If you're looking for weight loss help read this..



  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    To quote you: "You can lie all day long on here, but the scale will tell the truth."

    I'd also like to point out that if people are here to lie then they could easily do so by filling in false information into their food and exercise diary. They could also fill in false numbers for their weight every week. I mean really. How would seeing other people's diary assure you they are being honest? This is the internet, for pete's sake.

    To attack others for their personal choices in this manner was completely senseless. Uncalled for. And very uncool.

    So there's the end of MY rant. BOOYAH!
  • peanut352
    peanut352 Posts: 75 Member
    To quote you: "You can lie all day long on here, but the scale will tell the truth."

    I'd also like to point out that if people are here to lie then they could easily do so by filling in false information into their food and exercise diary. They could also fill in false numbers for their weight every week. I mean really. How would seeing other people's diary assure you they are being honest? This is the internet, for pete's sake.

    To attack others for their personal choices in this manner was completely senseless. Uncalled for. And very uncool.

    So there's the end of MY rant. BOOYAH!
    Both of your post were very well said! I agree!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Honestly, I can see the original posters point in posting this, but the way it was brought up, to me was a bit rude. If the person really wants help with their journey, they would have things open for people to see, so that they could get help. It's almost like if you go to a doctor for a drug overdose, and won't tell them what you overdosed on, they can't help you and you're screwed. But that is that person's choice, and it should be left at that.
  • Raychel_xoxo
    I truely hope she comes back to read the responses and considers changing her attitude.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I truely hope she comes back to read the responses and considers changing her attitude.

    Honestly, when people see that no one agrees with their opinion, they either get a thorn in their *kitten* and rage or they bolt instead of facing the music. Usually, anyway. :wink:
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Honestly, I can see the original posters point in posting this, but the way it was brought up, to me was a bit rude. If the person really wants help with their journey, they would have things open for people to see, so that they could get help. It's almost like if you go to a doctor for a drug overdose, and won't tell them what you overdosed on, they can't help you and you're screwed. But that is that person's choice, and it should be left at that.

    I agree that if someone is here to seek help for how to make the right choices in a day, they might consider making their diary public. Or they could post a thread and ask for specific help.

    But the point of my long post up there is to help the original poster and anyone else realize that not everyone is here for that type of help and to get ugly or pushy about it is not necessary. I shared my story so that others can see, we all have a reason for the choices we make. Not everyone wants to have to share the reason for why they are private. And they shouldn't have to.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Honestly, I can see the original posters point in posting this, but the way it was brought up, to me was a bit rude. If the person really wants help with their journey, they would have things open for people to see, so that they could get help. It's almost like if you go to a doctor for a drug overdose, and won't tell them what you overdosed on, they can't help you and you're screwed. But that is that person's choice, and it should be left at that.

    I agree that if someone is here to seek help for how to make the right choices in a day, they might consider making their diary public. Or they could post a thread and ask for specific help.

    But the point of my long post up there is to help the original poster and anyone else realize that not everyone is here for that type of help and to get ugly or pushy about it is not necessary. I shared my story so that others can see, we all have a reason for the choices we make. Not everyone wants to have to share the reason for why they are private. And they shouldn't have to.

    I totally agree, and that was the point of MY post. lol I just have poor delivery sometimes. :blushing:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I shared my story so that others can see, we all have a reason for the choices we make. Not everyone wants to have to share the reason for why they are private. And they shouldn't have to.
    I like how you worded that. :smile:
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Honestly, I can see the original posters point in posting this, but the way it was brought up, to me was a bit rude. If the person really wants help with their journey, they would have things open for people to see, so that they could get help. It's almost like if you go to a doctor for a drug overdose, and won't tell them what you overdosed on, they can't help you and you're screwed. But that is that person's choice, and it should be left at that.

    I agree that if someone is here to seek help for how to make the right choices in a day, they might consider making their diary public. Or they could post a thread and ask for specific help.

    But the point of my long post up there is to help the original poster and anyone else realize that not everyone is here for that type of help and to get ugly or pushy about it is not necessary. I shared my story so that others can see, we all have a reason for the choices we make. Not everyone wants to have to share the reason for why they are private. And they shouldn't have to.

    I totally agree, and that was the point of MY post. lol I just have poor delivery sometimes. :blushing:

    I got what you were saying. I was agreeing with you. And I didn't think you had poor delivery. :)
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Deshaine, I do think you'll come back to read all this and I also think you will deeply consider all that has been said. You don't strike me as someone who would duck and cover after writing something so passionate. I respect your opinion but your post DID make me mad. As you can clearly see. I hope my posts can help you see things from a different point of view. That being said, if it doesn't change your mind I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree. :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Thanks, Bayoubabie98. I hope Deshaine is reading this, so she sees what people think about what she thinks. It might help her. :smile:
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    There are lots of people on there that really want to help you lose weight, but if your food diary is private makes us wonder how in the world can we help you? Why do you hide your food diary? What are you afraid off?

    I think it's funny that we go out in public and shovel food in our mouths like it's our last meal, we are not afraid to been seen gorging our selves and wearing clothes that don't actually emphasis the positive...

    But when we are surround by people who have been successful at losing weight we all of a sudden get all self conscious? Really? Come on people... There are days when you just can't, won't, don't stick to a rigid food plan... You can lie all day long on here, but the scale will tell the truth.

    If you SERIOUSLY want to lose weight...


    Face the problem head on and get SERIOUS!

    There... rant off. :flowerforyou:

    Wow, you seem to have lots of anger and issues towards people's choices.. Remember that this is a site to help each person by giving them the tools to get healthier.. As far as showing your diary or not is a personal choice. I think that if someone wants help with reviewing what they eat, they will ask and then make theirs public..Otherwise, it is none of anyone's business..
    Going as far as accusing people of cheating and getting so angry over it, is quite disturbing!!! May be you need to look deep inside you and find out what is making you so enraged. These are adults who decided to change their life style and get healthier and talking about cheating seems childish.. as far as falling of the wagon, it is very normal. We are all humans.. As long as you see it, realize it and deal with it, then life goes on and everyone is back on track..
    You seem to be consumed by the fact that you can't see what people are doing in terms of food and exercise!!! what does it matter to you anyway?!!! I would just throw your quote back at you: "Face the problem head on and get SERIOUS"
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Just to add my two cents.... I love when people have their diaries open, but just b/c I like to see what other people are eating & to get ideas. Obviously not everyone has them open, which is fine....I'll just find ones that are if I'm really that curious.

    I personally don't have a picture of myself as my profile pic, b/c I'd rather not post pictures of myself on the internet.

    If people want to criticize my diary when I don't ask for their opinion.... I'll either ignore it, or have a comment of my own in return :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I don't make my food diary public because it's no one's business what I'm eating.

    Yes, there are days that I go over my calories and days where I just don't log my food for whatever reason. But I don't need my food diary to be public to understand that I had (and still have some days) bad eating habits. I joined this site because I wanted the support of people who know what's it like to struggle with weight issues - not for someone to critique what I'm eating. I don't need someone to tell me what I should and shouldn't be eating. I'm not stupid, I didn't get to weigh 204 pounds because I ate salads. So far I've lost 43 pounds....in my opinion that alone shows I am "facing the problem head on and getting serious". Regardless of the fact my food diary is private.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'd just like to mention that last night ... i ate 6 90 calorie rice krispie treats *GASP*
    My diary is PRIVATE however, my diary proudly displays those 6 treats.
    The point of this post is to show that just because my diary is PRIVATE does not mean that it doesn't reflect what I've eaten.
    So saying that because it's private I'm not as serious, is completely FALSE! I'm accountable to MYSELF. I take accountability for what I eat whether or not people know about it. It doesn't matter, because this is all being done for me. Someone could just as easily leave out things on their journal when it is public. Do you think just because it's public that it's entirely correct? seriously? I think it would be MORE tempting to leave things out (fib a little) when it's public because people get embarassed knowing that others can see their mistakes loud and clear. Because mine is private, I feel completely comfortable enough to write what i TRULY ate whether it be a good choice or a bad choice!! My journal completely reflects what I've eaten therefore, so will my scale.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I'd just like to mention that last night ... i ate 6 90 calorie rice krispie treats *GASP*
    My diary is PRIVATE however, my diary proudly displays those 6 treats.

    OMG! NO WAY! :noway: You indulged in something and didn't TELL ME?!?! This is totally unacceptable. :bigsmile:
  • Raychel_xoxo
    I'd just like to mention that last night ... i ate 6 90 calorie rice krispie treats *GASP*
    My diary is PRIVATE however, my diary proudly displays those 6 treats.

    OMG! NO WAY! :noway: You indulged in something and didn't TELL ME?!?! This is totally unacceptable. :bigsmile:

  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    My diary is public, now. But when I first joined and made it public I got a lot of negative reactions and considered dropping the site and doing it on my own. Everybody has their own thoughts feelings situations, and any negativeity could seriously influence in a bad way someone who is just looking for some support. I don't even look at others food, if they ask for advice I will give it based on what they asked. Very few of us on here are professionals at this, so all advice given is based on personal opinion, we don't have to see what everyone else is doing. All of our bodies are different and we react to things differently, also some people have health issues and require a different type of diet than others. We all need to be understanding of each other.

    Personally I joined for support. I am not significantly overweight and recently learned I have Hypothyroid, so support is needed, not someone busting me for eating a friggin slim jim.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    I find it so sad that we can't seem to accept that everyone is different and has different ways of handling things. Hiding your diary doesn't make you a liar. Not having a profile picture doesn't make you a liar. We're all so different and will use this site in different ways to achieve our goals.

    I hope that everyone is ok xxx
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    The fact that you even have a choice to make it private or public says in itself that it is a personal choice. I do believe if folks are "asking for help" and their food diary is not public, then it is hard to provide useful advice. Maybe this is where the original poster was coming from (trying to be positive here :wink: ). BUT that said, private or public food diaries is a personal choice and we all have our reasons why we choose which one we do and this site is not meant to ostracize people into doing something just because that something makes sense to or works for you. Hoping we can all use this site to support and encourage one another and when advice is sought, that even then the advice given is sensitive to that person's efforts even if they don't match yours. Loving MFP. Stay positive folks!