loosing belly fat



  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I always thought ANY kind of lifting was for arms and legs
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    lol obviously by the photo, not doing great at all...
    for cardio, I do a mixture of walking/ running and using the eliptical machine at the gym.
    I don't know much about strength training or weight lifting though..
    havent used free weights yet, so far using the weight lifting machines and after doing a quick warm up,
    i try to lift heavy, doing atleast 4 reps and can only make it to about 5 or 6 sets because i feel like my arms are gonna
    pop off...
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    lol obviously by the photo, not doing great at all...
    for cardio, I do a mixture of walking/ running and using the eliptical machine at the gym.
    I don't know much about strength training or weight lifting though..
    havent used free weights yet, so far using the weight lifting machines and after doing a quick warm up,
    i try to lift heavy, doing atleast 4 reps and can only make it to about 5 or 6 sets because i feel like my arms are gonna
    pop off...
    look up new rules of lifting for women, stronglifts 5x5, or starting strength.
    and heavy is only defined by all people, but if you're able to do 5 or 6 sets of 4 reps, that probably isn't what most would consider "heavy" lifting.
  • You can start doing Interval workouts. Jog then run then walk....there's a great app on Iphone for running. Also incorporating weight training is very important because it burns calories for the remainder of the day. You def need to switch it up. Even Spin Class, Crossfit, etc.
  • doreen145
    doreen145 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes! Definitely add in some strength training with your cardio. I currently am following Chalean Extreme. I am not a Beachbody person/coach but I really like that workout. Plus I run. I am finally seeing some inches come off my waist. I am also watching my caloric intake. I know how you feel, all my weight is in my waist and it's so frustrating!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I always thought ANY kind of lifting was for arms and legs

    Not at all. If you do the right kind of lifting (bench presses, squats, dead lifts, barbell rows, etc) it will strengthen your core (all of those ab muscles and back muscles). A strong core gives you good posture, helps prevent injuries and helps with back pain. Plus it gives you that six pack.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    What are good examples of strength training that i can follow at the gym?
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    When I want to Loose my belly fat I just shake around and dance like an idiot. That usually loosens it right up.

    When I feel the need to lose belly fat I add more cardio and cut out breads/dairy.
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    why bread and diary?

    I eat light yogurt every morning and have for the past couple months..
    and i eat whole wheat bread maybe one or twice a week.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    Lower carbs to 30% and lift weights.
  • budobo
    budobo Posts: 38
    I don't think that you can target fat loss in an area. you can, however, tone certain areas so they look less flabby. Fat covering a strong midsection looks much more firm than fat covering a loose core.

    I use exercise to help keep my body toned despite some extra fat padding

    I'm 5'4" 130 lbs and built muscular with only a little extra padding. My routine at the gym targets fat burning and muscle development. Here was my routine before my injury (I hope to get back into this within a few months):

    (Note: I hate cardio more than I hate waking up early in the morning)

    1) Cardio – I either do HIT (High Intensity Interval) training, which is very short in duration but very high in intensity, or I do medium intensity varied cardio.
    a. For HIT, you’ll want to do 20 seconds of maximal effort followed by 40 minutes of rest. You should aim for ~10 minutes this way, although I have yet to make it past 7. I bike for this. Really be sure that you’re pushing as hard as you can with every ounce of effort to get the intended results… The intended result being that your legs will be jello afterwards.
    b. For normal cardio, I mix up some biking, walking/jogging, or elliptical, all keeping my heart rate at about 170-180. I usually vary my pace a bit with some push/rest periods, rather than keeping the same pace the whole way through. I’ll do this for ~30 minutes.
    2) Weight – I do weight after cardio, although I’m not sure there should be a preferred order (I am no physical trainer!)
    a. I’ll vary the muscle groups I target. Leg & butt day, shoulder & back day, arm & core day.
    i. You’ll want to look up specific exercises in journals / exercise programs. I’m too lazy to explain all of mine, sorry!
    ii. I will say that I do set mixes where I’ll do one set of 3 different exercises back to back, which gets my heart rate very high – then I’ll take a 2 minute rest before doing that rotation again. I’ll do each rotation 3-4 times.
    b. No matter what, as a female, USE REAL WEIGHT!! None of that 5lb bullcrap unless you’re targeting a very small muscle group. I squat about 10 lbs more than my actual body weight in the squat rack. That’s 135 lbs, ladies. I cry every time I see someone squatting 20 lbs.
    c. BE SURE YOU USE PROPER FORM!!!! I think that improper form while doing reclined sit-ups contributed to my back injury. Make sure you get help from a trainer or someone equally knowledgeable (NOT THE INTERNET, PLEASE) before you perform the exercise.

    EDIT: I always eat protein after my work out, as well as walk around a bit to continue circulation. COOL DOWNS and CARB/PROTEIN replacement after a work out are VERY IMPORTANT to recovery!
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    Strong lifts 5x5 google it/you tube it. you will like it :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    calorie deficit + hard work + heavy lifting + persistence + adherence to macros/logging/diet
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How excatly does strength training/heavy lifting burn fat? when doing excerises like Crunches are useless if fat is already there...

    increased calorie burn from lifting + muscle retention + calorie deficit = loss of body fat...

    that is my experience anyway...
  • LadyBoss_1989
    LadyBoss_1989 Posts: 121 Member
    I also have hypothyroid/hashimotos, which also could be the whole reason i have excessive belly fat
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    does anyone have any suggestions on what to do to shrink the belly? I do between 1-3 hours a day of walking/jogging. sometimes I add in a jillian michaels video..but I want something different. ive already lost 38 lbs by just doing it the way I have been since day 1. but I feel like im going to hit a plateau soon and I dont want that!!!

    1) It takes time. Belly on anyone is the hardest spot to lose fat, it is the most stubborn.
    2) You have to be in a caloric deficit
    3) You can do stuff to help speed your metabolism.....I recommend weight lifting/training. Developing the muscle you have will speed up your metabolism, meaning it will require more calories......
    But if you are in deficit, then your body will turn to fat stores for the missing energy.
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    When I want to Loose my belly fat I just shake around and dance like an idiot. That usually loosens it right up.

    When I feel the need to lose belly fat I add more cardio and cut out breads/dairy.

    Hahaha! I see what you did there.
  • budobo
    budobo Posts: 38
    I also have hypothyroid/hashimotos, which also could be the whole reason i have excessive belly fat

    You've gotten a lot of good advice in two different threads now, especially from deksgirl. You could try reading it and following it or you could try a random quick fix like not eating bread, in which case I'll expect to see you again in a couple of months. It's totally up to you.

    Yes, facing your questions by actually reading and utilizing the answers is a great place to start.