What is your WHY?



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Read, seen, heard, and learned. As I mentioned in my first post that started this all, I had read or heard Darren Hardy speak of how what drives us to accomplish something is not always strong enough, and until we have a better understanding of what we want, we will not push ourselves hard enough to reach it. So after that, I thought hard and really identified what it is that pushes me. Through discussions with other people, I have also learned that our reason why can change; that sometimes there is an even stronger reason for why we want to accomplish something than what we may have started with.
    I have only seen one TED talks, and it was on listening. LOL So I must be on the right path then :happy:
    So, you've been watching TED talks, eh?

    My mom was a health nut back when it wasn't cool. I grew up wit Jack LaLane on the tv every morning. I just grew into it. I took to it, my sister didn't. I don't know why I do it. I just do it.

    I have an inherent belief in being healthy. It's simple.

    So, you just made it up? Or, are you saying something you've read, seen, heard, or learned?
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    My "WHY". Living to see my 5 year old grow up and graduate and start a family of his own 8). Was always to tired to play with with outside or take him for a bike ride. Blood pressure is now lower for me too. BTW I'm 42, started 265lbs down to 196ish since February 2014.
  • mohesser
    mohesser Posts: 5 Member
    My WHY is like so many others, I want to be well again. In my fat family, I was always the thin one. Type II diabetes jumped over me and continued to plague all my siblings, yet I remained unscathed.
    After turning 50, the weight started o creep up, first 20 pounds that settled in on my thighs, then another 20. In the past year, I have gained 80 pounds. I was depressed, things happened that caused me to feel sorry for myself and to sit around and bemoan my sadness. BUT That's not me any longer! While I still don't have Type II, I'm afraid I'll get it if I stay the way I am. So, I'm determined to rid myself of my doubled weight. There, I said it! In the past three years I've doubled my weight.
    It has got to go!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I don't know. I really don't. I wasn't an unhappy fat girl.

    In October I woke up and decided to quit smoking - so I did. In April I woke up and decided I was tired of my belly - so here I am.

    Maybe that's weird? I'm sure there is some subconscious stuff going on there - but I'm not privy to it. I have a *really* strong will and once I've decided to do something, failure isn't even an option.
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    I want to look good. Who doesn't?
    And run faster and longer (running makes me feel great).
    I have a family history of colon cancer. There's nothing that can be done about genetics but eating healthy will help reduce my risk of getting the disease.
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    My why: to no longer feel completely and totally disgusting when I look in the mirror. It's been pretty motivating.
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    This post really made me think. I know why I started this journey but my reasons are slowly changing. When I first started I wanted to be skinny again. I wanted to be noticed, to fit in, to not do the "room scan" to see who the biggest person was. I know..not the best "why". Now I see myself getting fitter and mor disciplined and I'm realizing that the superficial stuff is just that..superficial. So my motivation now is to get fit so I can run a 5k and not be embarrassed of my time. Then maybe I'll run a longer race...who knows? The great thing is that I sweat every day...I feel that accomplishment. The desire to not be invisible is still there but I'm not invisible to the people who love me...I never was.
  • newmesmith
    My why....there's so many reasons. The biggest reason for me is to be healthy. After a recent dr appt, I know that I need to change my ways or pay with my life. At 31 years old, I'm high risk for a heart attack, my blood pressure is high and this is the heaviest I've ever been. Another reason, I want to start a family with my husband. And I don't want to be the fat mom that can't get on the floor to play with the baby, the mom who can't chase her toddler, or the mom who isn't at graduation because I had a heart attack. This world is a messed up place, the last thing I want is to leave my child(ren) motherless.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Why ?
    Wow. So many reasons.
    At first it was solely to see IF I could lose , was doubtful.
    Then as I started really changing the way I was eating I felt SO much better.
    I used to be tired all the time, had occasional dizzy spells, could not sleep on my right side because my hip was killing me, etc.
    I was pretty much in a depressed rut.
    I thought at age 55, it is what it is. Wrong.
    I now weigh what I weighed in my early 40's.
    And just recently find myself actually interested in trying to look nice. Clothes, jewelry, changing hair style...
    MFP has taught me so much about nutrition/eating right that I knew nothing about before.
    And best of all I know I will never go back to my old ways.
    Would like to drop 8 more lbs ...what I weighed in my 30's...
    What a happy day that will be !
  • beccaredE
    beccaredE Posts: 26 Member
    What is my why for losing weight and being healthy?
    -I want to fit in my nursing scrubs, I want to have more energy, I want to feel better physically and emotionally.
    -I don’t want to buy new clothes unless they are smaller.
    -I want to be a good example of health for my kids.
    -I want to be able to coach a cross country team like my Dad has, and look good while coaching.
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Love these responses.

    Fitness has always been important to me because I am a dancer. I have always enjoyed my body and treated it with love and care through fitness. A few years ago my children got to the age that I was when I was being severely abused by my former stepfather. For the first time, in all these years, I actually understood that what happened to me had not been my fault (children blame themselves and it's hard to undo what was taught so deeply). I started to get depressed. Things in my life were changing. I had a lot to think about. But, ultimately, even though it was difficult, it was a good thing that I could finally set myself free from blaming myself. I called the police and reported him. I went through a two year long investigation and legal process. And it was the day the prosecutors contacted me and told me they were taking the case that I went out and checked out all the gyms and fitness centres in my new area (I had moved). I joined the gym. I started lifting weights. I wanted to feel like myself again. And I wanted to feel strong in every way. And I am so glad I did that. Because I focused on that during the whole process. And when the whole process was over, even though aspects of it were devastating, there was not an additional loss of looking at my life and seeing wreckage because I had not allowed that to happen to me. I had made sure that I never lost myself in the process, that I was improving on myself and not letting myself go. And the outward was just a reflection of how I had not let go on any other aspect of my life or my life as a mother. When it was over, I needed to pick up a lot of pieces, but there were less pieces to pick up because I was in order. Now, it's just the continued work towards dancing that keeps me going.
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    Im currently in college and have a huge passion for the outdoors. That being the case, I have a lot of friends who want to spontaneously drive to the beach to go on runs in the sand, hike in the mountains, bike down long trails near campus, etc.
    I don't want my unhealthy weight to hinder my social and spiritual experience when nothing else is holding me back.
    I want these years to be the BEST years, not the ONLY years of my life!
  • Cookieman123
    Cookieman123 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow so many heart warming comments from such great people. Man if I wasn't such a selfish prick maybe I would find a better reason than just looking better so I can get laid easier.
  • WoodsieEarl88
    WoodsieEarl88 Posts: 6 Member
    My why is because I want to be healthy. I don't want to get winded trying to climb the stairs at work. I just want to feel good about myself.
  • mssweetchelle
    mssweetchelle Posts: 1 Member
    My Why? A lot of my family is overweight and I do not want to fall into that category. I want to remain healthy and wear 2 pieces at the pool or beach. Plus my wedding is around the corner and I want to look good on our honeymoon.

    I've always been into fitness and I honestly cant imagine life without exercising or being active (I dont have a choice since I work and live less than a half a mile from a gym).
  • SweetMaryAngel
    This is an amazing post!

    It's funny cause I was wondering the same thing recently, basically it comes down to wanting to be able to be fit, to not let my disability take control of my life. To prove to myself I can run, I can swim, I can keep up with my 4 athletic sisters. That nothing can hold me back if I simply put my all into it. And of course to look great in the cute dresses I love so much ^^
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    I made a choice to go to school to become a massage therapist, something I wanted for a long time but never wanted to get off my butt and do it. I wish I could be noble about my why and say it was for my family or not to turn out like my mom, but in reality it's largely because Massage takes a lot of work and clients are more likely to want a massage from someone who is healthy as opposed to obese. So, for now anyways, that's my why to succeed at my trade.
  • pythonesk
    pythonesk Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, you lost 159 lbs? Did you do it by sticking to the MFP recommendation? Or were you following low-carb, or low-fat....?
  • pythonesk
    pythonesk Posts: 20 Member
    Did you really get rid of your diabetes? You don't look old enough to have had it.