


  • MRSpivey
    MRSpivey Posts: 270 Member
    This morning I start my day out with coffee. I am not a breakfast eater but I do have a greek yogurt around 9. I have a hard time with trying to figure some light lunches to bring to work. Right now I eat just an apple. Poor. Any suggestrions?

    There are things out there! Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Oatmeal (plain, not the prepackaged flavored and sugared), chicken, etc. As you get into measuring and logging EVERYTHING you put into your mouth you will start to see what foods contains what and you can make positive changes. This is a lifestyle change that will happen with time and dedication. You will see results in the long run. There aren't any healthy quick fixes that I know of. It's more like a marathon. Keep after it and keep progressively making good positive choices!

  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Until you can control your ice cream habit you will have a problem.

    Really you need to get some perspective on this. This is ice cream, it is not a predatory stalker or agents of a military dictatorship. You have to actively go out there an buy it and eat it to perpetuate the problem.

    You know what you need to do. Nobody on here can do it for you. If you're looking for help on HOW to do it we can all find examples in our own experiences that might help you find substitutes but this sounds like you have a trigger food. You need to own this particular issue.

    You know you're strong enough, you know you want to lose weight now you just have to exercise some self discipline. You got this. Would looking at others' food diaries help at all?
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    It is good that you can pinpoint your trigger food.please buy them in single serve sizes when you really want one ,instead of keeping them in large cartons in your freezer.
    Welome and goodluck.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I'm not sure what you want us to tell you. Your options are learning portion control, finding an alternative that's not as fattening, or not having it around at all but you don't want any of those to be your solutions. :)

    Are you near an Ice Cream shop? Maybe the solution is to go for a cone when you're wanting a taste, but not having it the house.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    When your truly ready to lose the weight, you'll give up the excuses and just do it! I weigh and measure everything I eat, to ensure I'm really eating at a deficit. You'll have to make some changes and stop making excuses. a lot of people on here live alone and still lose weight,you can do this!!!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    This morning I start my day out with coffee. I am not a breakfast eater but I do have a greek yogurt around 9. I have a hard time with trying to figure some light lunches to bring to work. Right now I eat just an apple. Poor. Any suggestrions?

    Eat what you would normally eat...just a lighter version or a smaller portion.

    OP...I saw where you are 59...I am 61...at some point you have to take responsibility. Do your research...study...experiment...don't depend on others to tell you how to do this.

    At 59 you should know...an apple is not enough for lunch.

    Is weight loss easy...controlling your portions...NO...it takes works...it takes discipline...it takes time.

    Have a turkey and avocado sandwich...put some lettuce and tomato on it...your then will have covered all your macros plus some of your micros. Add a little cheese and you have gotten some calcium.

    Oh...I have lost almost 70lbs...all while having ice cream...I just don't eat as much as I one time did. Well...I hardly ever ate ice cream until I started losing weight. That WW candy bar ice cream is my favorite...along with this praline crunch stuff I bought the other day.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Because I am my heaviest weight ever. I have a million excuses. Weight does not just fall off because you want it to. Have to take trying to lose my weight seriously all the time. Just getting started. Also, just learning my way around the postings here. Thanks

    Well...your ticker says you lost 1lb...so that means you have 1 less excuse.

    I started with 246+ excuses...every time I lost a pound...I had one less excuse why I couldn't do this.

    Weight will fall off...when you truly want it to and are willing to do your part. Your right though in one sense...the weight is going no where as long as you hold on to those excuses to hide behind.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    You can do this. I also love ice cream I bought an ice cream maker so I could control to amount of sugar in it. Also my newest thing is frozen bananas with some milk and blend it. If I want a chocolate flavor I add some cocoa powder or nestle chocolate mix. I also make smoothies this helps with my need for lots of ice cream. If it's on sale especially at costco I get a box of skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.
    Remember take it one day at a time and making small changes turn into big ones over time. Listen to your body if u need a rest day or need to eat or stop eating. Logging my food helped me realize if I wanted something because I was hungry, bored, or just emotional eating. Good luck to you. My diary is open take a look if u need ideas or inspiration.
    Edit spelling

    You and I in the same mindset! Spot on post :)

    I think the really important takeaway here is that things like Skinny Cow and frozen bananas and milk aren't ice cream in the sense that the OP wants them to be; they are substitutes that you bring into the fold to help the sweet tooth craving without eating a 2000 calorie tub of Ben and Jerry's. The richer stuff can then be kept at arm's length since it's a trigger food.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    This morning I start my day out with coffee. I am not a breakfast eater but I do have a greek yogurt around 9. I have a hard time with trying to figure some light lunches to bring to work. Right now I eat just an apple. Poor. Any suggestrions?

    All coffee is not created equal.

    Coffeee can be OK for you, or awful, depending on what is put in it.

    First, you need a plan. Coming here is good, but you also need direction.
    Figure out how many calories you need to lose 1-2 lbs a week, and go out and walk.
    Plan your meals accordingly and stay at that level of calories and the weight will come off.

    Advice for a light lunch? Figure out what foods you like, and plan accordingly with the calorie intake. Today I brought roast beef sandwich. YOu dont have to eat like a rabbit to lose weight, you just need to burn more than you take in.

    Sure an apple seems good. Healthy, and all of that, but if it doesnt satisfy your hunger you will may react later in the day with snacking or too big of a dinner.
    You mention you go out for dinner each night. Going out to places can make it harder as it is more convenient to go overboard
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Really, these are not excuses for my weight. Factors that add to it. I am wanting to do this and it does first take making changes. I am glad people out there take the time to read and write so I can have some advice on the direction they have gone in. I have read a real lot of good answers and I am getting a lot of suggestions on what tro buy when I go to the grocery store. LOL!

    That restaraunt thing, that is really something my husband and I share. I can get by there too. Start by cutting in half, order water and I never eat dessert. I do like to try not too consume too many carbs. One lost 8lbs. in 7 days on low carbs and that was with eatring when I needed to, sensibly.

    I will stay away from excuses.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Yesterday was my first full day for a diet. Ate three meals to start, no morning or afternoon snacks, yet. I started using the the calorie counter and I came in under 1200. YA HOO! I was not sure where that was and I am thrilled at how it works.

    I am on my way. . . . .
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Yesterday was my first full day for a diet. Ate three meals to start, no morning or afternoon snacks, yet. I started using the the calorie counter and I came in under 1200. YA HOO! I was not sure where that was and I am thrilled at how it works.

    I am on my way. . . . .

    Glad to hear that you ate three meals yesterday. Remember that you are fueling your body though and don't want to go too low in calories for the day. I would at least try to stay at the 1200 calorie mark and maybe a bit above. I currently eat about 1600 calories a day and have been losing fairly steadily.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Well, It is date night and I am going out to dinner. I have already put in my diary what all I have when I go out which is oriental chicken salad. Averages around 3 cups of lettuce, comes with chicken tenders on skewers, grilled (4) but I always eat just two of them. Comes with thai peanut dressing, which I have to cut down on. No soda unsweetened ice tea.

    Still happy with calorie intake for today.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Because I am my heaviest weight ever. I have a million excuses. Weight does not just fall off because you want it to. Have to take trying to lose my weight seriously all the time. Just getting started. Also, just learning my way around the postings here. Thanks

    Well...your ticker says you lost 1lb...so that means you have 1 less excuse.

    I started with 246+ excuses...every time I lost a pound...I had one less excuse why I couldn't do this.

    Weight will fall off...when you truly want it to and are willing to do your part. Your right though in one sense...the weight is going no where as long as you hold on to those excuses to hide behind.
    I started logging my daily meals yesterday. This is going to work. The diary is amazing. Logged for today as well and will commit after dinner.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Chicken salad was very good. Cut back on dressing by 1/2. Sure could go for the ice cream.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    I don't know how to look at others diaries.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    There are things out there! Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Oatmeal (plain, not the prepackaged flavored and sugared), chicken, etc. As you get into measuring and logging EVERYTHING you put into your mouth you will start to see what foods contains what and you can make positive changes. This is a lifestyle change that will happen with time and dedication. You will see results in the long run. There aren't any healthy quick fixes that I know of. It's more like a marathon. Keep after it and keep progressively making good positive choices!

    I am looking around at other people's diets and I am seeing there are things here I could eat. I have learned to use the food diary and I am basing some of my eating on that. Doing good with coming in under 1200.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    I have given up ice cream. I am not missing it. I have replaced it with frozen yogurt bars and sugar free ice pops. These are my snack.

    This diet logging your food it working out well for me. I even plan some of my meals around it. I am too serious about losing weight NOW! BWM is so very disappointing.
  • ancurtis
    ancurtis Posts: 68 Member
    Happy to read you are logging and doing well. Good for you! Hang in there and I wish you great future success.
  • muggzie399
    muggzie399 Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you. I am really trting to work my way in here. Not only do I hope to lose the weight but also stay to maintain it.:smile: