Shorties (5'3 and under) where do you gain your weight?



  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I'm 5'1" and most of my fat goes on my stomach (grrr I have a very difficult relationship with my stomach even now that I'm a lot thinner than I used to be). Also hips/love handles, breasts, and upper arms.

    Seems like the tummy looking pregnant from fat is a very common one. . . once when I was heavier someone asked me if I was pregnant!!!! :sad:
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    I'm 5'3 and i gain weight on my thighs, upper back, lower abs, chest and triceps. My thighs are ginormous and stubborn. When i lose weight, every area shows some loss, but never my thighs.
  • I am 5'3 and apple shaped and all to my belly, then my arms, then my face. Even when I was skinnier my belly always was an issue. Not sure if I will ever have a flat stomach. Only time will tell.
  • Definitely in my tummy, behind and thighs! UGH!
  • Gamerchick00
    Gamerchick00 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'1, and for me it's belly and thighs.
  • mollymcdonald0
    mollymcdonald0 Posts: 30 Member
    same here! all in my tummy & love handles
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Upper belly right under my bust, my back, my neck and my arms. From my waist down I am heavy but not bulky. It's toned. I guess I am an apple. I am 5 feet exactly.
  • Deps
    Deps Posts: 31 Member
    Stomach, thighs and my face bloats like a balloon! Thankfully my face tends to go down pretty fast when I lose weight too.