What's with no fruit?

NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
My food choices are miles from perfect, or even ideal, but I can't wrap my head around a plan that allows cheat days and ice cream but fruit is absolutely forbidden. Can somebody make sense of this low carb thing for me?


  • danidaggers13
    Honestly, a diet plan ( or what ever you want to call it ) that doesn't allow fruit is definitely a plan to ignore! The better you eat the quicker you'll see results and feel so much better.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My food choices are miles from perfect, or even ideal, but I can't wrap my head around a plan that allows cheat days and ice cream but fruit is absolutely forbidden. Can somebody make sense of this low carb thing for me?

    Are you doing it for a medical condition? If not, then I wouldn't worry about it. Just eat at your calorie deficit goals and get in some exercise :)
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    What's your reason for eating a low carb diet?
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    to clarify, I will never do this unless hospitalized and they won't bring me any fruit! ;) I just have seen so many posts and comments about low carb, but the common thread is crap food is A-OK and fruit isn't an option. I just want to know WHY people think this is a reasonable approach to a healthy lifestyle.
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    You want a plan that allows you to eat ALL foods not one that forbids them. Everything in moderation, if it fits your calorie goal then you can have it. Speaking as a vegetarian I won't go without my fruit!
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    My food choices are miles from perfect, or even ideal, but I can't wrap my head around a plan that allows cheat days and ice cream but fruit is absolutely forbidden. Can somebody make sense of this low carb thing for me?

    I don't eat ice cream and I don't have cheat days... I don't eat fruit because it is too high in carbs and sugar with the exception of some berries. I am living a ketogenic lifestyle for medical reasons. Nutrients in fruit are also found in vegetables (minus the sugar) and while I miss apples and grapes sometimes, I'm okay without fruit. I don't think "crap food" is okay by any means.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I have at least two pieces of fruit every day and my daily calories are pretty low. Since I started eating more fruit, I feel like I have more energy and crave sugar less. Adding fruit is also a great way to sweeten whole juice and green smoothies. Pears have a lot of fiber, so they are my favorite!
  • chloematilds
    chloematilds Posts: 111 Member
    fruits now is crap food?

    as someone powedered by carbs, fruits, rice and wheat are a must.

    also, tomatoes and avocadoes.are.actually FRUITS
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    My food choices are miles from perfect, or even ideal, but I can't wrap my head around a plan that allows cheat days and ice cream but fruit is absolutely forbidden. Can somebody make sense of this low carb thing for me?
    If a plan allows for cheat days it allows for fruit on those days by definition, surely? But it sounds like you're mixing up a bunch of low carb stereotypes to come up with that scenario. There's room for fruit in even a strict low carb ketogenic diet if you care to make it fit.
  • sysof
    sysof Posts: 21 Member
    " but the common thread is crap food is A-OK and fruit isn't an option."

    I haven't been around here long, but have been on plenty of other forums. I have never seen a low carber say that crap food and ice cream is okay. Never.

    Like aeb09 said, some of us choose to cut out fruit because of the higher sugar content. Vegetables are great and nutritious too.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I try to limit fruit, just because of the amount of carbs. I try to stay under 200g a day, and my favorite fruits (bananas and apples) have a crapload of carbs. Yeah, I know they're good, but MFP is silly and doesn't differentiate between processed carbs and natural carbs. I guess if I wanted to get very technical I could subtract the "good" carbs from the "bad" carbs, but let's face it, I'm a lazy *kitten* and don't want to do that.

    So I do eat fruit, but I try to stick to two servings a day, if that.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I refuse to give up my fruit. like someone else said any diet or lifestyle change (because I view this as a lifestyle change) that forbids fruits cannot be good. I also have noticed how much better I feel eating less processed foods and more fresh vegetables and fruits. **Unless you have a medical condition and are under doctors orders.
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    I am insulin resistance and was given a diet plan by my (nutritional) doctor that is low carb, high protein and high fat is allowable as well. In no way is ice cream ok, becuz of the sugar content. I can have 1 fruit a day, again becuz of the fruit content. I just usually choose not to. The sugar content naturally in vegetables and the fruit I would eat is allowable, but added sugar isn't, as any fake sugar, like aspartame, isn't allowed, except stevia or Truvia (I think they're the same thing). Dairy is ok, like greek yogurt, butter, cheeses, etc. carbs are to be limited. At this point, I feel better being on this food plan than I've felt in years. So, don't condemn all low carb diets. And ice cream sure isn't ok on them either. and fruit isn't totally a no-no either, just limited. Since he has the MD behind his name, I trust in what he is guiding me to do, and it's obviously worked for me. I have suffered no muscle mass loss either.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    No, I can't make sense of the low carb thing.

    Because there's honestly no sense to it. Eat balanced (this means not cutting out food groups) meals at moderate deficit and you will lose weight.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    to clarify, I will never do this unless hospitalized and they won't bring me any fruit! ;) I just have seen so many posts and comments about low carb, but the common thread is crap food is A-OK and fruit isn't an option. I just want to know WHY people think this is a reasonable approach to a healthy lifestyle.

    I might be a little slow today, but I really do not understand what your point is …

    please define "crap" food…

    As for low carb, are you doing it for a medical reason or do you just want to do it, to do it?

    I would say eat in a deficit, eat fruit, ice cream, etc and you will lose weight.

    who is saying no fruit?????
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    to clarify, I will never do this unless hospitalized and they won't bring me any fruit! ;) I just have seen so many posts and comments about low carb, but the common thread is crap food is A-OK and fruit isn't an option. I just want to know WHY people think this is a reasonable approach to a healthy lifestyle.
    What makes you think eating low-carb "forbids" fruit?

    I eat low-carb (for medical reasons - diabetes) and I enjoy fruit every day. Mostly lower-glycemic fruits such as berries (lots of fiber, high in anti-oxidants) and the occasional 1/2 an apple or so ...

    Depending on what you decide your carb-limit is as a low-carb dieter, you can enjoy fruit - unfortunately fruit IS higher in carbohydrate/sugar (and calories) than veggies, so I have to limit it.

    All the nutrients, vitamins, etc., found in fruit are also found in vegetables - but in veggies you end up with lower carb and lower calories overall - possibly making it easier to have a caloric deficit and meet your macro targets. But fruit certainly isn't forbidden.

    BTW I also eat ice cream ... a good quality ice cream where REAL CREAM is the first ingredient (instead of sugar) often has as little as 14g of carbohydrate per 1/2 cup serving. So yeah, I enjoy that too... As a low-carb diabetic ...
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    to clarify, I will never do this unless hospitalized and they won't bring me any fruit! ;) I just have seen so many posts and comments about low carb, but the common thread is crap food is A-OK and fruit isn't an option. I just want to know WHY people think this is a reasonable approach to a healthy lifestyle.
    What makes you think eating low-carb "forbids" fruit?

    I eat low-carb (for medical reasons - diabetes) and I enjoy fruit every day. Mostly lower-glycemic fruits such as berries (lots of fiber, high in anti-oxidants) and the occasional 1/2 an apple or so ...

    Depending on what you decide your carb-limit is as a low-carb dieter, you can enjoy fruit - unfortunately fruit IS higher in carbohydrate/sugar (and calories) than veggies, so I have to limit it.

    All the nutrients, vitamins, etc., found in fruit are also found in vegetables - but in veggies you end up with lower carb and lower calories overall - possibly making it easier to have a caloric deficit and meet your macro targets. But fruit certainly isn't forbidden.

    BTW I also eat ice cream ... a good quality ice cream where REAL CREAM is the first ingredient (instead of sugar) often has as little as 14g of carbohydrate per 1/2 cup serving. So yeah, I enjoy that too... As a low-carb diabetic ...

    I agree with this. I have to watch what carbs I put into my body but I still eat fruits. Green apples, green grapes, bananas (usually when my blood sugar is low), kiwis, berries, cantaloupe, watermelon. Although, I personally choose not to eat cookies, cake, cupcakes, ice cream (lactose intolerant), cheesecake, etc. because of my medical conditions and simply the fact that they make me feel like crap afterward.

    Albertabeefy: Just out of curiosity… what ice cream do you buy?

    OP: Most people who eat low-carb do it because they have a medical condition (insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, etc.). I personally have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia. My dietitian has me following a plan that allows 30-45 g carbs per meal and 15-30 g carbs per snack. I should eat low-carb because of how bad my insulin resistance is but I can't because I have hypoglycemia which requires a good amount of carbs to keep my blood sugar stable.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    What's your reason for eating a low carb diet?

    What's your reason for your diet? Why does a low carber suddenly need to justify their decision?