Juicing, yes or no?



  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    I love juicing at home as I am not a huge fan of some vegetables and I find making mixed fruit/veg juices or smoothies means I can get those veggies into my diet in a way I find them much more palatable & actually enjoyable. I would definitely agree with other posts already made about not going on a juicing only plan or diet and just adding them as an additional part of your diet (making sure they fit into your cal allowance).
  • mynamealex
    mynamealex Posts: 26
    i dont think its good to go on juice diet, yet i personally get juice/smoothie every morning
    i even tried few smoothies with spirulina, not sure i loved it :/
    but as long as it mix with fruits, its ok...

    here what i tried: http://spirulinacenter.com/some-spirulina-recipes-you-must-really-try/