Weight loss deficit, eating exercise calories, stavation mod



  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............


    Because they only subscribe to doing biased studies for the government and various organizations so people like the FDA, USDA, AMA, ADA, Big Pharma, etc, etc can keep their agenda to keep people sick and on all these medications that cause more illness so people stay in the vicious cycle.

    I am more into research done independently (not from grants and such) by schools that are more Naturopathic in nature. Finding the root cause and fixing the true source of the problem.

    I don't like conventional wisdom and can not subscribe to it.

    Interesting. You do realize you are grossly generalizing here? It is very rare that research at universities gets funded by an agency with vested interests as you state here.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............


    Because they only subscribe to doing biased studies for the government and various organizations so people like the FDA, USDA, AMA, ADA, Big Pharma, etc, etc can keep their agenda to keep people sick and on all these medications that cause more illness so people stay in the vicious cycle.

    I am more into research done independently (not from grants and such) by schools that are more Naturopathic in nature. Finding the root cause and fixing the true source of the problem.

    I don't like conventional wisdom and can not subscribe to it.

    Interesting. You do realize you are grossly generalizing here? It is very rare that research at universities gets funded by an agency with vested interests as you state here.

    I am not grossly generalizing on this. It is a known fact that Universities get funding all the time with vested interests to make the outcome a certain way.

    A lot of agencies, such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and many others do also.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............


    Because they only subscribe to doing biased studies for the government and various organizations so people like the FDA, USDA, AMA, ADA, Big Pharma, etc, etc can keep their agenda to keep people sick and on all these medications that cause more illness so people stay in the vicious cycle.

    I am more into research done independently (not from grants and such) by schools that are more Naturopathic in nature. Finding the root cause and fixing the true source of the problem.

    I don't like conventional wisdom and can not subscribe to it.

    Interesting. You do realize you are grossly generalizing here? It is very rare that research at universities gets funded by an agency with vested interests as you state here.

    I am not grossly generalizing on this. It is a known fact that Universities get funding all the time with vested interests to make the outcome a certain way.

    A lot of agencies, such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and many others do also.

    Those agencies have no say over the research results. They simply fund research in certain areas. But if you want to be a conspiracy therorist, go ahead.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............


    Because they only subscribe to doing biased studies for the government and various organizations so people like the FDA, USDA, AMA, ADA, Big Pharma, etc, etc can keep their agenda to keep people sick and on all these medications that cause more illness so people stay in the vicious cycle.

    I am more into research done independently (not from grants and such) by schools that are more Naturopathic in nature. Finding the root cause and fixing the true source of the problem.

    I don't like conventional wisdom and can not subscribe to it.

    Interesting. You do realize you are grossly generalizing here? It is very rare that research at universities gets funded by an agency with vested interests as you state here.

    I am not grossly generalizing on this. It is a known fact that Universities get funding all the time with vested interests to make the outcome a certain way.

    A lot of agencies, such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and many others do also.

    Those agencies have no say over the research results. They simply fund research in certain areas. But if you want to be a conspiracy therorist, go ahead.

    I am not being a conspiracy theorist.

    I am speaking the truth and the people of the United States need to really wake up to what most of America is allowing the government to do to our food.

    The funding guarantees that the outcome comes out a certain way..............Believe it, it does.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    I am not being a conspiracy theorist.

    I am speaking the truth and the people of the United States need to really wake up to what most of America is allowing the government to do to our food.

    The funding guarantees that the outcome comes out a certain way..............Believe it, it does.

    actually this is exactly what the definition of conspiracy theorist is.


    Sooooo, yeah, you are being a conspiracy theorist. Do you really think that the whole higher educational system has been bribed by big business? Really? I mean, come on. I have a few friends who do contract research at University labs, and trust me, they don't have government watchdogs on them. If anything, our government gives away money too flippantly to these programs, putting little or no restrictions on what they can do with the money. There's no secret G-man in a back room doling out threats with his money. The world's not out to "get us", we're just a lazy society that will accept things out of convenience to often, that is why we are obese. The industrialized world has become spoiled, it's no giant mystery.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    I disagree with anything that a major university has to say.............


    Because they only subscribe to doing biased studies for the government and various organizations so people like the FDA, USDA, AMA, ADA, Big Pharma, etc, etc can keep their agenda to keep people sick and on all these medications that cause more illness so people stay in the vicious cycle.

    I am more into research done independently (not from grants and such) by schools that are more Naturopathic in nature. Finding the root cause and fixing the true source of the problem.

    I don't like conventional wisdom and can not subscribe to it.

    Interesting. You do realize you are grossly generalizing here? It is very rare that research at universities gets funded by an agency with vested interests as you state here.

    I am not grossly generalizing on this. It is a known fact that Universities get funding all the time with vested interests to make the outcome a certain way.

    A lot of agencies, such as the American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association and many others do also.

    Those agencies have no say over the research results. They simply fund research in certain areas. But if you want to be a conspiracy therorist, go ahead.

    I am not being a conspiracy theorist.

    I am speaking the truth and the people of the United States need to really wake up to what most of America is allowing the government to do to our food.

    The funding guarantees that the outcome comes out a certain way..............Believe it, it does.

    I've worked in labs funded by similar agencies in Canada. Believe me, they have no say over anything. All they do is if they like your grant proposal, they give you funding. Then you report back to them what you find out. That's it.