beat a dead horse...



  • I know there is no way that I ate an excess of 21000 while calculating a deficit. I was sane and telling myself to keep things in perspective until that 140 number this morning. Why. Why. Why. Six lbs. seems like quite a lot to swing not during lady time or after a huge feast. Does anyone swing that much on the regular? What gives?

    Stress. Lack of sleep. Water retention from sore muscles/not having worked out for a few days.

    Remember: patience and consistency are key... it'll happen if you stay dedicated. Don't get discouraged by one week! This is a long term process, not a short term quick fix.
  • aarnwine2013
    aarnwine2013 Posts: 317 Member
    Everybody gave good advice, so I won't repeat it. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about your situation and it must mean that good things are headed your way.

    Keep your head up!