Today I was thinking about having some high-sodium food, but since I know I'm already holding at least 2 lbs of water weight, I'm going to skip on the chips.
  • animalldy
    animalldy Posts: 140 Member
    No way! I wait about 3 days and then weigh in. I also do this following travel, a lot of pizza, wine, etc. I give my body time to adjust (water weight) so I don't mentally freak myself out, then I go back to daily weigh ins.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I actually do, and I make sure I do every time. It gives me an idea of my current "range of weight" since I tend to heavily fluxuate. When I log my weight on the website though, I take the average of my highest and my lowest that week.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I weighed myself after a little bit of a wild weekend. I like to see how the numbers respond to what I eat, whether it goes up or down. I also think that it keeps me in check, because I don't take the fluctuations for more than what they're worth unless the numbers continue to go up.


    I find it interesting the way exercise impacts the number on my scale in ways that food doesn't...and it all levels out in 2-3 days.
  • gwencakes
    gwencakes Posts: 15 Member
    NOW WAY! I'm waiting till Wednesday.
  • Dsanders460
    Dsanders460 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't usually weigh daily to begin with, however I did choose to weigh in this morning, just as a status check after my Easter Feast. While I do no know if I had lost anything since my last weigh in a few days before, I was happy to see the same number as my last official weekly weigh in :) Usually I do an official weigh in about every 7-10 days. Sometimes I will do a mid week checkup, however that weight is not usually recorded in MFP...
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Such as easter? I went over my calorie goal yesterday, and I'm scared to weigh myself.. even though I know I couldn't actually gain fat, it de-motivates me to see the scale numbers go up. plan on waiting until Wednesday or later to weigh myself again. What about you?

    I weigh myself every day :) I am debating going into maintenance but haven't yet until I decide whether to lose a couple more pounds. So I'll either continue losing or start reverse dieting later this week, one reason why I am weighing daily. I didn't go over my inteneded 1,400 calories but I gained a pound that I can attribute to the salt in the ham. Any weight you can from a one day feast is going to be undigested food or water gain. The extra calories will be absorbed over the week's calorie deficit so no harm done. You would have to eat at least 3,500 calories extra to gain 1 lb fat which is unlikely on a feast when already watching what you eat.
  • lavender101
    lavender101 Posts: 27 Member
    Yup. I mentally give myself a pep talk, knowing that it WILL be up, and that it's a mix of water weight, and undigested food. I don't record my weight until Friday, but I just like to see where I am so that I don't get lazy and continue "feasting" all week. If I see that the number is higher, it's a constantly reminder to me that I want to eat well and drink water in order to get it back to where I was before the large meal. I know weighing after a lot of food isn't for everyone, but I use it as motivation.
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    I did, and now I'm really depressed. I don't think I can handle doing that anymore! Although I guess it's kind of a wake up call
  • Kargicq
    Kargicq Posts: 72 Member
    MFPers seem to be either 'log every day! otherwise how will I know what the normal range of fluctuation is?' or 'log once a week! otherwise the numbers might actually go up!'

    I'm guessing that this is a personality thing. Personally, I'm in the first category, and log everything on an Android app which works out underlying trends. I like it.

    Personally, I've learned that I regularly repeat "lose for 3-5 days, then gain for 1-3 days" even if my calories and exercise stay fairly constant. This means that I don't worry about it when it happens.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I didn't go over my calories. Just had one portion of each item on the table then called it a day for food. It was hard, but this morning when I was lighter than yesterday it was well worth the extra hungry hours.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Yes. I weigh every day I'm at home, even if I can't log food every day. It's easier to see the underlying trend in the chart with as many daily data points as possible.