America is doomed



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If I was going to have something with that much fat, it would have to involve chocolate.

    I find it ironic in this day and age that there are still people who think eating too much fat causes obesity. It has been proven countless times that sugar, most especially high fructose corn syrup is the major culprit in obesity.
    Companies label sugary garbage "low fat" and people scoop it up.

    Proven? The only thing that has been "proven" is that calorie consumption in excess of calories burned over time causes obesity.

    That said, I agree that the belief that eating fat makes you fat is bogus and it's taking a long time for that myth to die. I'm looking forward to the myth about carbs (such as sugar and HFCS) being the reason finally dying off too.
    NOMORECARS Posts: 156
    What's wrong with having a pizza once a while?
    It really won't kill your fitness plans at all.I mean,if you look at the big picture.
    I don't like the idea of completely depriving oneself of high calorie delicious foods.You need to treat yourself once a while,you deserve it.

    There is nothing wrong with high calorie foods; what's wrong is sitting in your car during and after you eat them. The human body was designed to move under its own power. Cars have turned us into cripples. Cars are truly weapons of mass destruction. In Wales, there is an annual 20 mile race where men run along side horses and some men actually win. The human body is built for endurance running but the brain cripples it into an automobile dwelling vegetable.
  • ritan7471
    ritan7471 Posts: 99 Member
    my Round Table King Arthur's Supreme extra large pizzas

    God, I love those! Next time I'm in America, I'm eating a half of one. My mom can have the other half, because I'm the sharing, sacrificing kind. :laugh:
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Mothers and fathers are obligated to do the best they can to be able to care for their children. Obese parents with limited mobility and potential health risks who simply eat too much are not putting their children's well-being as a priority.

    My mum is classed as "obese" and also has limited mobility because of unrelated health problems. She put my wellbeing above her own at all times. You seriously have some absolute nerve to imply that obesity makes you a bad, negligent or selfish parent...weight has nothing to do with one's parenting skills. Your comment is disgustingly offensive.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    So what? I can't possibly eat more than two slices of pizza anyway, and I love a lot of meat on mine. I'll order a meat lover's pizza, really loaded with sausage, pepperoni, bacon, and have usually ONE slice. that's enough. Where's the problem?
  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    If I want to eat something really indulgent, I can workout a little harder and do it. Health is relative to function. Even if I eat the whole pizza, one pizza isn't going to un-do my function in one day. Also consider:

    No one is obligated to be healthy.

    No one is obligated to be skinny.

    No one cares if you don't approve.

    It's not just "America," we're not even the worst per capita, we just have more "obese" people because we're a huge country.

    Obesity rates have been pretty leveled out with the American population for a while now, and in the years where the rates seem to have drastically risen were due to changes in how obesity is diagnosed, particularly in children obesity rates.

    Being fat isn't the worst thing you can be. There are plenty of hard-working fat people who enjoy life being able to eat whatever they want and who don't enjoy exercising. That's okay.

    Correlation is not causation, and not everyone who is fat will experience diseases that show correlation with higher weights. And even if they are diabetic and unhealthy, they are still human beings worthy of treatment for managing illnesses and aren't obligated to ever get healthy or lose weight if they don't want to put in the work to do that.

    No one else's habits or diet or anything are really any of your business if they didn't ask you for commentary on their life choices. If you wouldn't approve of people judging you for your sexuality, your race, your nationality, your hair color, or any other trivializing comments to pick apart your identity, then you shouldn't be doing this to other people and their diets/weights.

    Luuuv this
  • MsMimidoll
    MsMimidoll Posts: 249 Member
    I rarely eat fast food, but when I do have pizza its loaded with veggies, I don't eat meat, and I can always use the cheese as I rarely eat dairy...AND I can eat multiple slices, because its a rare treat, and its not really bad for you overall...cals in-cals out, so get up n move your *kitten* :-) js
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    There is nothing wrong with high calorie foods; what's wrong is sitting in your car during and after you eat them. The human body was designed to move under its own power.
    Indeed; I was thinking about the paelo/primal/etc stuff and came to the conclusion that the participants could probably get more benefits by ignoring the TYPES of food, which of course aren't accurate anyway and instead following the methods to they used to acquire food.

    Had the thought as someone who typically cycles to the shops if he wants a treat and finds that to work well enough.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    The pizza restaurant is there to make money so will advertise so you come inside. A lot of big chains now advertise their calorie contents for each item so i guess its up to us to have a look. Until i started my journey i actually never noticed MCdonalds and other large chains have these details. I just ate what I want when I wanted.

    So let them sell what they want, sometimes I will visit and sometimes I wont. My concern is the hygiene rating. Some of these fast food restuarants are nasty.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    and here i am getting up set with the jellybeans i just ate....... my life is so...sad...^_____^ :laugh:
  • spendthatcash
    spendthatcash Posts: 6 Member
    The only thing this thread has accomplished is making me hungry
  • 6ronXtreme9
    6ronXtreme9 Posts: 416 Member
    I am not an american but gotta say americans are the one who wins most numbers of medal in olympics :/
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    The issue is just a vicious cycle, really... When one is overweight or obese, they tend to over-eat.. When they have children, they just feed them the way they feed themselves, causing the kids to grow up overweight.. The eating patterns become something learnt throughout their life, they've never been taught how to eat properly or anything of the sort, so they will continue to over eat.

    Another issue is humans are naturally resistant to change, so a change in diet or change in ways of thinking about food may even frighten some...

    At school, ALL OVER the world, I think the most important thing that needs to be taught at Physical Edu. classes and Health Ed. Classes, is calorie counting and importance of nutrition.
    If people are taught at a young age of why it's important to avoid certain eating habits, they could live much better lives, ESPECIALLY in a world we live in today where all foods just need to taste good, regardless of how it's made or what it contains.
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I don't care how people are treating their bodies as long as I'm not paying their healthcare bills.

    This is why I'm concerned with what Norwegians (my home country) eat and how they live - my taxes go to a public health care system.

    If Americans get the same system, I understand why they'd be angry with others giving themselves heart attacks and cancers.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,071 Member
    I am not an american but gotta say americans are the one who wins most numbers of medal in olympics :/

    Not sure how this is relevant?

    USA is one of the biggest nations population wise and one of the richest - of course it should, purely on that basis, win most number of Olympic medals.

    But what does this prove?

    Totally random to the thread :indifferent:
  • earlybrd7
    earlybrd7 Posts: 56 Member
    Am I the only person that skipped over all the pizza posts in this thread to read the poutine ones?
    (You know you're Canadian when...)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    im doomed !!! i just ate 4 slices ...burp !!!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    I am not an american but gotta say americans are the one who wins most numbers of medal in olympics :/

    Not sure how this is relevant?

    USA is one of the biggest nations population wise and one of the richest - of course it should, purely on that basis, win most number of Olympic medals.

    But what does this prove?

    Totally random to the thread :indifferent:
    Except it appears Americans don't like winter.
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