SBF2: Reboot boogaloo, Oct 11th



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    That is unfair, MM. You should no longer be a rodent hotel. Blergh.

    Busy (frankly overwhelmingly) busy day today. I have a lot to get accomplished, and nearly all of it is very time sensitive. I just have way too much going on right now. I have to keep reminding myself that this is temporary, and in just a few weeks, it will be over. Then I think "ZOMG! in a few weeks it will be over means I have to present in a few weeks!" and, the anxiety cycle starts all over again. Oof.

    Today, I have to clean up, shop and bake for tomorrow (I'm having people come over) and then get some music more or less learned, and work on my presentation, and finish my grading pile (so that I can figure out how to record it in the current system...I have to re-learn this for every new prof I work for) and get some other stuff organized. And workout (11 a.m. Zumba).

    That. is. enough.

    Too much is enough, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    My day sounds so much better, V. :flowerforyou: Drive to San Antonio, attend a day long workshop, drive home, eat, go to bed. It's one of my favorite teachers, so I'm very excited. Fudge is all ready - oh, I didn't mention about the fudge. Last workshop he said, "you may have to fudge it...and when I say fudge, I want you to think chocolate". So I thought chocolate.

    B: same: shredded wheat, strawberries, honey, skim milk, 2 double espressos + skim milk
    L: macrobiotic place: brown rice, adzuki beans, beets, carrots, kale with almond sauce - then some nuts
    S: baked apples
    D: another veggie gluten free thing: quinoa with black beans, carrots, celery, olive oil, and sesame seeds. Piece of fudge with extra peanut butter
    ex: taught yoga, 35 min walk

    Just fudge it, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    V, reading about your day made me tired. :wink:
    Mary, hope you have a good weekend in SA! Wish I was there. I miss my fam. :frown:

    Trying to get my butt off the couch to go for a walk. Steve wants to roller blade. I don't know if I have the energy to go more than ten minutes. Plus I'm scared I might fall on my butt. Been there, done that, still paying the price. It's a good calorie burn, even for ten minutes though. I feel like I haven't worked out in days although I have. It's just been sporadic. I am ready to feel myself again and get back on track. Thankfully I haven't gained any weight back, but I haven't made much progress.
    No plans today. We might go out to dinner with friends (so maybe I should go roller blade!) tonight. It's kind of nice to have a day to do whatever, though so far it has meant being on the computer. Getting off now. Hope you all have an awesome weekend!

    Just a few more days boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    We went roller blading for an hour! I can only count maybe half an hour because a lot of that was waiting on Alex to catch up on his trike. I would have gone longer because my legs weren't tired but my skates hurt my feet. :frown: I'll have to get new skates or inserts. It would be nice to go out with just me and Steve because then we can go faster. May have to make a date out of it. :tongue:

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    new blog, boogaloo.

    Also, great job on the rollerblading, MM. I used to love it. I sold them when I moved north, and keep thinking about a new pair...
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Quick post. Suppose to be leaving in 45 minutes for church and I'm nowhere near ready. :noway:
    There's a fellowship lunch after church which will go well into the afternoon (and I'm wondering how I am going to avoid wheat and/or dessert.). Then after that we are going to change a fuel pump on a friend's truck. :bigsmile: What a good day this will be! :tongue:
    Hope you all have an awesome day!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Today is another semi-busy day:

    baking (gotta get right to this...I wanted to start yesterday, but was frankly afraid I'd "sample" too many of my treats). I'm making gluten free, refined sugar free (agave) "cinnamon bun muffins". I'll report back and post the link if they turn out well,

    Zumba with my fave. teacher,

    a meeting of my newly formed "PhD completion support group" (which said muffins are for),

    and then project work. I'm really feeling the crunch time on this one. I'm trying to balance it, so that's it's encouragement to do my work and not encouragement to wake up at 3 a.m. and panic. Current rule is "no panicking."

    No panicking, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I used to roller skate as well - it's actually how I started in yoga. I fell (and them someone fell on top of me, jamming my elbow, then I wore it in a sling because it hurt so much). I did physical therapy for 6 weeks, but my elbow wouldn't straighten all the way, so I started yoga. But I did enjoy it :tongue:

    B: shredded wheat, peaches, skim milk, sugar, two double espressos with skim milk
    S: 2 whole wheat current muffins
    L: leftover quinoa salad
    D: PB&J on ak mak on the way home from workshop
    2 pieces fudge
    ex: 5.5 hour workshop - really should only count 4 hours - there was alot of explaining

    Today - teach yoga. I need to go to the store, so I might ride my bike there. I dislike going to the store on weekends. Ragweed is high again though :explode: it so needs to stop. I'm also thinking a house cleaning is in order. Charlie is out of town, so any mess will be mine alone. I should work on my home practice as well (yoga). I will be good for me. I need to organize it all, or I will just goof off all day.
    After yesterday's workshop, I'm having more dreams about doing a week in Dallas. This teacher is quite good.

    CP, where are you?

    Dreams of big D?, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    report back: muffins sub par (not bad...just not as good as other things from her website). I think they need butter to really feel/taste like cinnamon rolls. Grapeseed oil is like a dry fat, if that makes sense. . .

    They're alright, just not "wow. I can't believe this is not terrible for me." They taste more like "ah, these are pretty not terrible for me, aren't they?"

    Ah well, back to the cutting board....
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey, all. :flowerforyou: Sorry I've been MIA this week. I was really down last Sunday, and it took me a while to recover my mood. Also, very busy at work. I got in all my workouts, though, so I feel good about that. I have been thinking alot about my feet/ankles, and how I am going to get back to running. I might try doing a barefoot "couch to 5k" - basically, assume I am just starting from scratch, and need to go really really slowly. But it is really easy to go into pouty mode - I think I am flirting with plantar fasciitis in my right foot, and still have the tendinitis on the left ankle, and I just feel like, "I'm broken, this is never going to work, I'll never be able to walk or run normally." It's also frustrating because I have a hard time telling if I am overdoing it until a day or two later. (The analogy I've been using is I have to wait for the letter overseas from my feet to find out if I screwed up or not.)

    MM, I hope your wait is nearly over. V, sounds like you have a LOT going on - don't forget to give yourself a break if you need one. Mary, I've been thinking about you since I've been dragging myself out of bed for yoga twice a week. The teacher is OK, but the class is highly variable. I keep finding myself sore in random places, though, so that's probably good. :wink:

    Logging my food is such a drag - my food is so varied (especially dinner) that it seriously can take me an hour to do it. Maybe I will go Mary's route and just post it. As you'll see, I've been pretty loosey-goosey this weekend! :noway:

    B: running late, so I got a dunkin' donuts egg&cheese wake-up wrap. not that great, but better than a donut. :ohwell:
    L: leftovers from mexican - half an avocado stuffed w/black beans, side of beans/rice
    D: slice of pesto pizza
    snacks: apples and cheese, a few tortilla chips, a couple of Coronas (they did happy hour at work)
    exercise: gym (35 mins elliptical + assisted pullups)

    B/L: creamy tomato soup + greek salad at panera
    snacks: a couple of hubby's onion rings from BK, an apple, probably an ounce or two of kettle chips (finishing a bag I bought last weekend when I was feeling sorry for myself)
    dinner: Tried a new veggie-friendly restaurant! Split an order of "cigarillos" - kinda like eggrolls with buffalo-style tempeh and cheese inside, then had 3 tacos with tofu, red cabbage, pico and guac. Oh, and a "Java head" stout - brewed with coffee beans.
    dessert: lemon cream cupcake (so good)
    exercise: walking around the park for an hour or so, mostly barefoot - we wandered into both a rowing regatta and a cross-country race, so that was fun.

    Other notable exercise from the week -
    Mon: zumba
    Tue: yoga, belly dance
    Wed: none, we went to see SYTYCD show
    Thu: yoga, gym (35mins elliptical + assisted pullups, one lap on the treadmill trying to take 180 steps/min)

    It's a beautiful fall day, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:

    P.S. V, can you share the willpower link? I definitely feel like "shoulds" don't work so well for me - I need to have a plan (which is kinda like what the "if/then" strategy sounds like).
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Sorry, I get excited when you post. :wink:

    Here's the article link. Pretty interesting stuff, I think...