A pretty crappy subject...



  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Here are some really great threads about setting your macro targets. To me it sounds like you really don't have them set correctly. Your fat and protein should both be higher. My suggestion (I'm by no means a professional), read these, make some changes and try some of the natural laxatives.... And up your water intake. Hopefully it will make the difference you need.... In the mean time get those appointments with your DR set up and make sure there isn't something else causing the issues!

    Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets




    Best of luck :drinker:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your diary is closed, but if you are getting enough fat, fiber and hydration, you shouldn't have this problem.

    You're somewhere missing at least one of those things.

    I have a fruit smoothie nearly every night that should help. It has 16 grams of fiber and I add chocolate peanut butter for flavor, but that will also give you some fat. You could also add a teaspoon or two of flax or canola oil (don't use olive as it will taste AWFUL):

    1 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup raspberries
    1/2 cup blackberries
    1 banana
    1 T of whatever chocolate PB you choose. There are several brands out now.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    Your diary is closed, but looking at your macros, you're not eating enough fat, you could afford to up your protein slightly, and you probably aren't getting enough fiber. Grain sources for fiber (high fiber tortillas and high fiber bread). Fat + fiber = poop.

    I will certainly work on that. My protein intake is much higher than MFP suggests, I probably hit 100 on most days.

    I am curious though, why is it happening now? I've been eating this way for over a year, and nothing has changed really. My macros are as they always were and I never had issues. I don't think anyone can actually answer this for me, but it is so strange that this happens me as I get close to goal.

    Anyway, thanks for all the advice everyone, keep it coming please. I'm writing it all down, lol
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Your diary is closed, but looking at your macros, you're not eating enough fat, you could afford to up your protein slightly, and you probably aren't getting enough fiber. Grain sources for fiber (high fiber tortillas and high fiber bread). Fat + fiber = poop.

    I will certainly work on that. My protein intake is much higher than MFP suggests, I probably hit 100 on most days.

    I am curious though, why is it happening now? I've been eating this way for over a year, and nothing has changed really. My macros are as they always were and I never had issues. I don't think anyone can actually answer this for me, but it is so strange that this happens me as I get close to goal.

    Anyway, thanks for all the advice everyone, keep it coming please. I'm writing it all down, lol
    What did the doctors say when you were in the hospital? It seems like there might be an underlying problem, maybe?
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Also I take a probiotic everyday.

    Considering I have greek yogurt daily, is a probiotic still helpful? I've always wondered about that.

    Yes because different brands of yogurt use different probiotics. Kefir has more probiotics than regular yogurt but probiotics are usually best for maintenance, not an "acute" episode of constipation.

    Up the fiber, up the hydration. That's always a good idea, but you might want to wait until you're "cleaned out" before you increase fiber because too much fiber when you're already blocked can cause an obstruction, and that can mean surgery.

    Doctors use senna as a "natural" laxative. Like any laxative it shouldn't be taken on a regular basis but once in a while is okay, and it's a little less harsh than other types. You can actually buy senna tea over the counter. Try steeping one teabag for 2-3 mins and drink just before bedtime. If that doesn't work, try two teabags the next night. If that doesn't work, STOP! because you may have an SBO (small bowel obstruction.)

    Just a little bathroom reading :laugh:


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I completly understand.

    I've had GI issues since I was a baby, and I feel like all of my posts on here so far have involved some sort of poop talk. Wait, no, they have, they definetly have.

    Here's my advice - my opinion only, as I'm sure some people may disagree and point out the negatives...

    1. Just FYI, a GI Doctor may want to do an MRI and it's a horrible, horrible experience, I suggest buying a bottle of vodka and hiding in your basement when its over, and maybe crying a little too.
    2. My PCP and GI recomended over the counter Miralax. I used to take Metamucil but it didn't do anything. The miralax helps. I've take 1-2 capfulls a day, and it keeps me regular. For the past few months I've triend to completely cut it out of my diet (mainly to save $$) and it's worked 85% of the time... I now only take it once a week, at most.
    3. What I've done to change - fish oil - maybe it doesn't help everyone, but it's definetly helped me. Do your research and get a good one.
    4. I drink 130 oz minimum water every day, take a double dose of fiber pills every morning, and have cut out dairy as much as possible (which sucks, because I could eat a block of cheese for every meal). I still eat a little cheese, I just stay away from milk, and yogurt unfortunetly... but...again, it's helped.
    5. Probiotic is always a good idea. I've been told the "best" ones are the refridgerated ones...I don't know much about them but I like the way they make me feel, so it's worth it for me.
    6. "cleanse" (enter the negative coments). I "cleanse" with an over the counter metamucil type drink and herbal supplement (I buy them from Advocare) about every 4 months. Again, I just like the way it makes my system feel, so I do it, and I feel like its better than taking polyethylene glycol every day... and cheaper!! I do it for ten days and it's generally the best I feel in that entire 4 month span (lighter, increased energy, and pooping lots!)
    7. The obvious - water, water, water, fruit, prunes, veggies, fiber, etc. That works for alot of people, unfortunetly i need more, diet alone doesn't keep me "regular" but i'd suggest starting with the obvious then moving down the line... and try the fish oil! Im really becoming a believer in it!
    8. Back to #1, I'm serious, it was horrifying.
    what was horrible about the MRI?
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    Oooh, I get constipated a lot- and it seems to be a hereditary thing. Doesn't matter what I eat or drink throughout the day. (Foods that have been known to send people to the bathroom frequently haven't made any difference either, haha!) I just take miralax every now and again and it helps. :) Good luck, sir! I hope you can figure out the problem and fix it!
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I drink Natural Calm almost every day(sometimes I forget). Its very gental-no cramps or anything like a laxative, but has a kinda laxative effect. When I take it I go the next morning wtihout fail. You can get it at Whole Foods or most stores. I like the raspberry flavor. It mixes into hot or cold water very easily and goes down easy. helps you relax too which is nice. Its worth a shot. Hope you feel better!
  • bumblebeez86
    bumblebeez86 Posts: 208 Member
    I was constipated for about 3 weeks when I first started and it really is terrible - the pain is unbelievable. I tried some mild laxatives (senna) but they didn't work. I notice when i Usually eat 'junk' food it helps but not good when on a diet. The thing that got me going again was caffeine tablets (like pro plus) I don't recommend it as a regular thing and since the beginning of the year I have only used them twice but they have worked both times.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    What makes you constipated while losing weight? You should not have to be admitted to the hospital for constipation. Find a dr that can see you sooner. Try miralax. Worked wonders for my son when he was little.!
  • ginalovefire
    Two things: First, Someone in the thread mentioned Psyllium Husk Fiber Powder. I agree with this. It's like a miracle powder. The jar will say take it a few times a day, but don't. Just take it once a day, a heaping tablespoon with water. After a week you'll be regular.

    Second, add more greens to your diet--like a couple of handfuls, on a permanent basis. They are an awesome source of fiber, loaded with nutrients, and contain almost no additional calories.

    Gotta love plumbing problems.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    What did the doctors say when you were in the hospital? It seems like there might be an underlying problem, maybe?

    We're going back several years so I don't remember much of the experience, but basically they told me to up my fiber, and they gave me a bottle of magnesium citrate and sent me on my way. Like I said, right after that I gave up, ate like crap and gained the weight back, but I wasn't constipated when I was eating junk.

    That said, I am beginning to suspect IBS, considering the pain, location of pain (upper abdomen) and everything else.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    what was horrible about the MRI?

    Some people have issues with the small space. When I worked for neurologists, they had to send a lot of people to the open MRI because they couldn't handle the regular one.
  • peacelars
    everyone's given such great advice. caffeine does wonders, i have to admit - i love it. a strong green tea in the morning and a wait for your insides to get their... crap... together,.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    I completly understand.

    I've had GI issues since I was a baby, and I feel like all of my posts on here so far have involved some sort of poop talk. Wait, no, they have, they definetly have.

    Here's my advice - my opinion only, as I'm sure some people may disagree and point out the negatives...

    1. Just FYI, a GI Doctor may want to do an MRI and it's a horrible, horrible experience, I suggest buying a bottle of vodka and hiding in your basement when its over, and maybe crying a little too.
    2. My PCP and GI recomended over the counter Miralax. I used to take Metamucil but it didn't do anything. The miralax helps. I've take 1-2 capfulls a day, and it keeps me regular. For the past few months I've triend to completely cut it out of my diet (mainly to save $$) and it's worked 85% of the time... I now only take it once a week, at most.
    3. What I've done to change - fish oil - maybe it doesn't help everyone, but it's definetly helped me. Do your research and get a good one.
    4. I drink 130 oz minimum water every day, take a double dose of fiber pills every morning, and have cut out dairy as much as possible (which sucks, because I could eat a block of cheese for every meal). I still eat a little cheese, I just stay away from milk, and yogurt unfortunetly... but...again, it's helped.
    5. Probiotic is always a good idea. I've been told the "best" ones are the refridgerated ones...I don't know much about them but I like the way they make me feel, so it's worth it for me.
    6. "cleanse" (enter the negative coments). I "cleanse" with an over the counter metamucil type drink and herbal supplement (I buy them from Advocare) about every 4 months. Again, I just like the way it makes my system feel, so I do it, and I feel like its better than taking polyethylene glycol every day... and cheaper!! I do it for ten days and it's generally the best I feel in that entire 4 month span (lighter, increased energy, and pooping lots!)
    7. The obvious - water, water, water, fruit, prunes, veggies, fiber, etc. That works for alot of people, unfortunetly i need more, diet alone doesn't keep me "regular" but i'd suggest starting with the obvious then moving down the line... and try the fish oil! Im really becoming a believer in it!
    8. Back to #1, I'm serious, it was horrifying.

    Lots of this is sound, thank you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What did the doctors say when you were in the hospital? It seems like there might be an underlying problem, maybe?

    We're going back several years so I don't remember much of the experience, but basically they told me to up my fiber, and they gave me a bottle of magnesium citrate and sent me on my way. Like I said, right after that I gave up, ate like crap and gained the weight back, but I wasn't constipated when I was eating junk.

    That said, I am beginning to suspect IBS, considering the pain, location of pain (upper abdomen) and everything else.
    I recommend you talk to your doctor then. You've established a pattern now and they may have more insight.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I got a nutri bullet and throw 75% greens and the rest fruit/ nuts.I try to drink lots of water. No more orange power stuff, all natural. Also I havent had any hot flashes inawhile.
  • bumblebeez86
    bumblebeez86 Posts: 208 Member
    everyone's given such great advice. caffeine does wonders, i have to admit - i love it. a strong green tea in the morning and a wait for your insides to get their... crap... together,.

    made me lol :drinker:
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Don't take my word for it and do your own research but I've ready in several places that a high protein diet can cause constipation. You want to get enough protein but going way over may not be helpful.
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    I have about 2 cups of coffee every morning, with fat free french vanilla creamer and within a half hour of drinking it I am on the toilet, every single day. If I don't drink my coffee I don't go! I would try to drink a good 3-4 cups if you can and see if it helps!