Future Eating Disorder?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    hmmm so how many times are you going to post this exact same topic???? and I mean exact word for word


    You talk of using HCG

    Then talk about loseing 70lbs by Sept..

    You speak of lots of things in your threads all of which don't add up...

    I mean you are 18 and your mother let you use HCG and go on a VLCD...allowed you to meet BF you met online from way far away and apparently has let the latest one live with you...hmmmm

    ED or Troll pick.

    You are being extremely rude on some of my topics. This is my 3rd day on MFP and I'm still getting used to the site and I'm trying to become active in the community because my family is not being very supportive and make me feel down a lot.

    I posted the exact same topic twice only because I didn't know where to post it, as I said I'm new to this site, give me a break, lady! Why do you have to be so rude about it?

    I used HCG in 2011 when I was 15 years old. And yes, I did do it with my mother.
    I wasn't ALLOWED to meet my boyfriend, he came here and she never knew about it, and I was almost 17 at the time. Now my latest boyfriend is currently living in the suite underneath my house. The legal age in BC Canada is 16 and you are considered an adult at 18, which I am. Not sure how these things "don't add up" to you, but to be honest I don't really care, it's not really any of your business, I was just answering questions that were asked by others on this site.

    To me this site is about lifting other people up and supporting each other, and I feel you are being very rude for no reason, and you don't know me or anything about my life.

    I'm sorry this member is responding in a negative manner to your concerns. Please know that many members on MFP are not that way and are in fact quite supportive :flowerforyou:

    Hi to a fellow Canadian! I can understand your concern over developing an eating disorder. In my opinion, you may have a legitimate cause for concern and asking for help in preventing an eating disorder is the first step. You are eating under the recommended 1,200 calories per day and being encouraged to do so by your mother. Your caloric intake may not be providing you with the necessary micronutrients so at some point this deficit will show in your health. This is something you should discuss with your doctor who may do blood work to establish a baseline for you as well as goals for you to work towards. A good multi-vitamin may be something you should consider as well. Many take one daily whether they are dieting or not.

    My personal opinion is calorie counting is simply a tool to help reach a goal. It can however, be abused and often is. Despite the claim that it is all about calories in vs calories out, the quality of calories do make a difference for overall health. Counting calories can actually leave you in a nutritional deficit if they are not quality calories. If calorie counting starts taking over your life or even plays a large role in your life once you reach a healthy weight, then it becomes part of an unhealthy relationship with food that could lead to an eating disorder.

    You are trying to lose weight now. Could you go a day without counting calories or would it cause you to panic? If it would cause you to panic, then perhaps you are too hung up on the numbers. There are other ways to lose weight without counting calories. As far as your mom goes, she is likely encouraging you in the manner she is familiar with. Some moms will encourage their kids to eat, eat, eat while others like your mom is encouraging you to lose because she knows that's what your want. Have you tried sitting down and talking to your mom about your weight and what it is you want? That might make a big difference. Good luck.

    Negative manner it was not...I was pointing out that this is either a serious Eating disorder or she was trolling...with posts to prove my point.

    I support those who are express their concerns and take the advice given not come up with reasons not to...

    And as a fellow Canadian...I know that if she were to visit a doctor which we can at anytime for free that they would steer her in the right direction and she could get consultations with RD and councilling for her disordered thinking.

    To the OP I wasn't rude I pointed out to you that you had posted 3 topics...2 the exact same and one about losing 70lbs in 6months in which people have told you over and over again you need to see professional help.

    If you don't like that being pointed out to others who may not have seen those topics and responses and think that is rude oh well not much I can do about it.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    hmmm so how many times are you going to post this exact same topic???? and I mean exact word for word


    You talk of using HCG

    Then talk about loseing 70lbs by Sept..

    You speak of lots of things in your threads all of which don't add up...

    I mean you are 18 and your mother let you use HCG and go on a VLCD...allowed you to meet BF you met online from way far away and apparently has let the latest one live with you...hmmmm

    ED or Troll pick.

    You are being extremely rude on some of my topics. This is my 3rd day on MFP and I'm still getting used to the site and I'm trying to become active in the community because my family is not being very supportive and make me feel down a lot.

    I posted the exact same topic twice only because I didn't know where to post it, as I said I'm new to this site, give me a break, lady! Why do you have to be so rude about it?

    I used HCG in 2011 when I was 15 years old. And yes, I did do it with my mother.
    I wasn't ALLOWED to meet my boyfriend, he came here and she never knew about it, and I was almost 17 at the time. Now my latest boyfriend is currently living in the suite underneath my house. The legal age in BC Canada is 16 and you are considered an adult at 18, which I am. Not sure how these things "don't add up" to you, but to be honest I don't really care, it's not really any of your business, I was just answering questions that were asked by others on this site.

    To me this site is about lifting other people up and supporting each other, and I feel you are being very rude for no reason, and you don't know me or anything about my life.

    I'm sorry this member is responding in a negative manner to your concerns. Please know that many members on MFP are not that way and are in fact quite supportive :flowerforyou:

    Hi to a fellow Canadian! I can understand your concern over developing an eating disorder. In my opinion, you may have a legitimate cause for concern and asking for help in preventing an eating disorder is the first step. You are eating under the recommended 1,200 calories per day and being encouraged to do so by your mother. Your caloric intake may not be providing you with the necessary micronutrients so at some point this deficit will show in your health. This is something you should discuss with your doctor who may do blood work to establish a baseline for you as well as goals for you to work towards. A good multi-vitamin may be something you should consider as well. Many take one daily whether they are dieting or not.

    My personal opinion is calorie counting is simply a tool to help reach a goal. It can however, be abused and often is. Despite the claim that it is all about calories in vs calories out, the quality of calories do make a difference for overall health. Counting calories can actually leave you in a nutritional deficit if they are not quality calories. If calorie counting starts taking over your life or even plays a large role in your life once you reach a healthy weight, then it becomes part of an unhealthy relationship with food that could lead to an eating disorder.

    You are trying to lose weight now. Could you go a day without counting calories or would it cause you to panic? If it would cause you to panic, then perhaps you are too hung up on the numbers. There are other ways to lose weight without counting calories. As far as your mom goes, she is likely encouraging you in the manner she is familiar with. Some moms will encourage their kids to eat, eat, eat while others like your mom is encouraging you to lose because she knows that's what your want. Have you tried sitting down and talking to your mom about your weight and what it is you want? That might make a big difference. Good luck.

    Negative manner it was not...I was pointing out that this is either a serious Eating disorder or she was trolling...with posts to prove my point.

    OP asked a legitimate question, one that I am sure many have thought of at one time or another in their weight loss journey. Your negativity is not helpful in answering her question. She has explained herself and maintained civil conversation in looking for an answer. We can't all be perfect like you :huh:

    OP, there is an arrow beside the name of each member. If you click that, there is a feature to ignore that member. That option makes the forums a bit nicer :wink:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    OP asked a legitimate question, one that I am sure many have thought of at one time or another in their weight loss journey. Your negativity is not helpful in answering her question. She has explained herself and maintained civil conversation in looking for an answer. We can't all be perfect like you :huh:

    OP, there is an arrow beside the name of each member. If you click that, there is a feature to ignore that member. That option makes the forums a bit nicer :wink:

    and this post is helpful?...ironic post is ironic.

    She got helpful answers in her other post including from me. As for calling me out it is against the terms of service of this site to hijack, flamebait or otherwise attack another user...if you have issues with me take it out of the forums and send a private email.

    Perhaps if you had read the links you would have seen that instead of "assuming"

    And as I said as a "fellow Canadian" I know health care is free and if she was so concerned about a possible eating disorder she would be seeking out the Free Professional help our government offers instead of coming here and asking random strangers on the internet...

    *looks for that arrow for use*
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    154 net calories are no where near enough.

    You need to NET at least 1200. There's no way your body is getting all the micro nutrients it needs if you're only eating around 800 calories to begin with (carefully supervised eating exempt).

    If you continued this, yes, it would be disordered eating.

    Change it before it becomes a problem.

    Do you have any advice on how to get more food into my daily diet? I am having troubles finding the time and "stomach space" to fit all this food. Thanks for the input though, this is the kind of response I was looking for!

    Nutrient and calorie dense foods.

    My first thought is just eat more. After making sure that your calorie counts are correct, make yourself eat nutrient dense, calorie high foods.

    Some fruit
    there's too many to list

    Some people make fruit/vegetable smoothies. You can pack a ton of nutrients and a good number of calories into those as well as hitting all the macro nutrients in a relatively small volume. Protein powders can help you get adequate protein into your diet as well.

    Personally, I just eat. I pre-plan everything I eat a week out that way I know exactly how much and what I'm eating. It takes all the guesswork out and ensures that I get all the macros and micros I need for my lifestyle.

    Edit: your vs you're typo, really stroking, really?

    Thanks. I bought a juicer yesterday and I started juicing and making smoothies. Pre-planned can be hard for me considering I don't make dinner most of the time, but I will try to cook more often instead of letting my mom or boyfriend do it. I also added protein powder but the kind I chose was vanilla rice powder and it tasted disgusting. I think I will try and find another brand or kind this week.

    Not sure what your edit means but none-the-less, this is very helpful, thanks!
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    You do not appear to be 190 lbs in your profile pics. Are you 6ft tall? Have you lost any weight since you have been eating this low? If you are truly eating below 1000, you would be losing weight.

    First, I would recommend choosing a reasonable goal weight for your height. Unless those are all old pics before you gained weight, you do not have 70 pounds to lose.

    Then, be more diligent in your measuring and logging. There is no way that all you have is a salad in a day and you are so stuffed you can't eat another bite. Especially if you really are 70 pounds overweight.

    The only way all this could add up, is if you are very pregnant. Or perhaps have a huge cyst or fibroid that is compressing your stomach.

    Not being rude, it just all sounds a bit weird.

    I am FIVE FOOT THREE INCHES as I've stated MANY times before. I weigh, as of yesterday 188.8 lbs.
    These pictures, again as I've stated before, were taken TWO WEEKS AGO.
    I think my goal to lose 70 lbs is reasonable, but I agree with most people here that it is not reasonable to lose 70 lbs by the end of this summer, so I am aiming for the end of this year.

    I am not pregnant, and I do find it hard to eat a large cobb salad. My doctor says I'm healthy and I think I'd feel like crap if I had a huge cyst in my stomach.

    Thanks for the advice but it's pretty tiring repeating the same information over and over.
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    If you were really eating under 900 calories, I would consider it a problem. However, I kind of think that maybe you might be underestimating at times. It is really easy to do. I know I have done it. I "eyeball" a serving instead of weighing it, etc., and I am optimistic.

    I think if you ate just 900 calories more than a couple of days in a row you would be hungry too. Even people with anorexia really are hungry, they just ignore the hunger and focus instead on getting thinner.

    So I would just try to weigh and measure your food for a week or so to make sure you are being accurate.

    I was counting calories, not for weight loss but for fun, and I was eating under 1000 cals (1200 on weekends) and I was just eating the WRONG foods. I'd eat a bagel with tons of butter or cream cheese and smoked salmon (or even two bagels!) and then juice and nothing else solid for the rest of the day. Also I'd go out for dinner, eat pizza, wings, ice cream, bubble tea, etc with my boyfriend all the time and just eat nothing else. This was mostly due to a lot of stress and trauma so I am trying to fix myself and eat more and eat the right stuff all day. Thanks for the input, it did help. I do scan the barcode on most if not all of my food, but I will start to weigh the stuff I can't scan. Thanks!

    You need to weigh everything you can. Most things will give you a quantily/volume AND a weight on the lable. Always go with weight! You will be amazed when you start weighing over measuring.

    I am buying a scale to weigh my food today, thanks :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    hmmm so how many times are you going to post this exact same topic???? and I mean exact word for word


    You talk of using HCG

    Then talk about loseing 70lbs by Sept..

    You speak of lots of things in your threads all of which don't add up...

    I mean you are 18 and your mother let you use HCG and go on a VLCD...allowed you to meet BF you met online from way far away and apparently has let the latest one live with you...hmmmm

    ED or Troll pick.

    You are being extremely rude on some of my topics. This is my 3rd day on MFP and I'm still getting used to the site and I'm trying to become active in the community because my family is not being very supportive and make me feel down a lot.

    I posted the exact same topic twice only because I didn't know where to post it, as I said I'm new to this site, give me a break, lady! Why do you have to be so rude about it?

    I used HCG in 2011 when I was 15 years old. And yes, I did do it with my mother.
    I wasn't ALLOWED to meet my boyfriend, he came here and she never knew about it, and I was almost 17 at the time. Now my latest boyfriend is currently living in the suite underneath my house. The legal age in BC Canada is 16 and you are considered an adult at 18, which I am. Not sure how these things "don't add up" to you, but to be honest I don't really care, it's not really any of your business, I was just answering questions that were asked by others on this site.

    To me this site is about lifting other people up and supporting each other, and I feel you are being very rude for no reason, and you don't know me or anything about my life.

    I'm sorry this member is responding in a negative manner to your concerns. Please know that many members on MFP are not that way and are in fact quite supportive :flowerforyou:

    Hi to a fellow Canadian! I can understand your concern over developing an eating disorder. In my opinion, you may have a legitimate cause for concern and asking for help in preventing an eating disorder is the first step. You are eating under the recommended 1,200 calories per day and being encouraged to do so by your mother. Your caloric intake may not be providing you with the necessary micronutrients so at some point this deficit will show in your health. This is something you should discuss with your doctor who may do blood work to establish a baseline for you as well as goals for you to work towards. A good multi-vitamin may be something you should consider as well. Many take one daily whether they are dieting or not.

    My personal opinion is calorie counting is simply a tool to help reach a goal. It can however, be abused and often is. Despite the claim that it is all about calories in vs calories out, the quality of calories do make a difference for overall health. Counting calories can actually leave you in a nutritional deficit if they are not quality calories. If calorie counting starts taking over your life or even plays a large role in your life once you reach a healthy weight, then it becomes part of an unhealthy relationship with food that could lead to an eating disorder.

    You are trying to lose weight now. Could you go a day without counting calories or would it cause you to panic? If it would cause you to panic, then perhaps you are too hung up on the numbers. There are other ways to lose weight without counting calories. As far as your mom goes, she is likely encouraging you in the manner she is familiar with. Some moms will encourage their kids to eat, eat, eat while others like your mom is encouraging you to lose because she knows that's what your want. Have you tried sitting down and talking to your mom about your weight and what it is you want? That might make a big difference. Good luck.

    Wow! Thank you so much for this! This was extremely helpful, and you made an extremely valid point that no one else has made. I think that I need to keep counting calories for the next 2 weeks or so just to get used to the amount of food and types of food that I can have, but then I should probably start eating in a better way without having to rely on calories because logging for the rest of my life just to maintain my weight will be a huge pain. Thank you for understanding why I asked this question and was trying to prevent the disease before it even happened without judging me first. I really appreciate this post :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    Eat high fat foods (the healthy one would be the best of course), peanut butter, nuts, avocado, coconut meat, use healthy oils in your cookings such as coconut oil and olive oil. :)

    Thanks! I just started using olive oil to fry sweet potatoes in last week and I loved it so I think I will try incorporating more of that into my diet! I also just added peanut butter, and let me say, pb and banana makes the BEST pre-workout snack! Thanks for the advice :)
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    hmmm so how many times are you going to post this exact same topic???? and I mean exact word for word


    You talk of using HCG

    Then talk about loseing 70lbs by Sept..

    You speak of lots of things in your threads all of which don't add up...

    I mean you are 18 and your mother let you use HCG and go on a VLCD...allowed you to meet BF you met online from way far away and apparently has let the latest one live with you...hmmmm

    ED or Troll pick.

    You are being extremely rude on some of my topics. This is my 3rd day on MFP and I'm still getting used to the site and I'm trying to become active in the community because my family is not being very supportive and make me feel down a lot.

    I posted the exact same topic twice only because I didn't know where to post it, as I said I'm new to this site, give me a break, lady! Why do you have to be so rude about it?

    I used HCG in 2011 when I was 15 years old. And yes, I did do it with my mother.
    I wasn't ALLOWED to meet my boyfriend, he came here and she never knew about it, and I was almost 17 at the time. Now my latest boyfriend is currently living in the suite underneath my house. The legal age in BC Canada is 16 and you are considered an adult at 18, which I am. Not sure how these things "don't add up" to you, but to be honest I don't really care, it's not really any of your business, I was just answering questions that were asked by others on this site.

    To me this site is about lifting other people up and supporting each other, and I feel you are being very rude for no reason, and you don't know me or anything about my life.

    I'm sorry this member is responding in a negative manner to your concerns. Please know that many members on MFP are not that way and are in fact quite supportive :flowerforyou:

    Hi to a fellow Canadian! I can understand your concern over developing an eating disorder. In my opinion, you may have a legitimate cause for concern and asking for help in preventing an eating disorder is the first step. You are eating under the recommended 1,200 calories per day and being encouraged to do so by your mother. Your caloric intake may not be providing you with the necessary micronutrients so at some point this deficit will show in your health. This is something you should discuss with your doctor who may do blood work to establish a baseline for you as well as goals for you to work towards. A good multi-vitamin may be something you should consider as well. Many take one daily whether they are dieting or not.

    My personal opinion is calorie counting is simply a tool to help reach a goal. It can however, be abused and often is. Despite the claim that it is all about calories in vs calories out, the quality of calories do make a difference for overall health. Counting calories can actually leave you in a nutritional deficit if they are not quality calories. If calorie counting starts taking over your life or even plays a large role in your life once you reach a healthy weight, then it becomes part of an unhealthy relationship with food that could lead to an eating disorder.

    You are trying to lose weight now. Could you go a day without counting calories or would it cause you to panic? If it would cause you to panic, then perhaps you are too hung up on the numbers. There are other ways to lose weight without counting calories. As far as your mom goes, she is likely encouraging you in the manner she is familiar with. Some moms will encourage their kids to eat, eat, eat while others like your mom is encouraging you to lose because she knows that's what your want. Have you tried sitting down and talking to your mom about your weight and what it is you want? That might make a big difference. Good luck.

    Negative manner it was not...I was pointing out that this is either a serious Eating disorder or she was trolling...with posts to prove my point.

    I support those who are express their concerns and take the advice given not come up with reasons not to...

    And as a fellow Canadian...I know that if she were to visit a doctor which we can at anytime for free that they would steer her in the right direction and she could get consultations with RD and councilling for her disordered thinking.

    To the OP I wasn't rude I pointed out to you that you had posted 3 topics...2 the exact same and one about losing 70lbs in 6months in which people have told you over and over again you need to see professional help.

    If you don't like that being pointed out to others who may not have seen those topics and responses and think that is rude oh well not much I can do about it.

    Ok sweetie, thanks for the help. No need to get all butt hurt over a post. I personally apologize for writing a 1 introduce yourself post, as well as posting the same topic twice on my first or second day using the system for the first time, not knowing where I should post it. I don't disagree that I should talk to my doctor about it, which I will. But I do feel like you were a bit rude to personally accuse me of lying and to judge my mother based on what she thought was right for me at the time.

    End of discussion for us at this point, we've both said what we need to say so let's move on, alright?
  • georgiacgraham
    georgiacgraham Posts: 2 Member
    I try to just ignore the exercise because some of them are a little bit inaccurate and you wouldn't want to waste all your hard work on eating too much just because the exercises are wrong in MFP. Some of them are a bit extreme and some of there are very vague depending on how you do the exercise and the intensity. I just ignore my exercise output and take it as added calorie deficit :) goodluck!
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    I try to just ignore the exercise because some of them are a little bit inaccurate and you wouldn't want to waste all your hard work on eating too much just because the exercises are wrong in MFP. Some of them are a bit extreme and some of there are very vague depending on how you do the exercise and the intensity. I just ignore my exercise output and take it as added calorie deficit :) goodluck!

    Yea, I'm aiming my goal to be 1200 BEFORE net. I don't really trust the exercise either, and if I were to, I'd cut it in half.

    Thanks a lot :)
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    How are you getting on with your food scale - have you managed to start using it? You mentioned you were going to get one.

    If you want any help with getting started logging accurately give us a shout.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I have a food scale and I love it, if you need any help just ask! I've been using it for a year or so but I am also still learning...for example the difference between fluid oz and oz, and other little things like that I've never thought about before.
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    How are you getting on with your food scale - have you managed to start using it? You mentioned you were going to get one.

    If you want any help with getting started logging accurately give us a shout.

    I haven't had time to get one. Yesterday was an extremely hard, emotional day for me. I will get one when I go out to the gym today.
  • 90to20
    90to20 Posts: 196 Member
    I have a food scale and I love it, if you need any help just ask! I've been using it for a year or so but I am also still learning...for example the difference between fluid oz and oz, and other little things like that I've never thought about before.

    Thanks so much!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member

    I haven't had time to get one. Yesterday was an extremely hard, emotional day for me. I will get one when I go out to the gym today.

    I hope you have a better day today than yesterday. Have fun at the gym.
This discussion has been closed.