Springtime Allergy and Exercising

It's that time of the year again. The time of itchy eyes, runny noses, and every allergy under the sun. For those of you, like me, who have really bad seasonal allergies, how do you overcome your allergies and manage to work out? Allergies take a lot out of me and by the time I am supposed to work out (right after work, 2pm), my entire body wants to shut down and sleep because it has been fighting to keep me alive all day. I can't do morning work outs because I work at 5am and can barely manage to wake up for that.

When I do get to exercising, my nose is all stuffy, my eyes are all watery, and the heat from working out makes me break out in hives.

I've seen a doctor and all they do is prescribe me allergy medication that don't work. I've tried everything under the sun including shots. Please help and thanks in advance =)