Do you have a "cheat day"?



  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    I always looked at a day during the weekend as being my 'cheat' day but I am trying to look at it differently - being less strict throughout the week so I don't go crazy on this specified cheat day I used to have. Still working on it.. :-)
  • NerdySamoan
    I plan my cheat days or meals around either events or goals.
    eg. If i know im going to a wedding, birthday or a family get together.then i want to enjoy it. (i want to have a beer, or eat chinese, or mexican or a BBQ)
    so i would take extra dilligance in my nutrition and workouts that week and afterwards

    Otherwise if I have nothing on in the month, then i would usually have a cheat meal if i reached a certain goal, like a drop in BF or certain amount of Kgs
  • brandishive
    I can only say from my short experience (this is my third week, 18th day) that I have lost 8 pounds and have had a single cheat "day" once a week (two times). My "day" is really just a cheat meal with a few little goodies included. I just joined a gym so that has nothing to do with it either. Averaging 2.5 pound loss a week and still having a cheat? Worth it for me.