Further Proof McDonalds is Raunchy



  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I saw that article this morning too. I'm thinking of doing the experiment myself b/c there is some controversy over the pics. either way, that's gross!

    think about it... have you ever found one of those 'lost' fries in the back seat of your car? noticed how they didn't mold? yuck! :sick:

    I wanna get two. One for putting in a container, and one for keeping out in the open to see if there is a difference.
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    I mean this in a non-snarky way, but I think people might be posting this over and over again out of spite. LOL :laugh:

    Makes you wonder doesn't it?
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    Will an occasional fast food meal be bad for you? No. Should it be a regular part of anyone's diet? No. Unfortunately, McDonalds and all the other fast foods places have convinced people that they should be a regular part of everyone's diet, and that's just not healthy.

    The fact is you can make everything you eat at McDonalds at home and it will be much healthier for you. I'm not discriminating against McDonalds - ALL fast food places are equally bad! Burger King, Wendys - take your pick. I would MUCH rather eat a burger at home where I can control the content of my food - keep the sodium, sugar and fat levels reasonable, among other things. After weaning myself off of fast food, I now realize that I feel much better when I eat homemade versions - the last time I ate a fast food burger, I felt sick afterwards. I don't miss the fast food at all.

    Edited to add: I'm not blaming McDonalds (or other similar places). We CHOSE where we eat. It's someone's own fault if they get fat from eating out too much. However, maybe if enough people get smart and quit eating that junk, then these restaurants will start producing healthier foods. They know that what they produce is bad for us, but they're only in it for the money. Time to make our money talk.

    I TOTALLY agree! I ate fast food a few weeks after I started coming here, and there was a grease film in my mouth and I felt sluggish and gross afterwards. :sick: Went right through me. Ugh! :grumble:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I love their Wild Berry Smoothies everything else taste like crap.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Ok since no one else will say it or admit to it I will. I LOVE MC DONALDS!

    Lol, I will admit to loving their milkshakes...yes I know the crap that is in them but I probably have had 3 in the last 10 years. If I have to have a burger when I'm out i would prefer Burger king, I don't think theyre any better for me than McDonalds, i just prefer them but best of all is my own homemade burgers. Once you have made your own you tend to shy away from the mass produced ones. The only "fast food" i've had when out in the last few years is Subway, I do love them, especially the BMT but we're still only in single figures for the last 5 years or so.

    My kids have eaten McDonalds when little, once maybe twice a year. They're all older (3 of them classed as adults) and can make their own choices and sometimes that choice is a burger and fries and I wouldn't bash that choice unless they were eating them everyday.

    I'm waiting for the anti alcohol posts on here, afterall, theyre just empty calories that can and do kill people, far more people than burgers do. Alcohol doesn't go moldy either :ohwell: ...after that we can have the anti milk posts - geez the hormones in that stuff. I'm joking of course but everything we drink, eat etc could be picked on for something or other. Its all about balance
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    At my work we are always on a mission for the greatest San Diego burger. I will admit fast food is sub par to Daddy-Os, Smash Burger and of course Dannys. I try and try to make one as good as Dannys (a little bar on coronado), but still can't do it. :) Now when we go there I cut it in half right away and ask to get it to go. I know one of the guys I work with will eat the other half for me. I am trying to limit my burgers to once every two weeks though. This week I have been bad.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds
    wow! someone must have stock in it:laugh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    are you.....supporting McDs? :huh: sorry to break it to you but even if you dont believe the photos its kind of been proven over and over that their burgers and fries arent good for you at all. (btw you should read the article about it on yahoo, the photographer explains how she's doing it, research makes you look smarter)

    I dont support or hate Mc D's they get a lot of press for doing things the way everyone else does, they just get picked on because they are at the top. I rarely eat there (this wont change any opinion or change that), but they arent the problem anyway they provide a service of fast food, if you eat there and you become fat, its not Mcdonalds fault or problem, they are just a business trying to make a buck like everyone else
    I am sorry I dont buy instantly into everything online that is posted (is the mechanically separated chicken pic coming next)
    so if you don't eat there, support them or have stock in McD's why get your blood pressure all crazy over each McD's thread that comes along? Seems reather silly and it appears I'm not the only that sees it that way.:wink:

    If you don't care for a thread, best thing to do is move on to the next one...no reason to lose sleep over a thread:flowerforyou: Really, it's truly not worth it:noway: :wink:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    Now why would we want to do that? By being the largest fast food chain in the world, they have gain a lot of responsibility. They need to realize that their food is unhealthy and market it as such.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    Now why would we want to do that? By being the largest fast food chain in the world, they have gain a lot of responsibility. They need to realize that their food is unhealthy and market it as such.

    Since it IS a health liability to eat there, should they have warning labels? Or at least have their nutrition facts on their wrappers?
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Or at least have their nutrition facts on their wrappers?
    McDonald's actually does do this.

    ETA link
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    YES, thank you! Such a poor excuse for a "study", it’s a silly little art project done by a professional rather than a high-schooler so its kinda sad.

    Ya'll just jealous of its delicious calorie filled goodness ;) - just kidding
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Or at least have their nutrition facts on their wrappers?
    McDonald's actually does do this.

    ETA link

    I have never seen it, but that's good that they do!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    Now why would we want to do that? By being the largest fast food chain in the world, they have gain a lot of responsibility. They need to realize that their food is unhealthy and market it as such.

    Since it IS a health liability to eat there, should they have warning labels? Or at least have their nutrition facts on their wrappers?
    I'd vote for 'black box' labels! :tongue: Or maybe something along the lines of 'this "food" has no expiration date" storage containers unnecessary (in the future they could start handing the burgers to ppl with no wrapper:glasses: ). That could be written with the "nutrition info" they list on the box, though according to Nutrition guidelines it's ok for eating establishments to be 20% off of the info on the webpage and food packaging. So really if the places that label their fast food wrappers are 20% higher than what is listed, what's the point then in listing it in the first place???:frown: :noway:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    Now why would we want to do that? By being the largest fast food chain in the world, they have gain a lot of responsibility. They need to realize that their food is unhealthy and market it as such.

    Since it IS a health liability to eat there, should they have warning labels? Or at least have their nutrition facts on their wrappers?
    I'd vote for 'black box' labels! :tongue: Or maybe something along the lines of 'this "food" has no expiration date" storage containers unnecessary (in the future they could start handing the burgers to ppl with no wrapper:glasses: ). That could be written with the "nutrition info" they list on the box, though according to Nutrition guidelines it's ok for eating establishments to be 20% off of the info on the webpage and food packaging. So really if the places that label their fast food wrappers are 20% higher than what is listed, what's the point then in listing it in the first place???:frown: :noway:

    If the wrappers list a higher calorie, it might encourage people who actually LOOK at the wrapper to eat less. lol
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    I mean this in a non-snarky way, but I think people might be posting this over and over again out of spite. LOL :laugh:
    :laugh: could be, because it gets the very same rise out of this very same person each and every time it comes up on a new thread!:wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Wow another Mcdonalds Smeer campaign thread...

    What conditions was this done in, was it sealed or open, the environment was it wet to dry etc, hardly scientific and hardly anything you can base anything on other than to try to bash mcdonalds

    Now why would we want to do that? By being the largest fast food chain in the world, they have gain a lot of responsibility. They need to realize that their food is unhealthy and market it as such.

    Since it IS a health liability to eat there, should they have warning labels? Or at least have their nutrition facts on their wrappers?
    I'd vote for 'black box' labels! :tongue: Or maybe something along the lines of 'this "food" has no expiration date" storage containers unnecessary (in the future they could start handing the burgers to ppl with no wrapper:glasses: ). That could be written with the "nutrition info" they list on the box, though according to Nutrition guidelines it's ok for eating establishments to be 20% off of the info on the webpage and food packaging. So really if the places that label their fast food wrappers are 20% higher than what is listed, what's the point then in listing it in the first place???:frown: :noway:

    If the wrappers list a higher calorie, it might encourage people who actually LOOK at the wrapper to eat less. lol
    Perhaps:wink: But unfortunately I believe it works the other way around...labels and websites list lower ....not higher...
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    UGH! I read the last part of the paragraph wrong. lol
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't know why McDonalds is getting a bad rap. We should go after White Castle. Dear God! I tried a 4 pack...never again. The next day I had a colon so clean is whistled.
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I don't know why McDonalds is getting a bad rap. We should go after White Castle. Dear God! I tried a 4 pack...never again. The next day I had a colon so clean is whistled.