Insanity Workout



  • I'm on the last day of week two and loving it!!! I've lost 6lb since starting which I'm really happy with, I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow though!!!

    Congrats girl!
  • aynecia
    aynecia Posts: 11 Member
    Im a tad late!
    Just starting tomorrow. Insanity in the mornings and brazil buttlift at night.
    Add and message!!

  • Please add me! I just started yesterday and need some buddies to keep me motivated. As you see I'm new here so still don't know how to add new friends yet:)
  • Insanity is great!! I started insanity last year, after just 30 days i lost 2 sizes and 15lbs ( was also walking 14 miles ad day collectively to and from work). The important thing is to stay motivated and positive!! The first week will be hard, and you WILL be sore lol. But after the first week everything gets easier. In just two weeks i went from being able to do 1 push up to 15 in a row!! Pace yourself and try to keep up with Shaun as he switches exercises, but don't try to move as fast as everyone on the screen :) by day 30 you'll see a drastic difference in not just your size, but your muscle tone as well :) good luck!!