America is doomed



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My favorite pizza at my favorite local pizzeria is a pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon with bell peppers, red onion, mushroom, and green chile and I ate a couple slices most Fridays during my weight loss and steadily lost 40's that.

    I've been maintaining for a year now and still eat that pizza at least every other Friday...I also go out for polish sausages at the Urban Hotdog Company fairly regularly and drink plenty of beer and right now I'm munching on some delicious kettle corn. Overall my dietary lifestyle involves a lot of nutrition...but guess can have that other stuff too and be a healthy and fit individual. Sorry...I'm not doomed.

    Now off for a 30 mile ride...
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Please tell me this thread is a joke. There is no possible way the OP can really be this uneducated, is there?

    So pepperoni and bacon on a pizza? And? What's the problem? It has meat? What's wrong with fat? What if I'm a marathon runner and need 8000 calories a day? Why are calories bad?

    In the UK there is (or was, not sure if it's still a thing,) a pizza with cheeseburgers in the crust.

    Will Italy be doomed because of a pepperoni and bacon pizza? Because they eat them all the time...

    This may be the most uneducated, ignorant thread I've ever read.

    You are misinformed about Italy. They don't eat pepperoni & bacon pizza all the time. Pepperoni maybe every once in a while.....and bacon never, because it's an American thing. Also, Italians on average are not overweight, because practicing moderation is actually done there by most people....all the time.
    And this : " This may be the most uneducated, ignorant thread I've ever read " makes me laugh because it's the pot calling the kettle black, but I agree with you.....:o).
    I can pretty much guarantee that at least one person in Italy, on any given day, eats a piece of pizza with multiple types of meat on it. They eat lots of pizzas with different hams and sausages. So yes, you're right, they don't specifically eat pepperoni and American bacon all the time. I wasn't aware I had to specifically list out all the recipes and specific toppings they use in Italy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    God bless America! I love that we have "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. What bothers me is that people in poor neighborhoods often don't have access to healthy, whole foods. What disturbs me is that high fat, high sodium, high sugar foods are marketed to the masses, who have been systematically dumbed down by institutions that are owned by heartless corporations. If you don't like what I'm sharing, be grateful that we live in America, where we have freedom of speech. If you understand what I'm saying and agree, feel free to friend me:)

    This doesn't sound like paranoia or zealotry at all.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I'm not feeling the choco-bacon there.

    "What bothers me is that people in poor neighborhoods often don't have access to healthy, whole foods. "

    I lived in a really s****y part of LA for many years before moving to the happy-go-lucky sleepy suburbs of Fort Worth. PEOPLE SELL WHAT SELLS. Whether it's organic, goat manured veggies along PCH (Hwy 1) or drugs, fast food and prostitution in a ghetto 2 hours away, people sell what will sell in the demographic in which they sell it.

    If folks in ghettos had a hankering for "whole foods" they'd sell them there.
    So eat your "clean" food guilt free. The folks in rough areas could give a shat about healthy. Trust me.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    God bless America! I love that we have "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. What bothers me is that people in poor neighborhoods often don't have access to healthy, whole foods. What disturbs me is that high fat, high sodium, high sugar foods are marketed to the masses, who have been systematically dumbed down by institutions that are owned by heartless corporations. If you don't like what I'm sharing, be grateful that we live in America, where we have freedom of speech. If you understand what I'm saying and agree, feel free to friend me:)
    Exactly what does freedom of speech have to do with anything? What does a government protection against criminal prosecution for criticizing government policy have to do with pizza?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You might want to check out this website,
    Low carb diets seem to work better than low fat diets. I would suggest eat the pepperoni and bacon pizza, but not the crust. Eating the proper amount of fat allows you to feel fuller and hold you for a longer time, than going without the fat.

    Limiting the carbs is the better choice to make, have the thin crust pizza rather than the thick crust pizza and enjoy the pepperoni, bacon and all the other stuff you like on your pizza.
    Low carb diets don't work any better than any other diet.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    April 26, 2014 5:10 PM

    I make homemade pepperoni, Canadian bacon and bacon pizzas. I have celiac so they are gluten free. Which, despite popular myth, makes them LESS healthy as rice flour has less fiber and a whole heck of a lot more simple sugars AND more calories. It's also made with a TON of cheese. The secret to eating this and not being an "overweight American"? DO NOT EAT THE ENTIRE FREAKING PIZZA IN ONE SITTING! Throw in some veggies, fruit, sleep and plenty of water and you're set. Exercise helps too! Oh and I do have ice cream, with a touch of chocolate sauce, for dessert. Same thing... don't eat the entire gallon!

    I find it impossible to not eat a whole pizza, it has to be done

    This is man who loves his pizza!
  • Lifelink
    Lifelink Posts: 193 Member
    God bless America! I love that we have "double pepperoni and bacon" pizza. What bothers me is that people in poor neighborhoods often don't have access to healthy, whole foods. What disturbs me is that high fat, high sodium, high sugar foods are marketed to the masses, who have been systematically dumbed down by institutions that are owned by heartless corporations. If you don't like what I'm sharing, be grateful that we live in America, where we have freedom of speech. If you understand what I'm saying and agree, feel free to friend me:)

    This doesn't sound like paranoia or zealotry at all.

  • keziak1
    keziak1 Posts: 204 Member
    Ouch, I apologize for unthinkingly saying the wrong thing to tick off so many people. All I meant to say is that the restaurant business keeps coming up with new ways to increase fat and calories in readily available food. I think the American food landscape makes it hard to eat right, it takes effort to research better choices. Of course it's not my business what the guy down the street eats. I just feel concerned about our calorie-rich eating culture.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    There's this thing many people have called choice.
    Yea! I know! It shocked me too!! CHOICE!? I have CHOICE to buy something or NOT buy something?


    Yea...that's right. We have choice. The people who buy this, well, god bless 'em.

    I would never eat that and I'm American. So...take your stereotypes and shove it.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I've never Seen so many ppl to attack a forum like this!
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I am Canadian and the poutine really is yummy and I definitely miss it! I don't know about the U.S. But Where I live in Ontario they are trying to add more healthy foods in the schools and workplaces. My work for example has recently removed the french fries from the menu in the cafeteria and has replaced them with baked fries instead and all broke lose with lots of angry people saying we should be able to eat what we want etc. They have also added about 8 different salads to the menu. Also Ontario is eventually making it mandatory to post nutritional information inside all fast food restaurants and eateries. When I really want fast food or pizza I always look online for the nutritional information and the majority of the time I am completely turned off by how much crap is in those foods. I am a huge fan of Subway though and can easily fit a 6 inch sub into my diet...but have to be cautious of the toppings.
    I wish they would stop the commercials in the evenings for all the fast food it makes me drool lol.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    " I just feel concerned about our calorie-rich eating culture. "

    I do believe the OP is an American and has been paying way too much attention to the media hype on TV.
    Don't buy into it my fellow USAer! It's all hype and hysteria to sell you something! Or to put a politician up there to scare and control you! Eat in moderation and leave the media and politicians to their own special brand of "OMG! OMG! OMG!" Every 20 seconds. You know they'll come out with another form of trauma drama and doom and gloom soon enough :)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    What about "buy one get one free melons"?

    I'll easily eat both in a day (when they've ripened).

    Evil, evil supermarkets forcing me to overeat this sugary high-fructose trash!
  • catecholamine
    catecholamine Posts: 71 Member
    You think this is some new thing? Please. Fatty foods have been around forever. Hell, I had a deep-fried sandwich not long ago. A ham, turkey, swiss and cheddar cheese sandwich battered and deep fried, sprinkled with powdered sugar and dipped is raspberry preserves. And I've lost 54lbs since January. People all have their indulgences. The key is not eating them every single day.
    Companies make what sells.
    If people didn't buy it, they wouldn't make it for long. They're only giving people what they want.

    Oh, and if you think no one has made a bacon and pepperoni pizza at home on their own, without pizza hut's help, you'd be wrong.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Ouch, I apologize for unthinkingly saying the wrong thing to tick off so many people. All I meant to say is that the restaurant business keeps coming up with new ways to increase fat and calories in readily available food. I think the American food landscape makes it hard to eat right, it takes effort to research better choices. Of course it's not my business what the guy down the street eats. I just feel concerned about our calorie-rich eating culture.

    "Better choices" he says. Better than... what exactly? Because even though recent research determines people with overweight BMI have lower mortality rates compared to BMI below 25 or well over 30-

    And considering that of the "2 out of 3 adults" are overweight OR obese, aka "1 in 3 adults" is ACTUALLY OBESE and of the adult population, only 5% are considered to be "Extremely Obese" by American medcal professionals... wait, what? Yes. That means citizens with a BMI under 30, including overweight, are being shown to actually be healthier than our outdated reseach predicted. Only ~33% of the population is "obese" and only 5% are "extremely obese." ( )

    Then considering the actual health note and not just BMI... that someone who exercises and is overweight has better cardio vascular health and lower mortality rate than someone who is sedentary and naturally thin, that the fat and active population has better heart health on average a lower mortality rate than the thin and inactive population... ( )

    Please, go one. Continue telling me how "bad" things really are, and how we're "doomed." Ignoring the fact that there are multibillion dollar industries who profit on you feeling bad about how you look, and that this type of research is often overlooked in favor of privately funded "studies" paid for by diet companies who are willing to pay more in advertising than legitimate researchers. SOOOOO DOOOOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEEDDDD!!!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I think the problem isn't the pizza itself, but that so many people eat too much of it. Many people cannot control themselves around food.

    I do like the idea of personal freedom, letting people choose what they want to eat, whether or not they exercise, etc. I am not a fan of governments that try to force their views by limiting drink size or removing sodas from vending machines. Some people would rather have a shorter life and eat what they want than live a long life and only eat healthy foods they hate.

    But on the flip side of the coin, there are a lot of preventable health problems that overweight people (or people who are not considered overweight but only eat unhealthy foods) get. For example, heart problems and type 2 diabetes. These cost money and a lot of countries are moving toward shared health care costs. There is something to be said for everyone doing their part to keep the premiums low for everyone, or to keep the taxes low for a "universal health care" system. Live a longer life to be around for yourself and your loved ones.

    "Ignorant and uneducated"... why name-call another person because they have a different opinion from your own? Everyone has their own experiences: they didn't get their opinions from nothing. Let's try to understand others' points of view and have a nice discussion instead of name-calling/labeling them for disagreeing with us.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    The restaurant would say they are just giving people what they want.

    It's true.
  • Fitness_Lova
    Bohooo! Im sooo scared! .... Not!
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