What is your WHY?



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    One of my Why's......So I can keep up with these kids :)

  • acia90
    acia90 Posts: 74 Member
    My whys:
    - joint pain, and ankle troubles!
    - more confidence about my appearance (and outta the awkward not quite plus size, but not quite regular size for clothes)
    - sexy lingerie :smile: and the confidence to rock it. And a boudoir photo session.
    - My overall health. Preventing as much as I can (diabetes, osteoporosis and a few other things run in my family).
    - to be healthy and have those habits established before trying for a baby in a couple years.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'll play.

    Why? Because I want the outside to once again match the perception I have of it on the inside.

    Why? Because the cognitive dissonance atypical BDD creates sucks eggs.

    Why? Because *you* try reconciling objectively knowing you are clinically obese and have ~100 lbs of excess body fat with your brain constantly subjectively pushing down you look fine (i.e., how you last looked almost a decade ago to the day now).

    Why? Because it makes weight loss kinda difficult.

    Why? Because you don't think of yourself as clinically obese and having ~100 lbs of excess body fat to lose when you are and do. And you can't rely on body/weight changes weight loss brings about as continued motivation/positive reinforcement because they just don't register since you already think you look fine 97-99% of the time.

    It's a viscous circle, I tells ya. :\
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Happy New Year! Ok, I'm a few days behind, but I can still say it. How was your holiday? Did you get to spend time with friends and family? I hope so. We did minus my brother in law. He is still in Afghanistan, but will be coming back stateside this month.

    So, it's a New Year, time for a NEW YOU right! You're probably getting tired of hearing that, but you know what, it's true. Time to take life by the horns and just go for it. What are your goals? WHY are they important to you? HOW do you propose to achieve them? WHAT is the final product you want to achieve? Now is your time. Write out your goals, put them up so you can see them everyday, and go for it!

    So please, share with me. I want to know. Lets do this together!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    One of the most common struggles I hear about from friends and family is that they don't have the time to exercise or meal prep. Hog wash! If you are telling yourself that, then I want you to seriously rethink that. How many times have you had to get something done before a trip or the end of the week, and you managed to get it done? How many times have you said I don't have time for this, but have time for that, but the "that" doesn't really assist you with achieving your goals?

    The truth of the matter is, you have the time, you just have to be willing to formulate a plan to make it happen, and then stick to that plan. We all have the same amount of time in a day, and there are those out there that get everything on their list done, and still have time for some "me" time. If they can do, if I can do it, then so can anyone else.

    Most of us on here are family folks. One, two, three or more kids. Throw in the cats and dogs, fish, aunts or uncles and you have a house full. Full time jobs, other extra curricular activities. The list can go on an on. Those windows of opportunity get smaller and smaller. But, if you schedule out the time you need, make it non-negotiable, and stick to it, you will find that yes it can be done, you still get your other chores done, and probably still have a little me time left.

    I have 3 kids. My girls are new teenagers. Yikes! So lots of drama there. I also have 2 dogs. My wife works full time, I work full time with a 1 hour commute, plus have a part time job as a coach. I still manage to get my workouts in 6 days a week, meal prep at least 2 times a week, and help get my kids to track, cross country, running club, archery, and gymnastics. I do end up sacrificing a little bit of sleep (I only get about 6 hours on average) but I make it work and still work towards my goals every day. You can too!

    So, the next time you tell yourself you don't have the time, is that really true, or just a smoke screen to hide you from doing what you need to do to accomplish what you want to do? Good luck today, and make every minute count!

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member

    70%! 70% of what you might be asking? 70% of people that start a fitness program, whether it be at home, in a gym, at a fitness club NEVER finish it! Can you believe that. 70%! That is amazing! Why do you think that is? Is it fear of the work, the commitment to go on, the uncertainty of what to do? How many on New Years Eve said "I am hitting the gym tomorrow" or "I'm starting a workout program tomorrow" or "I am going to start eating better tomorrow" and have fallen off that horse already? It's easy to do right! Maybe you don't have someone cheering you on in your corner, maybe your starting off with a program or regiment that is too tough, so you got discouraged and quit. Whatever the case is, DON'T QUIT! Find someone to support you, guide you, push you through that day and on to the next. That decision will change your life forever!
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Who is holding on to their New Years Resolution so far?
  • PanamaCaramelLatte
    PanamaCaramelLatte Posts: 21 Member
    My why? Honestly, I want to look good so that I can be 'good enough' to have a boyfriend someday. Hell, who knows..maybe a man will want to stick around to actually be a husband. It sucks being lonely, especially on Valentine's time...I see sweet 'couples' cards , and wish I had a boyfriend to buy a card for, or one to buy a card for me..then I remind myself that my ex's in the past never even bought me a card! LOL...Honestly, I guess I want to lose weight so maybe someday I can be good enough to be 'lovable'. 12 pounds down and a 70 year old guy gave me his business card at the gym parking lot, told me to call him, and said I was pretty. I guess I'm making progress.
  • jessicakahn606
    jessicakahn606 Posts: 230 Member
    My why is very similar to yours! Diabetes runs in my family and I am really trying to avoid becoming the next victim! For one I really hate needles so if I can loose the weight and improve my diet I will! I have tried a few times in the past but my why was never big enough! I tried to lose weight for everyone in my life besides myself and that never seemed to work! I have now found the guy of my dreams who loves me for me and doesn't care about my weight! It's like now I can see a future with a loving husband and kids! So now I have this strong desire to be healthy for my future life! I want to grow old with this man and I don't want my life cut short by something I could have changed now!
  • glitterrainn
    glitterrainn Posts: 73 Member
    edited January 2016
    Great post. I've made countless resolutions and have never stuck to them. Before I just wasn't motivated enough. The hype is in the beginning and then dwindles, even though the result is great! Sometimes I guess it get tedious and tiring doing the same thing over and over again. I hope that this becomes habit instead of "I must make myself work out today, track my food, and weigh everything out."

    I've lost 6lbs so far. Which is freaking awesome. I am so excited. I hope the scale keeps moving or at least my pant sizes ;).

    I did have a MFP before. I was working out with my husband. Then my husband went to Portland for work. We lived in PA at the time. When we were working out together he was still in school. I admit, I lost my motivation because he left. I was left with 3 kids by myself and was washed out doing everything by myself. Getting to the gym? No thanks, I was doing so much at home!

    Now that we are in a new place (we moved from PA to WA in 2014) and I had a baby in APril '15, my husband has motivated me again, he has lost almost 100lbs. I was a bit scared in the beginning because I am breastfeeding still and I didn't want my supply to drop. But I figured if I am eating healthier (or just eating at all, since somedays I simply forgot to eat) my supply would only get better.

    I've also noticed I was be an awful example to my children. My oldest is 12. He was 130lbs last year. He's dropped 12lbs just from playing basketball and making better decisions in the past couple months which made me so proud of him! He's inspired me to start eating better and losing weight and being a better example.

    My family also has hip problems. I'm 32. I'm starting to feel that. My right hip is giving me problems. I don't know if it's just bad genetics or my weight... or maybe a little of both. I'm also tired of being winded when I walk up stairs. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of when I look down I can't see my feet and I only see a fat belly. I want my boobs to stick out more than my stomach. I don't want to wear a size 16 anymore. I want to be able to go out and just buy stuff off the rack instead of rummaging through clothes, trying them on to see if it hides my stomach.

    This is a long post, I apologize. I should probably start a journal. I feel better getting that all out though.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My why? Honestly, I want to look good so that I can be 'good enough' to have a boyfriend someday. Hell, who knows..maybe a man will want to stick around to actually be a husband. It sucks being lonely, especially on Valentine's time...I see sweet 'couples' cards , and wish I had a boyfriend to buy a card for, or one to buy a card for me..then I remind myself that my ex's in the past never even bought me a card! LOL...Honestly, I guess I want to lose weight so maybe someday I can be good enough to be 'lovable'. 12 pounds down and a 70 year old guy gave me his business card at the gym parking lot, told me to call him, and said I was pretty. I guess I'm making progress.

    First off, and I hope I am not out of line here, but you are already good enough to be lovable. Your outside has nothing to do with that. You want to find a guy who will love and respect you for who you are. I know it is hard and can be lonely at times, but start telling yourself you are good enough for a guy to appreciate you and you will find that guy, and things will start to turn around. Belief and confidence is what you need. ;)
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    My why is very similar to yours! Diabetes runs in my family and I am really trying to avoid becoming the next victim! For one I really hate needles so if I can loose the weight and improve my diet I will! I have tried a few times in the past but my why was never big enough! I tried to lose weight for everyone in my life besides myself and that never seemed to work! I have now found the guy of my dreams who loves me for me and doesn't care about my weight! It's like now I can see a future with a loving husband and kids! So now I have this strong desire to be healthy for my future life! I want to grow old with this man and I don't want my life cut short by something I could have changed now!

    That is fabulous! Yes, trying to lose weight for others never benefits you. You have to want to do it for yourself. Yeah I want to stay healty and fit for my family, which sounds like that is for someone else, but in reality it is for me, because if I can not do that, then I will not be around for them. what is it that you struggled with in the past if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to answer here if you don't want. You can message me.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Great post. I've made countless resolutions and have never stuck to them. Before I just wasn't motivated enough. The hype is in the beginning and then dwindles, even though the result is great! Sometimes I guess it get tedious and tiring doing the same thing over and over again. I hope that this becomes habit instead of "I must make myself work out today, track my food, and weigh everything out."

    I've lost 6lbs so far. Which is freaking awesome. I am so excited. I hope the scale keeps moving or at least my pant sizes ;).

    I did have a MFP before. I was working out with my husband. Then my husband went to Portland for work. We lived in PA at the time. When we were working out together he was still in school. I admit, I lost my motivation because he left. I was left with 3 kids by myself and was washed out doing everything by myself. Getting to the gym? No thanks, I was doing so much at home!

    Now that we are in a new place (we moved from PA to WA in 2014) and I had a baby in APril '15, my husband has motivated me again, he has lost almost 100lbs. I was a bit scared in the beginning because I am breastfeeding still and I didn't want my supply to drop. But I figured if I am eating healthier (or just eating at all, since somedays I simply forgot to eat) my supply would only get better.

    I've also noticed I was be an awful example to my children. My oldest is 12. He was 130lbs last year. He's dropped 12lbs just from playing basketball and making better decisions in the past couple months which made me so proud of him! He's inspired me to start eating better and losing weight and being a better example.

    My family also has hip problems. I'm 32. I'm starting to feel that. My right hip is giving me problems. I don't know if it's just bad genetics or my weight... or maybe a little of both. I'm also tired of being winded when I walk up stairs. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of when I look down I can't see my feet and I only see a fat belly. I want my boobs to stick out more than my stomach. I don't want to wear a size 16 anymore. I want to be able to go out and just buy stuff off the rack instead of rummaging through clothes, trying them on to see if it hides my stomach.

    This is a long post, I apologize. I should probably start a journal. I feel better getting that all out though.

    No need to apologize. Thank you for sharing. Sometime simply writing it out helps put things in perspective and keeps you motivated and dedicated. I started and stopped so many times. But each time it got easier and easier, Now I am at the point where I exercise 5-6 days a weeks, sometimes doubles twice a week and feel great. If I miss a day (like today) I actually feel bad and out of sorts. But, I know it is only temporary and I will be back at it hard tomorrow. My kids get involved, so they motivate me as much as I motivate them, and the momentum just keeps going from there. I'm glad to hear you are making progress. Keep up the good work and reach out is you need to!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member
  • ladyzakis
    ladyzakis Posts: 14 Member
    Love this thread, I was asking myself this the other day because I have always started with good intentions which have dwindled too quickly, leaving me frustrated 6 months later that I've just gained more weight.

    Reading other forum posts inspired me recently. I'm not your typical overweight person, I don't look like my bmi is 30+, and I don't feel it day to day. But reading about other people's successes, and their joys at being able to go clothes shopping, made me realise something about myself. I used to enjoy shopping when I was 30lb lighter, about 4 years ago. I have always assumed that I'd gone off it because I'd 'grown out' of the fashiony shops, but actually it's because I currently don't fit nicely in nice clothes anymore. Now I think about it, I know I've had many upsetting changing room experiences where I can't do clothes up or I bulge out of them, which I've blamed on bad clothes but it's my body that's changed without me noticing. To add insult to injury, I used to have so many beautiful pairs of shoes which over a few years I've slowly donated to charity as they've become uncomfortable. Again, I have blamed age and lack of party girl stamina, but reading mfp forums has told me that it's actually my weight. So I have finally found my WHY, and having spent 3 years doing nursing training I now finally have money in the bank which I want to enjoy in part by having some new and fashionable clothes.

    I know it seems fickle compared to some other posts on here, but realising I have not been able to freely express myself and I don't enjoy something anymore that I always liked has been a shocking realisation
  • soxirishfan56
    soxirishfan56 Posts: 5 Member
    High blood pressure and heart disease run in my family. I want to be healthy to avoid that.
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    If only I had read this 15 years ago...

    I've struggled with my weight all my life. That's a fact.
    Nearly everyone in my family has heart trouble. That's a fact as well.
    I was eating healthy and was (mostly) active. Depending on how you look at it... that's a fact too.

    I've always failed at losing weight because I considered myself immune to the family health problems (no high blood pressure, no cardiac arrhythmia) and failed to place the blame where it belonged: on myself. After all, I was doing well with my 'little bit' of overweight... wasn't I?

    If I don't change something, I'll be the first person in the family to suffer from liver problems.

    I'd rather be remembered as the strange one who wasted all her time on learning languages for the fun of it (4 fluent, 3 in progress and as many as I can get in before I die planned).

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    ladyzakis wrote: »
    Love this thread, I was asking myself this the other day because I have always started with good intentions which have dwindled too quickly, leaving me frustrated 6 months later that I've just gained more weight.

    Reading other forum posts inspired me recently. I'm not your typical overweight person, I don't look like my bmi is 30+, and I don't feel it day to day. But reading about other people's successes, and their joys at being able to go clothes shopping, made me realise something about myself. I used to enjoy shopping when I was 30lb lighter, about 4 years ago. I have always assumed that I'd gone off it because I'd 'grown out' of the fashiony shops, but actually it's because I currently don't fit nicely in nice clothes anymore. Now I think about it, I know I've had many upsetting changing room experiences where I can't do clothes up or I bulge out of them, which I've blamed on bad clothes but it's my body that's changed without me noticing. To add insult to injury, I used to have so many beautiful pairs of shoes which over a few years I've slowly donated to charity as they've become uncomfortable. Again, I have blamed age and lack of party girl stamina, but reading mfp forums has told me that it's actually my weight. So I have finally found my WHY, and having spent 3 years doing nursing training I now finally have money in the bank which I want to enjoy in part by having some new and fashionable clothes.

    I know it seems fickle compared to some other posts on here, but realising I have not been able to freely express myself and I don't enjoy something anymore that I always liked has been a shocking realisation

    Thank you. Like you, I wasn't the typical overweight person. I only needed to lose about 20 lbs. But I knew if I didn't start when I did, I would only get worse and be more susceptible to diabetes.. Thank you for sharing.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    If only I had read this 15 years ago...

    I've struggled with my weight all my life. That's a fact.
    Nearly everyone in my family has heart trouble. That's a fact as well.
    I was eating healthy and was (mostly) active. Depending on how you look at it... that's a fact too.

    I've always failed at losing weight because I considered myself immune to the family health problems (no high blood pressure, no cardiac arrhythmia) and failed to place the blame where it belonged: on myself. After all, I was doing well with my 'little bit' of overweight... wasn't I?

    If I don't change something, I'll be the first person in the family to suffer from liver problems.

    I'd rather be remembered as the strange one who wasted all her time on learning languages for the fun of it (4 fluent, 3 in progress and as many as I can get in before I die planned).

    That's alright. You read it now, which means that this was the time in your life to read this. I'm glad it had some form of impact on you . Take that info now and run with it! Thanks for sharing.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,350 Member

    70%! 70% of what you might be asking? 70% of people that start a fitness program, whether it be at home, in a gym, at a fitness club NEVER finish it! Can you believe that. 70%! That is amazing! Why do you think that is? Is it fear of the work, the commitment to go on, the uncertainty of what to do? How many on New Years Eve said "I am hitting the gym tomorrow" or "I'm starting a workout program tomorrow" or "I am going to start eating better tomorrow" and have fallen off that horse already? It's easy to do right! Maybe you don't have someone cheering you on in your corner, maybe your starting off with a program or regiment that is too tough, so you got discouraged and quit. Whatever the case is, DON'T QUIT! Find someone to support you, guide you, push you through that day and on to the next. That decision will change your life forever!
    So true!