

  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    :laugh: It took me a few to understand the period thing.

    Seriously wasn't a major binge and even if it was one time isn't going to make you gain 500 pounds.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    So after long periods of restricting this past week I gave in a binged a few times...going over maintenance once or twice by 200 cals. Then today I blew it and went over by 600 cals. If I stay under the rest of the week can I not gain any weight from this?
    Pick a higher, more realistic calorie goal that doesn't feel like restriction.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    So after long periods of restricting this past week I gave in a binged a few times...going over maintenance once or twice by 200 cals. Then today I blew it and went over by 600 cals. If I stay under the rest of the week can I not gain any weight from this?

    Alright, let's break it down.

    To gain one pound of fat you would have to eat not only maintenance, but 3,500 fatty calories (roughly) OVER maintenance (and probably more, since the body is a funny thing I don't pretend to understand.)
    200 twice is 400.
    Over 600? Let's say 800.

    That's 1,200 extra calories in the last week. 1,200/7 is 171.4 (and some change). Technically since your first 'binge' day (which I gather was a week ago?) until today you've consumed 171-172 calories a day.
    If you've been as good as you say you have then you most likely won't see any number increase on the scale. In fact if your metabolism/body are a little on the sensitive side you might have shocked your metabolism into burning a bit extra every day by giving yourself more.
    Even if that possibility doesn't ring out true for you, a woman's body burns more calories a day while menstruating then it does other times in her cycle. Not a huge amount but I *THINK* 75-175 extra calories a day? There's some science behind this I just don't know where to look. So, honestly, you probably broke even, if not slid in just under.
    Take deep breath, drink a glass of water, and smile.
    Stay away from that scale until all your menstrual water retention is gone and then see where you're at.

    Edited for clarification.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    I've deleted and remade like 50 times because this site is triggering my ED but it also helps me stay on track don't assume I'm some noob who feels the need to bother everyone I'm genuinely concerned

    You're not far enough along in your recovery to be on this site, then. Do yourself a huge favor and delete your account permanently and just make healthier choices. If you fuel yourself with wholesome foods and ignite your metabolism with proper nutrition and regular physical activity then the rest will take care of its self. Your body did its thing long before you became as aware of it as your are now.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    200-600 calories is NOT a binge, let alone a major one. If you are set for a one pound per week weight loss, at 200 calories over, you lose about 1/2 pound per week... At 600 per day, you would gain a pound in about 35 weeks... I regularly go over some but it is ok; it balances in the end. You should be just fine... Now, if you have been on a major restriction you may see an increase in water weight but this will go away as quickly as it came. Try to relax. Balance in all things.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    So after long periods of restricting this past week I gave in a binged a few times...going over maintenance once or twice by 200 cals. Then today I blew it and went over by 600 cals. If I stay under the rest of the week can I not gain any weight from this?

    If you continue to restrict, you'll have to accept the consequences, i.e. "bingeing". If you stay under for the rest of the week, you will most likely "binge" again.

    I have to agree with the others: 200-600 is not a binge.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    Then out of curiosity, why did you title your post "PLEASE HELP :( MAJOR BINGE"?

    As others have pointed out, nobody called you an idiot; we're only trying to help.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    I've deleted and remade like 50 times because this site is triggering my ED but it also helps me stay on track don't assume I'm some noob who feels the need to bother everyone I'm genuinely concerned
    Ah, I'm only seeing this now. From one ED sufferer to another; if this site - or anything in your life for that matter - is triggering you, then it is not worth the amount of 'help' it maybe offering you. Sorry you're suffering with ED. I know how awful they are :( I sincerely wish you all the best in your recovery and hope you're receiving some RT help for it :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I understand, as a fellow sufferer, that going over your TDEE by even 2 calories can feel like a 'binge'
  • 34xx34
    34xx34 Posts: 16
    I've deleted and remade like 50 times because this site is triggering my ED but it also helps me stay on track don't assume I'm some noob who feels the need to bother everyone I'm genuinely concerned
    Ah, I'm only seeing this now. From one ED sufferer to another; if this site - or anything in your life for that matter - is triggering you, then it is not worth the amount of 'help' it maybe offering you. Sorry you're suffering with ED. I know how awful they are :( I sincerely wish you all the best in your recovery and hope you're receiving some RT help for it :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I understand, as a fellow sufferer, that going over your TDEE by even 2 calories can feel like a 'binge'
    Thank you. I felt like it was a binge I literally ate 1900 calories in almost one sitting. And couldn't seem to stop myself so to me, it was a binge no matter how little it may seem to anyone else.