Who on here is gay/bisexual? :)



    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Why do gay people feel the need to advertise the fact?

    1) You can quite easily avoid all gay pride if it irks you. When you see rainbows, go the other way. When you see gay threads, don't click them.

    2) Why do (a lot) of straight men feel the need to have posters of sexy women on their walls?

    3) Why do (a lot) of straight men comment on women sexually that they don't know at all (e.g, she's hot, smacking women's *kitten*, 'i'd **** her til she couldn't walk, etc)

    4) What is so perverse about a group of people who you don't know, and who don't care to know you, discussing their common sexuality for a sense of community and belonging? It's no different than "Who likes chess?" - it has NOTHING to do with you, it effects you in NO way, and you SELECTED to be in this thread to view 'advertising.'

    5) Why do (a lot) of straight women go to bars and throw scenes when men start stripping?

    6) Why do (a lot) of straight women frolick around men like little lovey-doves?

    7) Why do people flirt?

    8) It's none of your business, if you don't like it, go away.

    Well I happen to be heterosexual and your 2-7 are just as objectionable to me as gay people flaunting their preferences.Bad behavior is bad behavior. I have no interest in hearing about or seeing anyone's sexual behavior which should be a private matter.

    Wait, what? So if I say I'm bi, that's "flaunting", not just stating a fact? And anything non-hetero is automatically objectionable and "bad behaviour"?? So what you're saying is, you're not a very good person.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Why does everyone have to go around throwing labels on everything?

    How does what other people do in terms of labeling their sexuality affect you?

    How does my asking an obviously rhetorical question affect you?

    Oh, that was being obvious?

    Was it not obvious?

    Not unless obvious is synonymous with ambiguous.

    I suppose in some alternate universe it wouldn't be obvious. Probably in the alternate universe of MFP where everything is deadly serious and literal.

    > The opportunity to make ambiguously gay duo joke.

    > Your head.

    Don't quit your day job

    You assume I work.

    lol - touché :drinker:
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    My first long term relationship (over a year) was with a woman. My current long term relationship is with a man. I'm not really attracted to strangers, men or women. I've never seen a picture of someone and thought, "I would love to sleep with that person." I only get that sexual desire after I know for a fact that the other person wants me in some way. Maybe this phenomenon has a name. If it does, I've never taken the time to figure it out. The fact that I'll have sex with either a man or a woman seems to make me bisexual though despite the fact that the label means little to me or the person I'm with.

    there IS! it's "demisexual" the actual definition is: label used by people in the gray area when they can only feel sexual attraction after having a strong emotional bond with someone.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Why does everyone have to go around throwing labels on everything?

    I like it because it makes you so obviously uncomfortable.

    It takes a lot more than that to make me uncomfortable, but thanks for reading so much into that silly, rhetorical and nearly meaningless question.

    It's clear how little you care by your constant posting and replying. Not to mention posting in the thread in the first place. Clearly you are entirely unaffected and above all of it.

    Now hit refresh again. Because you don't care.

    I will agree with you though, what you post is silly and meaningless.

    You seem angry. Not sure why. I didn't say that I didn't care, only that I'm not uncomfortable. Believe it or not I do care. Strongly. Probably not the way you think either, as you seem to have assumed quite a bit about me, but it's interesting how such a silly statement can illicit this kind of response.

    I know, right? It's like you say something that homophobes say all the time, and people just assume you agree with them! Crazy.


    Homophobes question labels all the time? Really?
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    My first long term relationship (over a year) was with a woman. My current long term relationship is with a man. I'm not really attracted to strangers, men or women. I've never seen a picture of someone and thought, "I would love to sleep with that person." I only get that sexual desire after I know for a fact that the other person wants me in some way. Maybe this phenomenon has a name. If it does, I've never taken the time to figure it out. The fact that I'll have sex with either a man or a woman seems to make me bisexual though despite the fact that the label means little to me or the person I'm with.

    there IS! it's "demisexual" the actual definition is: label used by people in the gray area when they can only feel sexual attraction after having a strong emotional bond with someone.

    Well then. Consider me duly informed. My SO will get a giggle out of that tonight. I'm going to go ahead and change it to demigod though. I don't want to go full god because that would be overdoing it. Or maybe demisexualgod? Hmmm. Things to ponder.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Why do gay people feel the need to advertise the fact?

    1) You can quite easily avoid all gay pride if it irks you. When you see rainbows, go the other way. When you see gay threads, don't click them.

    2) Why do (a lot) of straight men feel the need to have posters of sexy women on their walls?

    3) Why do (a lot) of straight men comment on women sexually that they don't know at all (e.g, she's hot, smacking women's *kitten*, 'i'd **** her til she couldn't walk, etc)

    4) What is so perverse about a group of people who you don't know, and who don't care to know you, discussing their common sexuality for a sense of community and belonging? It's no different than "Who likes chess?" - it has NOTHING to do with you, it effects you in NO way, and you SELECTED to be in this thread to view 'advertising.'

    5) Why do (a lot) of straight women go to bars and throw scenes when men start stripping?

    6) Why do (a lot) of straight women frolick around men like little lovey-doves?

    7) Why do people flirt?

    8) It's none of your business, if you don't like it, go away.

    Well I happen to be heterosexual and your 2-7 are just as objectionable to me as gay people flaunting their preferences.Bad behavior is bad behavior. I have no interest in hearing about or seeing anyone's sexual behavior which should be a private matter.

    No one begged you to go onto the internet and click a thread about homosexuality. There's a difference between solicited conversation, which is happening here, and running up to people on the street proclaiming that they are bisexual/homosexual/whateversexual. Obviously you do have an interest, or you wouldn't be here. ;)
  • scot30316
    scot30316 Posts: 169 Member
    If it will help my weightloss goals I am willing to try anything.

    Well it could certainly help with your protein intake

    Actually, it's mostly carbs. Keep your macros in mind and maybe adjust prior days to reflect this new knowledge.
    I haven't had pineapple in a while if anyone can help me out.
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Why do gay people feel the need to advertise the fact?

    Do you know how hard it is to live in a "straight" world???? No, you don't. Imagine going overseas where you are the only white person. If you found another white person, wouldn't you kinda flock to them because you have something in COMMON???

    So frustrating.

    Um, I've been to Africa twice and i was the only white person in Nigeria and nah, when I finally saw a white guy at a club, I didn't gravitate towards him.... he was actually a perv trying to get me away from my black friends who were scattered all around the dude as the white guys hands were trying to go up my skirt... f'n perv!; step outside your comfort zone people..... people are people regardless their preferences
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Why does everyone have to go around throwing labels on everything?

    I like it because it makes you so obviously uncomfortable.

    It takes a lot more than that to make me uncomfortable, but thanks for reading so much into that silly, rhetorical and nearly meaningless question.

    It's clear how little you care by your constant posting and replying. Not to mention posting in the thread in the first place. Clearly you are entirely unaffected and above all of it.

    Now hit refresh again. Because you don't care.

    I will agree with you though, what you post is silly and meaningless.

    You seem angry. Not sure why. I didn't say that I didn't care, only that I'm not uncomfortable. Believe it or not I do care. Strongly. Probably not the way you think either, as you seem to have assumed quite a bit about me, but it's interesting how such a silly statement can illicit this kind of response.

    I know, right? It's like you say something that homophobes say all the time, and people just assume you agree with them! Crazy.


    Homophobes question labels all the time? Really?

    Well, it kind of does make it easier to subjugate a group of people if they don't have names and their identities aren't clearly defined. The "you people" argument.

    But can accept that wasn't your intent. :flowerforyou:
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    My first long term relationship (over a year) was with a woman. My current long term relationship is with a man. I'm not really attracted to strangers, men or women. I've never seen a picture of someone and thought, "I would love to sleep with that person." I only get that sexual desire after I know for a fact that the other person wants me in some way. Maybe this phenomenon has a name. If it does, I've never taken the time to figure it out. The fact that I'll have sex with either a man or a woman seems to make me bisexual though despite the fact that the label means little to me or the person I'm with.

    there IS! it's "demisexual" the actual definition is: label used by people in the gray area when they can only feel sexual attraction after having a strong emotional bond with someone.

    Well then. Consider me duly informed. My SO will get a giggle out of that tonight. I'm going to go ahead and change it to demigod though. I don't want to go full god because that would be overdoing it. Or maybe demisexualgod? Hmmm. Things to ponder.

    LMAO! when i first learned the term "pansexual" i made SO MANY jokes about not being allowed in kitchen stores
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
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