loosing belly fat

sims2013 Posts: 283 Member
does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to shrink the belly? I do between 1-3 hours a day of walking/jogging. sometimes I add in a jillian michaels video..but I want something different. ive already lost 38 lbs by just doing it the way I have been since day 1. but I feel like im going to hit a plateau soon and I dont want that!!!


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    patience and keep losing. you can't target fat loss.
  • reddz12
    reddz12 Posts: 350 Member
    Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce. All I can say is keep doing what you're doing! Eat deficit and keep exercising! You've done AWESOME so far!
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Try some strength training, you'll burn fat all over and your muscles will get stronger. You'll start losing inches off your belly (and everywhere else.)
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Try some strength training, you'll burn fat all over and your muscles will get stronger. You'll start losing inches off your belly (and everywhere else.)

  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    patience, a calorie deficit, and strength training.
  • JoshD8705
    JoshD8705 Posts: 390 Member
    Try some strength training, you'll burn fat all over and your muscles will get stronger. You'll start losing inches off your belly (and everywhere else.)


  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    Try some strength training, you'll burn fat all over and your muscles will get stronger. You'll start losing inches off your belly (and everywhere else.)

    I agree with the above comment as well
  • I'm in a similar boat, lost 54 pounds my goal of 189 is within view and i've been stuck at 204 for 2 months- working out harder and more frequently than ever too! Frustrating. It feels like all those pounds are attached directly to my belly like a cheap belt bag... From everything I've been reading the culprit is likely carbos.:explode:
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    All of the posters here are correct, you can't spot reduce. The human body stores fat in different areas which largely depends on whether your male or female then genetics also play a role.

    Keep working out and eventually you'll get to your goal. You may be focusing more on your tummy right now but after losing some weight you might be happy to be also losing weight in other trouble areas such as the theighs, underarms, cheeks, neck and etc.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    "I'm in a similar boat, lost 54 pounds my goal of 189 is within view and i've been stuck at 204 for 2 months- working out harder and more frequently than ever too! Frustrating. It feels like all those pounds are attached directly to my belly like a cheap belt bag... From everything I've been reading the culprit is likely carbs."

    I feel your pain but I wouldn't blame it on the carbs necessarily. If you want those perfect wash board abs you also need to eat very healthy and bump up your cardio. Weight training is awesome because you are building muscle which burns more calories and only increases / gets better with time. More muscles = more fuel needed.

    Problem though from my experience is weight training alone isn't a great way to burn a large amount of calories during a session, and if you take protein afterwards to help with muscle growth you generally kill the calories you did burn. My recommendation is step up your cardio game a bit. You're endurance / heart health / lung health will improve and you'll burn way more calories compared to the same time spend just doing weight training.
  • vtvicki
    vtvicki Posts: 1 Member
    I am going to try this for a change up (hula hoops)-I am just starting to really loose weight but like you my belly looks horrible. You can get cheaper ones but this has good weights in it and you can take it with you on vacation, etc. pretty easily.

  • bbhe
    bbhe Posts: 29 Member
    If you haven't hit a plateau yet, I would say you're doing great and you can store all these suggestions for if and when that happens. But for now, why borrow trouble?

    Meanwhile, CONGRATS!!!
  • sims2013
    sims2013 Posts: 283 Member
    wow! thank you to everyone that took the time to post!
    well I guess until I hit a plateau ill just keep doing what im doing! ive struggled with my weight my whole life! I started at 229 lbs and I weighed in at 191 lbs this morning. ive been losing 1.5-2.5 lbs a week, since I began a different diet. I was juicing in the beginning but I couldn't handle not eating foods! ive never actually succeeded with weight loss until now. I guess when you are determined to reach your goal it will happen!
  • Congrats on your journey! Keep it up!!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    wow! thank you to everyone that took the time to post!
    well I guess until I hit a plateau ill just keep doing what im doing! ive struggled with my weight my whole life! I started at 229 lbs and I weighed in at 191 lbs this morning. ive been losing 1.5-2.5 lbs a week, since I began a different diet. I was juicing in the beginning but I couldn't handle not eating foods! ive never actually succeeded with weight loss until now. I guess when you are determined to reach your goal it will happen!

    If you are logging everything honestly and exercising well start looking at the Nutritional stats a week at at time. There are pie charts and graphs along with the totals. You may need to log in from a laptop or other non-mobile site. I started seeing correlations in the type of foods I was eating and weight loss. As I modified the diet I started seeing movement again. As I am within a pound or so of my target I have started tweaking my calories up by adding in more fat and calories like cheese and tree nuts. I am still losing but at a slower pace.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    How excatly does strength training/heavy lifting burn fat? when doing excerises like Crunches are useless if fat is already there...
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    How excatly does strength training/heavy lifting burn fat? when doing excerises like Crunches are useless if fat is already there...
    simple answer? heavy lifting takes a lot more effort than crunches.
    longer answer? h e a v y l i f t i n g t a k e s a l o t m o r e e f f o r t.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    I always thought ANY kind of lifting was for arms and legs
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    this looks way too hard to get rid of

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