Cheat weekends



  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Well that's going to be different for each person. The term "dieting" is old fashioned and generally not used by most in the fitness industry. "Eating clean" is just a term used when speaking about making changes in your diet towards a healthier lifestyle.

    "eating clean" seems to be a undefinable term.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I think cheat was the wrong word. I don't mean cheat as in eat crap. I will eat relatively well every day but I will still have chocolate if I fancy it on a weekday (IIFYM style).

    What I meant was is it ok to eat more on weekends and less on weekdays? Because that's what I seem to be doing naturally.

    This is how I have been maintaining my weight loss for almost two years. It's worked just fine for me, in terms of (1) weight maintenance; (2) adherence to a long-term maintenance plan; (3) sanity.

    I can't log every day. It would make me insane. But I can log a deficit 5 days a week easy, even including daily chocolate and other treats, and I have no problem adhering to my plan knowing the weekend is "free".

    While losing weight, I had 2-3 "free" days a month. Never once impacted my progress, because I was gooooooood the rest of the time. No problem getting back to it the day after a free day.

    Just my method, and it's been pretty successful for me. there's a reason I've been at this for 1043 consecutive log-ins :)