So Mad/Sad/Upset



  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Wow two whole weeks?

    How much were you expecting to lose in such a short amount of time?

    I wasn't expecting a whole lot, but definitely more than 2 based on how hungry I have been. I stay under my cal range and have lowered the carbs and upped the protein. Its just that I been at this range for so long, and I had high hopes to be under.
    many people lies less or not at all. You should be happy you are losing at a healthy pace.
  • vick441
    vick441 Posts: 42 Member
    Look for getting rid of body fat, not just weight loss, and getting more of lean muscles. That can actually mean even gaining weight, but - healthy weight, all depends. Body scanner is your friend, shows BF%, amount of muscles, hydration level, etc. Going hungry is actually bad in every respect - mental, physical, won't bring you the desired outcome. Review your daily eating, look for calorie low, nutrition rich foods
  • brookemart81
    brookemart81 Posts: 62 Member
    I totally understand how you feel. This is the first time I've ever tried to lose weight but I understand that since I am not very overweight I shouldn't really expect to lose more than .5-1 pound per week. I have been doing this for about 4 weeks and I've lost 4 pounds- which is great! And I'm happy with that- it's great progress. Part of me is SO IMPATIENT though! 4 pounds feels like nothing, I don't see any changes in my body, and it just feels like for all this "work" I should be seeing more results. So I completely understand.

    But that's the wrong attitude. Weight loss is a slow and steady process. There's no quick fix- it's going to take TIME. I think there will be a point when it finally sinks in that it's working- right now all we have to go by is a slightly smaller number on the scale, which is really abstract and not that satisfying in the short term. But the results will come.

    Remember also, we are developing better habits relating to food. Habits take time. If you drop a bunch of weight in a short period of time and then go right back to what you were doing before, you're going to gain the weight back. But going slow, learning how to portion food properly, how to ignore those food cravings that come from boredom or stress instead of hunger, how to balance out the treats and less healthy foods you enjoy with healthy stuff, and so on- that's what this is about. That's how you lose weight and keep it off. Changing your attitude and habits.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    There isn’t anything to be mad or upset about. You weigh less now than you did this time two weeks ago. There also isn’t any reason to go to bed hungry. Work some snacks into your calories for later into the day. You have to have patience and give your body time to do its job.
  • charming12u
    charming12u Posts: 49 Member
    The fact your down 2 after a marathon is awesome. Heck, after I do a half marathon, I easily gain 5+ pounds of water weight for several days. Slow and steady on the weight loss works!
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I wrote this blog after reading a post very similar to yours. Perspective is very important.

    Thank you for this! It's awesome! I am printing it out and putting it up in my office and on my fridge!
  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    hey you're doing great! aim to continue with steady, sustainable loss, expect it not to be linear, you will fluctuate up and down, this is normal, your loss will slow as you lose more, this is also normal

    you're obviously not a quitter - hey you run marathons to dig in and get ready for the long haul

    top tips: eat it > log it > burn it > log it
    review ever 5lb loss, and get as accurate as you can with your logging (

    good luck
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    Take a step back and put things into perspective:

    You're losing weight at a quick rate for what you have to lose.
    You're achieving great fitness goals.
    You're close to your goal weight.
    You have lots of support going on here.

    2 weeks is absolutely nothing. In 2 weeks I'd lost 1lb and I have a LOT to lose, was working out 5 times a week, keeping within a calorie deficit and logging every single thing that went past my lips. I could have got upset but instead I told myself that I have achieved a lot in that time, I was learning how to eat again and the exercise was making me feel great.

    After another week and no weight loss I measured myself, lost 3 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my hips and 1.5inches off my back. Pretty much dropped a clothes size.

    It's not all about the scale - remember that and you'll realise just how much you are achieving.

    Also as mentioned before if you only have a little bit to lose then .5lb a week is what you're aiming for really, it's probably why you're hungry.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Two pounds a week is a bit aggressive for such a small amount. Try setting it to 0.5/week. You'll feel better and it will be steady and sustainable.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Why are you doing to bed hungry? Being hungry /= weight loss.

    Let me put your 2# in 2 weeks in perspective: I've lost 2# in 4 months. Wanna trade?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    After two weeks of going to bed hungry every night, I have only lost 2lbs. I just started this diet at 164 and I am now at 162. I workout a lot (just finished a full marathon) and eat only healthy foods. I am at 1400cal diet, but earn net calories through exercise. I also chose the least amount of calories burned so there is room for error to help my weight. I am just so angry that after 2 whole weeks, it was only 2 lbs. Not a happy camper right now :(
    You have few pounds to lose, and only 12 pounds to go. Even 1 pounds a week is a little fast.

    The most sustainable things in life are done slowly, and that includes weight loss.

    Just keep doing what you're doing and quit expecting quick-fix results.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thanks everyone. I guess my anger comes from being at this plateau for years now. I was at 220 and came down to 150. I had 2 kids and cancer... which brought me up to 164. I have been at 164-62 range for 3 years now. I am thankful to be where I am, but its so discouraging when hard work doesnt pay off, especially when I am going to bed hungry every night.
    Stop going to bed hungry. Allocate your calories so you have a night time snack.

    Get rid of the negative message about your hard work not paying off. It IS paying off.

    Patience is a virtue.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Consider removing certain types of calories from your diet for awhile to see if that prompts the scale to move. For example, once my sister moved away from all wheat products, but ate other grains like oats, rye, pumpernickel etc....she lost almost 35 pounds in a year. Most everything else she kept the, amounts and exercise. She was not able to digest or use wheat well. I figured since it worked for her and we are sisters....I did the same thing and went to more rice based products, I eat rice bread every morning, rice chex or Rice Krispies when I do have cereal etc. And I lost about ten pounds over a summer.

    Just a thought, give it a try with different foods and see what results you might have!!
    No. The type of food has nothing to do with weight loss. The reason your sister lost weight is because she created a calorie deficit, and she simply chose not to eat foods with wheat. She could have chosen not to eat any type(s) of food and created a calorie deficit and lost weight. Also, the reason you've lost weight is because you are eating less calories than you burn.

    Really, type of food is superfluous to weight loss.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    If you've intensified your exercise regime you will be gaining water weight as your body retains water for muscle repair, however as others have said 1 pound a week is probably the max you should be losing.

    Also if you exercise loads don't punish yourself if you're hungry and your net can take it (especially if you're trying to underestimate your burns), otherwise you'll be burning off too much muscle along with the fat as your body tries to find energy, also it's a good way to end up frustrating yourself, becoming miserable and ending up throwing in the towel. xxxx

    Brilliant success so far just give it time hun x
  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! I know that wasn't your goal, but some of the responses you've received have been very enlightening. I am down to almost your weight after being much heavier, and my weightloss has slowed down. Now I know why! Congrats on the weightloss and the marathon.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    1 lb a week is a good weight loss rate. Unless you are very overweight it's unrealistic to expect a higher rate of loss consistently, though you may have weeks when you lose a little more.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Sounds like you are hangry! You need to eat a bit more - maybe do the 3 meals with 2-3 small snacks in between route. I'm a grazer and like to eat a bit all day so I do 3 meals + 2 snacks.

    You just ran a marathon!! WOW! Congratulations. Your body is holding on to water to use to repair those tattered muscles and bones!

    You are losing 1 pound a week and that is a great weight loss rate! Don't fret. The weight will come off, give it more time.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Why are you going to bed hungry? Allocate some calories for the end of the day, accurately log your exercise calories and eat them back. Two lbs per week is too aggressive for only 12-14 lbs to lose. That's why you're hungry.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    As most people have said, when you don't have much to lose, 1 lb a week is exactly where you want to be. I know it is hard to go that slow, I am in the same boat. But, when you only have 10-20 lbs to lose (as opposed to 100+), you can't expect that to happen so quickly.

    Also remember that muscle is more dense than fat. So if you are lifting weights, and you said you upped your protein, you may have actually lost more than 2 lbs of body fat. I suggest getting a fitness measuring tape (GNC sells it) and taking your measurements and body fat percentage. Trust me, seeing a difference on the tape measure is much more rewarding than seeing it on the scale! The scale is just a number, focus on how good you feel and how your body feels and your clothes fit.
  • Mummysskinnymission
    Congratulations thats amazing well done :) be proud 2 lbs is a lot xx