Future Eating Disorder?



  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member

    Also, eating disorders are genetic. It's a survival-mechanism-gone-wrong you're predisposed to developing. If it doesn't run in your family, you don't have to worry about a future eating disorder- but you could very well experience some reactive eating episodes putting your body through any kinds of starvation.

    No. OP, if you are associating guilt with eating PLEASE get help, regardless of your families health.

    I'm glad the above comment re genetic eating disorders seems to have been removed, because it was one of the stupidest, wrongest (is that a word?), and most dangerous statements I've ever heard on this site. Best of luck, OP. It can be hard to change your habits, but it sounds like you're taking the good advice here and getting other help also :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Emily! That means a lot! <3
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What calories you net is essentially the amount of fuel you have provided your body.

    If you net 150 calories because you did a ton of exercise that is not really different in terms of fueling your body as if you had just eaten half a snickers bar for the entire day but did no exercise.

    Do you think eating only half a snickers bar per day is enough food to sustain you even if you are overweight? There is your answer.

    From the title of your thread and the questions you ask in your original post I think you already know its not healthy to do that consistently Are you going to hurt yourself doing it once? No. Are you going to hurt yourself if you make a habit of that. Yes. Don't fool yourself, netting 150 calories you are starving no matter how overweight you are..
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    What calories you net is essentially the amount of fuel you have provided your body.

    If you net 150 calories because you did a ton of exercise that is not really different in terms of fueling your body as if you had just eaten half a snickers bar for the entire day but did no exercise.

    Do you think eating only half a snickers bar per day is enough food to sustain you even if you are overweight? There is your answer.

    From the title of your thread and the questions you ask in your original post I think you already know its not healthy to do that consistently Are you going to hurt yourself doing it once? No. Are you going to hurt yourself if you make a habit of that. Yes. Don't fool yourself, netting 150 calories you are starving no matter how overweight you are..

    Ok thanks for the advice
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Also just wanted to add if that is you in your profile picture you honestly don't look overweight to me. Maybe you have some vanity pounds you want to lose but in that case you should take it slow. Eat a good amount of food if you are going to exercise frequently. At 19 years old and burning 700 calories from exercise I would suspect that you could easily be eating 2100 calories a day and still lose weight. You don't want to mess around with a super low calorie diet and beating your body with exercise that you aren't fueling.

    Without knowing your height coudln't really accurately estimate what your intake should be but I know its more than 1000 calories for sure, easily twice that.

    Take care of your body, its your friend not your enemy don't try to beat it into submission fuel it properly. You only get one of them.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am almost your exact height and weight. within the inch and within a few lbs.

    I creeped ur profile and yeah, you look like u weigh what you do. i suspect your LBM is higher than mine and makes sense ur younger and exercising and likely never had sedentary times and thus atrophy which i might have. i do see it on your arms a little though, what I can see resembles mine a bit.

    I also get nauseaous when i'm upset or stressing so yeah go talk to someone if that's ongoing.

    stress makes me not eat as well. it's almost like I can forget. like what's on my mind prevents me from remembering about eating. so ur stressful events may play a part.

    I manage to be overweight in spite of this tendency to eat less or not at all when stressed/busy/emotional. so you may be too.

    finally 700+ cal burn: on the days I work out at high levels I have much less hunger. the following day I usually make up for it with excessive hunger and so I eat back the cals on that day. it evens out.

    question are canadian sizes smaller or bigger than US?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Also just wanted to add if that is you in your profile picture you honestly don't look overweight to me. Maybe you have some vanity pounds you want to lose but in that case you should take it slow. Eat a good amount of food if you are going to exercise frequently. At 19 years old and burning 700 calories from exercise I would suspect that you could easily be eating 2100 calories a day and still lose weight. You don't want to mess around with a super low calorie diet and beating your body with exercise that you aren't fueling.

    Without knowing your height coudln't really accurately estimate what your intake should be but I know its more than 1000 calories for sure, easily twice that.

    Take care of your body, its your friend not your enemy don't try to beat it into submission fuel it properly. You only get one of them.

    she's a smart girl who knows how to pose and dress for her figure. from experience and what I can see she likely carries her weight on her back, belly, upper hips, upper arms, and boobs. (from profile creeping.)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    Also just wanted to add if that is you in your profile picture you honestly don't look overweight to me. Maybe you have some vanity pounds you want to lose but in that case you should take it slow. Eat a good amount of food if you are going to exercise frequently. At 19 years old and burning 700 calories from exercise I would suspect that you could easily be eating 2100 calories a day and still lose weight. You don't want to mess around with a super low calorie diet and beating your body with exercise that you aren't fueling.

    Without knowing your height coudln't really accurately estimate what your intake should be but I know its more than 1000 calories for sure, easily twice that.

    Take care of your body, its your friend not your enemy don't try to beat it into submission fuel it properly. You only get one of them.

    I am a size 9-12 and I used to be a size 4. This is my problem. My body type is one that carries weight well, I know I'm not obese, but I am on the heavier side. I am actually only 18, but I will keep this in mind and try my hardest to amp up my cals.

    My height is 5'3", and yes, that is me in my profile picture about 2 weeks ago.
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    haha! I am carrying my weight in my back, belly, upper thighs, upper arms, face, neck, but my boobs are only 38 B or 36 C! Thanks for understanding how my body carries the weight though!
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    I am almost your exact height and weight. within the inch and within a few lbs.

    I creeped ur profile and yeah, you look like u weigh what you do. i suspect your LBM is higher than mine and makes sense ur younger and exercising and likely never had sedentary times and thus atrophy which i might have. i do see it on your arms a little though, what I can see resembles mine a bit.

    I also get nauseaous when i'm upset or stressing so yeah go talk to someone if that's ongoing.

    stress makes me not eat as well. it's almost like I can forget. like what's on my mind prevents me from remembering about eating. so ur stressful events may play a part.

    I manage to be overweight in spite of this tendency to eat less or not at all when stressed/busy/emotional. so you may be too.

    finally 700+ cal burn: on the days I work out at high levels I have much less hunger. the following day I usually make up for it with excessive hunger and so I eat back the cals on that day. it evens out.

    question are canadian sizes smaller or bigger than US?

    Canadian Sizes are the same as US sizes as long as they're going by like 00-12 standard sizing (anything bigger is considered plus?)
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I looked at that profile picture again. Look at Op's arms and legs and how slender they are. I weigh 120 at 5'2" and I look fatter than that. This is not a 5'3" 190 lb. woman, which is obese. That's what my 5'10" son weighs! That's a girl who weighs around 120. I think she has a body image and eating disorder. In the other pictures, she's wearing a very baggy top and taking extreme close-up to make herself look bigger.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This poster has posted the same topic (exact word for word) more than just this.

    There is something fishy here as I mentioned in her post in getting started that is exactly the same words as this one.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    This poster has posted the same topic (exact word for word) more than just this.

    There is something fishy here as I mentioned in her post in getting started that is exactly the same words as this one.

    I agree. If she' carrying weight in her upper thighs, I sure as heck don't see it in that picture, which shows her upper thighs. In fact, she almost has a "thigh gap." I just went on a site that shows pictures of women at various weights, and a woman who is 190 lbs. doesn't have thin arms and legs like that. Unless she's got 70 lbs. hiding under that shirt, I can't see how it's possible she weighs 190. Maybe she has one of those lousy Taylor digital scales that is way off base. I had one of those. It would weigh me as 175 one day and 2 lb. the next! Now, I use the old-fashioned sunbeam with the dial, and I'm within 2 lbs. of the same weight every day.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    OK, I am so sorry you lost your sister.

    BUT, I looked at your profile and you said "My boyfriend deserves arm candy."

    Sweetie (and I hate calling people sweetie but I think you need to hear it) you need to change your mind set if you think your BOYFRIEND deserves arm candy. What do YOU deserve? What do YOU need? You are wayyyy to young to be thinking about "future eating disorders." Please, talk to someone who is a professional and not part of your immediate family or friend circle.

    What ever you are doing, do it for yourself, not your mom and certainly not for your boyfriend. There is so much more to be concerned about than looks and perfect weight numbers.

    Good luck with everyting you do. Read the posts here and see through the nonsense of the crazies and stick with the ones who are about health, independence, self-sufficiency and positivity.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    AWWW MAN!!!!

    Did I fall for a fake post? I HATE when that happens!!!!

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    OP's profile says she is 190 lbs., but the pictures show a significantly smaller person.
    Ah. Didn't read her profile.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    AWWW MAN!!!!

    Did I fall for a fake post? I HATE when that happens!!!!

    No. She posted a thread a few days ago where she wants to lose 70 pounds by September.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    AWWW MAN!!!!

    Did I fall for a fake post? I HATE when that happens!!!!

    No. She posted a thread a few days ago where she wants to lose 70 pounds by September.

    I found that thread, and there are some things in it that I think exhibit some disordered eating and thinking. Either the picture is not from "two weeks ago", since that is not the picture of a 5'3" 190 lb. girl, or OP already has an ED.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member

    Also, eating disorders are genetic. It's a survival-mechanism-gone-wrong you're predisposed to developing. If it doesn't run in your family, you don't have to worry about a future eating disorder- but you could very well experience some reactive eating episodes putting your body through any kinds of starvation.

    No. OP, if you are associating guilt with eating PLEASE get help, regardless of your families health.

    Yes, and genetic doesn't mean ONLY hereditary, either. Your genes are affected by your parents, but your own personal DNA is constantly shifting over time and reacting to stimuli throughout your life. Your body composition is unique, and disease, even mental illness, can appear at any time without a prior family history. If you have symptoms, you need to seek support irl.
    Lamarck, is that you?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    AWWW MAN!!!!

    Did I fall for a fake post? I HATE when that happens!!!!

    No. She posted a thread a few days ago where she wants to lose 70 pounds by September.

    Yes and here is the other post

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1262741-future-eating-disorder in another area of the forums.
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