Giving up drinking?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you can pry the alcohol out of my cold, dead, hands …lol..

    seriously, here is what I do ..

    typically only drink on weekends
    try to go for vodka, Jack Daniels etc, as they tend to be lower in calories then beer.
    If I do drink I log it and include it in my diary so I know how many calories I drank ..

    In all honesty, you only live once so do not let dieting cut back on having a good time every once in a while….I like to go to the beach and drink beer and then go out to eat, so I am going to do that on Saturday and try to log it, and if I go over then so be it and I just move on ..

    Now, if you are drinking/partying every nigh then cutting back to weekends should help reduce the drinking calories….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Join the AA, as it looks like you have a serious problem.

    lol what? by this definition every college kid in the country should be in AA….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - final thought…I have gone from 210# 25%+ body fat and now about 171 and 12% body fat, and I drink over that entire period ….mainly during weekends….
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    I could never give up my weekly drinking with friends! I usually work out extra a couple days a week and 'save' calories for the weekend, so my calories tend to average out over the week rather than sticking to goal every day. Plus I usually pre-log calories at the start of the day, so on my drinking day I will log, say, six vodka sodas or whatever and then do my workout and plan my food calories around that. Just be careful of that late-night hunger, I usually manage to keep in my goal with the drinking but then have to fight the temptation to blow it on greasy pizza or chips on the way home...
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    I lost about 25lbs by doing nothing else but cut back on my drinking (would still drink the same amounts, but much less often)... I didn't cut down on it to lose weight, I cut down because it was getting out of hand, so the weight loss was just a bonus, that got me motivated to do something about my weight for real. Now I'm considering not getting drunk even the few times I DO go out - first of all I find it difficult to control - since I weigh less and eat much less than I did before, I cannot drink like I used to, so the last few times I've been drinking, I did not enjoy it very much, got too drunk and tired. So now I'm thinking to aim more for 'tipsy' rather than 'drunk' in the future. Will be better for my diet and my well being.