SBF2: Reboot boogaloo, Oct 11th

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving?

I did post late yesterday but nothing important. Another weekend of school finished - it's also too late to back out now. We lost one classmate to family issues last week. I'm not sure I like being the most flexible in the class - makes me a little self-conscious. I also corrected a teacher this past weekend (on the English translation of a pose, no big deal for the teacher to get it confused, but I can't believe no one else did - we had this for homework!) Were/are you guys quiet in the classroom?

Today - double yoga + walk.

Speak up people, boogaloo!


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, Canadian Thanksgiving.

    edited to add: Mary, I am and have always been a speaker upper in classes. This has always made me either the favourite of the teacher, or least favourite. I have always tended to ask, um, challenging questions. (that, in my youth, bordered on disrespectful due to my rebellious ways.)

    So, I have concrete goals for this week. It's a holiday week (so no school...yippee!) and I've re-tooled my workout plan a bit to give me more days to sleep in a bit. I think I'm tiring myself out with the alarm clock every single morning. Goals for the week are as follows:

    1. sugar today (I'm baking dessert, and I'm really good at that) and then no dessert until next Sunday (when I'm hosting a cupcake potluck {long story}. But, it's an important goal to have none in between. The sugar, it is my precious...and makes me cuckoo like gollum. Also, gutly.

    2. Workout six days: today I'll probably do a zumba DVD (I just housecleaned yesterday). Tues, is a day off due to super scary tests (I may try a yoga class if I'm out early enough), Weds is cardio salsa, thurs. I'm aiming for a double of spin/low key weights class (called "stretch and strength"), Fri is either a trainer session or a walk, Sat is Zumba and Sun is Zumba. It's my goal to mix some spin back in. My ankles/feet are starting to say "hey, that's too much lateral movement, sister" from using dance as my exclusive cardio.

    3. Greens every day. Period. The end. Eat my darn greens. I purchased two huge bunches of dinosaur kale and fruits for green smoothies...which are my new post workout snack.

    Whew, that's plenty, I think. Also, daily project work (except today, when I am too busy being thankful :wink: )

    Big goals, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66

    crazy CRAZY hormone and stress ridden week last week....only really good thing is I had one decent walk in the park.

    I'm hoping this week is more orderly. Overall I think I've only managed to cut down on cheese (a big weakness). I woefully missed having my kale milkshakes this past week...too much chaos..couldn't get it together. Anyway, had one yesterday and will have another today.
    I notice that people track weightloss here. I know that it can be satisfying to see the numbers go down, but for me it's too loaded with emotion..I've been overweight my ENTIRE life and have had enough of weighing my worth on a always seemed to come down to that for me. For me it's more rewarding to count how many km of walking I did or how many green monsters I managed.

    This weekend a friend said I was looking healthly and even slimming down (?) I don't see it at all, but let's hope it's happening in some capacity.

    This week I have to work on my flexibility. Going to do my Yoga dvd each day and walk at least 30 min a day. I may also climb some stairs in my apartment building.
    Also been thinking about making a giant salad (a la viviakay) for suppers or latenight munchie attacks. Before bed is the worst time....I want to much on sugar and need to find an alternate, I seem to need to munch something.

    Canadian Thanksgiving today.... I'm thankful for my health, my friends and for the people here. Let's all keep on keeping on.

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Mary, I do not speak up...anywhere. :laugh: I'm getting better about it, but I'm very quiet...except on here.

    Vivia, sugar is my precious too.

    SMJ, Hope you have a smooth orderly week ahead of you. :flowerforyou:

    I am feeling better today. I'm not miscarrying so that was a relief. I am still bleeding and cramping but it's getting a little better. At least a feel a little more human today. Steve said I have more color in my face. I have a little more energy so I am going to try to get my usual work out in. If I can't finish that's okay. I just haven't worked out in two days and I'm starting to feel blah in that regard. We walked last night and that did wonders for me.
    Tomorrow is the day! Getting excited! We will go to horse therapy as usual and if we are feeling okay then we will go to the state fair for a couple of hours. By then I think we will have heard something. :happy: Then the craziness begins!
    Goals for the week: Uh, not sure. Depends on the craziness. Work out an hour a day as long as I feel up to it. Clean house, log food, drink water, pack?, stay sane!

    Getting back to it boogaloo!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all! :flowerforyou:

    MM: I can't wait to hear what happens tomorrow! I am glad that you are feeling better! I hope that continues! :love:

    Up a bit on the scale but not a whole pound and the way I have been eating it should have been much more.....

    Back to the drawing board boogaloo! :tongue:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Update: I am feeling SOOO much better! I don't know that I am out of the woods yet, but wow. I got a normal work out in today, even though I wanted to take a nap.
    I can also tell I'm feeling better because I am really excited about tomorrow! :bigsmile: Yesterday I couldn't even think about it. I'll let you all know something when I find out!
    Butterflies in my tummy boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hope you hear news soon, MM!

    I'm in a weird getting up early sleeping pattern. I'm hoping to use the time wisely. hmmm. So far, I've watched youtube and gone on Facebook. hmmm.

    Today is walking day with maybe a little yoga.

    Redefining wise, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    MM...can't wait to hear what you hear and what you will do next!

    I'm a bit bundle-nervy today. It just sank in that it's less than a month until my super-major exam presentation. So, that means working every single morning, without exception and staying on target. My urge is to send an email and say "I need more time!". But, the truth is, I don't. What I need to do is prepare in the time I have, suck it up and just do it. Timidity, I have it. But, as I keep reminding myself by shouting it out loud periodically, "This is my year, dammit!" I swore to myself I'd be well involved in writing my dissertation by my 40th birthday, which means I have exactly six months. This. is. my. year. (dammit).

    Other than that today, I'm thinking about picking up a weight here at home (or even two) and then doing a flexibility yoga practice. It's supposed to be a day off, but I want to feel a bit centered. Last night I had thanksgiving dinner, and didn't drink at all, and today I feel hungover. I have a sugar/refined wheat hangover. I feel dehydrated, cranky, I overslept and I'm bloated. Fun. And interesting.

    So, today is: work in the a.m, a weight to see how the shoulder feels, stretchy yoga with a long savasana, a green smoothie, and a CT scan. That seems like a full enough day.

    Not digging the doctor, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, hope the CT scan goes well!
    Mary, hope you have a great day!
    Mummsy, check in regularly! We'll help you stay on track! :flowerforyou:

    No news yet. I've been a nervous mess this morning, lol. We didn't sleep well last night. Both of us had upset stomachs. Go figure. :angry: I barely ate breakfast and just gobbled down half the lunch I usually eat. I can see I'm already going into that "I'm too nervous to eat" mode. I hate it. I don't know why I have to do that. It actually runs in the family. It's called the Maris stomach. I want to overcome it though and not live in fear.
    It's been nice to have Steve home today. We feel like it's Saturday. (Mary I almost said I hope you have a great Saturday. :laugh: ) We went to horse therapy and ran a few errands. In a few minutes we are planning to go to the Big D for the state fair. Bring in a Dr.Pepper can and get in for $3. :happy: Otherwise we wouldn't go. So hopefully there's lots of walking involved.
    Well, we just got an email from the agency. We've been delayed. :frown: They matched us up with a girl, but they just found out she has hepatitis. So now we have to wait another week. They only do referrals on Tuesdays. At least it's only a week, but still.... I won't post anything else right now because I'm kind of bummed. I feel the need to rearrange my thinking. lol.
    Oh well, we can relax and go to the fair and have a good time. :smile: It's all in God's timing. He has a reason. At least maybe by then we will start feeling better.
    Waiting some more boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    All went smoothly yesterday, so now it's back to waiting. I'm getting good at waiting. MM, we could start a club. The "being taught to wait" club, or something.:heart:

    Today, it's a cardio salsa class in a half an hour, followed by working on my presentation, followed by a trip to the acupuncture lady, as I call her (or the "poker", alternately:wink: ). Other than that, it's probably a trip to the market(s) and then a quiet night. I had no idea how stressed out I was about yesterday (I have major issues with hospitals...I have major issues.:tongue: )

    Did good on the goals yesterday, too. Got greens in (a giant salad), drank my waters and even got a workout (a short weights circuit followed by a yoga DVD).

    Read a very interesting article summarizing a study on willpower yesterday. It said that the best way to decide not to do something is manufacture an "if/when, then" statement. "If I am asked if I want dessert, then I will order a coffee" for example. Or "When I am finished working, then I will go to the gym". Apparently, this works better on our brains then "i should...." Our brain has a limited capacity for "shoulds" apparently. Makes sense to me. So, last night at dinner I said out loud "when we are finished with dinner, then let's go get a coffee instead of gelato." That way, we had the experience of hanging out a little bit more, without the gelato. I am intrigued....

    If I feel like pouting, then I will boogaloo, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, I will join your if/then pouting club. :wink:
    Mary, how was your weekend?
    Where is everybody else? CP, Bobbi, Mummsy, WL, SMJ?

    I admit I'm still bummed, but when I think that tomorrow is Thursday then next Tuesday doesn't seem so far away. Steve and I are both bummed for the same reasons. One of them being that now we have another week of the daily grind. Maybe we just need an extended vacation. :tongue: Going to Russia to meet a child is not a vacation by any means, but it does get us out of the norm.
    We did have a good time at the fair. We avoided ALL fair food, which in the end made us tired and cranky. We didn't have enough time or money to do all that we wanted too but we saw some shows and Alex got to ride a couple of things. He's hardly ridden any rides before so that was neat to get him on a couple.
    On the way home we stopped at Subway and I ate a six inch. I feel like crud this morning. It may not be wholly the wheat. I have a headache that I am sure came from dehydration, but I'm also cranky and sleepy/hungover. Steve felt bad and said I should have said something last night. Well, I did but I also didn't want to be a pain. I will not completely stop eating wheat, but I am glad to see I can limit it to once every ten days or so. Steve's stomach has been more torn up since I took wheat out of our diet. He had a sub last night and he said it settled his stomach. Of course. I can't/shouldn't eat it. So I am going to try to get more wheat in his diet and still keep it out of mine. I may get some Ezekiel bread so I can have sandwiches this week.
    My big goal today is to get this house cleaned up. If I accomplish nothing else, then fine. Oh and make a grocery list. If I don't run out of energy I will work out (a walk and upper body taebo). And lots and lots of water today. Last night I drank 32 ounces before going to bed and I only had to get up once to go to the bathroom. :noway: No wonder my head hurts this morning.
    There's my novel for the day.

    No wheat (pout) boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    If/then is very intriguing. If I make fudge today, I will have some to take to class this weekend - see, I'm good at it already.
    Sorry about the delay, MM. Which hepatitis? Would make a huge difference, though I don't see how a little girl would get "C", except maybe from the birth mother.

    I have teaching and taking yoga today as well as a bike ride in this lovely weather we are having again. Ragweed is down in the medium range, so that's good enough for me.
    I ended up going to a yoga class yesterday morning. I told Charlie my psoas was sore. He said, "you have a sore so *kitten*?" I found this infinitely amusing, though I don't think it's translating to text quite as well.

    If I go to yoga /then I will boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    A little gem I read today:
    "Our body, more than anything else, has a tremendous impact on how we feel, and even how we think. What far too few people realize is that tiredness, fatigue is like poison to our body, our mind, and soul. It's not just that it makes you feel crummy, it makes you think differently, and as my little airport incident shows, it makes you experience events differently. A lot of wrecked marriages, wasted lives, and untold human suffering could be avoided if people would realize this simple truth."
    for the whole story
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning. :yawn:
    Other than feeling unenergetic (blaming low iron) and groggy, I am feeling much better today. I hope it's not a fluke. I so want to be over this. My weight is stuck (actually "feel" bigger) and I guess it's because I haven't been able to work out as much. I got a couple hours of cleaning done and didn't eat much yesterday. So it wasn't a lot of movement.
    Today is grocery shopping (still have to finish the list) and then if I am not worn out I will work out this afternoon. I'd like to take Alex out on the tricycle again this evening since it's going to be a gorgeous day. I made Steve biscuits last night and I've been able to resist them. If I keep in mind how wheat makes me feel then I really don't want it, but I think I will have to be reminded every once in awhile. :tongue: Really wanting a burger or steak (sorry Mary). I know it's the low iron speaking, so I am taking supplements.
    Hoping for energy today boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs!

    I just slept, straight through for 11 hours. Feel much better now. I think that may be the first sleep straight through the night I've had in about two or three weeks. That acupuncture, interesting stuff.

    Today is an ambitious day for me, as I'm trying to do evening workouts twice a week now, and today is the first day of that. They finally (after mine and some other people's begging) structured a decent "double" of spin + a yoga or mellower class (they had them in the opposite order before). So, tonight is spin followed by "stretch and strength" (actually a great, super slow motion class that is all about form. She only lets me use 4lb weights and I feel it for days.) I'm a bit nervous because I literally cannot remember when I last took a spin class.

    Other than that, it's a trip to the dentist (bleargh.) and a trip to the produce market. I'm putting a stew into the crockpot this afternoon so that food is waiting the second I get finished working out. Also, project work and practicing. I'm busy. (but my energy is pretty level, so hooray!)

    When it is getting dark outside, then I will go work out.:wink:

    Level energy, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    After reading V's blog, I think I will post my daily food intake here. I'm not going to measure, but I just want to see what accountability is like again - if my food is out on the internets... I did have to change that first sentence - I originally said "meals" instead of "food" hmmm. So here is yesterday:
    Breakfast - very little variation - shredded wheat, strawberries, skim milk, honey. Two double espressos with 2 cups of skim milk total.
    Mid-morning snack - 2 whole wheat current muffins - my own recipe
    Lunch - buckwheat sobe noodles with a bunch of broccolini, tamari, sesame oil, and sesame seeds
    Mid-afternoon snack - 9 grain english muffin with butter
    Dinner - Ethiopian stew with whole wheat pita (stew is carrots, potatoes, and garbanzo beans - awesome and wheat & meat free!)
    10% food - brownie - I get it locally and don't believe the ingredients - no sugar or fat added? hard to believe if you tasted one

    bonus - did not have a piece of fudge - did taste it though

    taught 90 minutes of yoga - I don't really count this, but it is something
    walked 3.4mph for 45 minutes
    90 minute yoga class

    Today's plan - walk and ride bike.

    Accountability, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Ethiopian Stew recipe, please.:heart:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member

    I leave out the salt, cayenne, and ginger - but that's just my taste. I think the ginger would be good, but I can't handle the heat :ohwell: Whole Foods has some wonderful recipes!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, that is probably on the menu for next week. I will use all the ginger, as it's the damp/chilly time of year. Lately, I crave spicy. I have never in my life done that before, but lately, I crave super spicy things...weird.

    Last night, the spin/stretch & strength combo was awesome. I expected to die in the spin class, since I haven't been since (about) May, but I was amazed at how much stronger Zumba has made me. Progress! I love it when I get a pleasant body surprise. Also, the mellower class following it put me in a good place for relaxing time. I'm excited to try and do this double (only on Tuesday it's yoga afterwards) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Help me to remember this, ladies...please.

    Today is a scheduled recovery-type day, so I'll go for a walk if it's not raining this afternoon, probably home from my downtown appointment. I need to keep my legs moving, as they're sore and stiff. Other than that, it's practising some Bach (hi, SJ:wink: ) and maybe some housecleaning. I have a fridge full of leftovers, so no need to shop. I've been a cooking machine this week.

    stronger than I think, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good for you V! Glad you had a good class yesterday.

    I feel like I need more accountability too Mary. I haven't been 100% on my logging either the last week or so. Most of that's due to not feeling good and not having time.

    Bible study this morning. After that, lunch, cleaning and a work out of some sort. I feel like I am gaining. I think it's carbs. I've been craving them. :ohwell: (This a "bummer" face, not an "oh well" face.) Must log food and drink water today!
    Just a few more days and we'll once again get news from Moscow. I so often wonder if this will ever have a conclusion...and a good one at that.
    Still not convinced I didn't miscarry either. I don't know if I will ever know and I don't really see how it matters. Obviously it's sad if I did but I don't feel that I can mourn over it if I don't know that it happened. It would be #4. :frown: I hope to get to the doc one of these days. Everything, especially financially, has been hinging on getting the adoption finalized.
    Oh and I found rat poo in the cat's water dish this morning. :noway: Not cool.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    You know your cat is not a mouser when...
    maybe it's residual? Hope so.

    Yesterday's food:
    B: same - shredded wheat, strawberries, honey, skim milk, two double espressos with skim milk
    L: apple, pear, cheese, peanut butter, english muffin with butter
    snack: ak maks with butter
    D: salad with carrots, celery, cheddar, & croutons, half a taco shell, one piece of fudge with extra peanut butter
    ex: 90 minute walk

    I got my sequences written up for the mental health classes. I will have them checked over by my teacher.

    Today: teach yoga, then walk tonight. Workshop tomorrow!

    Yoga, yoga, and more yoga, boogaloo!