Thinking of adding deadlifts to my routine



  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    A lot of good programs include only one set of deadlifts, because you only have so much fuel in the tank and deadlifts are probably the fastest way to drain that fuel. They're incredibly taxing on your body and if you're planning to do squats and other movements in the same day, 1x5 deadlifts (with some warm up) may be plenty. Nothing wrong with programming more than 1 set of course, but just saying there are reasons why you might do 1x5.

    You should never be doing squats and deadlifts on the same day. They both are extremely taxing on your CNS and are very draining. I know people are going to say: "But stronglifts has squats and deadlifts on the same day" which is one of the reasons I don't think stronglifts is a very well designed program. Stronglifts also has you doing squats every single workout which is asinine...

    Squatting every single workout is a very effective method for huge strength gains. See Texas Method, Mad Cow, Smolov, etc.

    eta because I no can English spelling
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member

    I've done programs where I've done one working set and I've done programs where I've done three working sets. There is no universal one way to reach all goals.

    If your body can handle multiple sets, then go for it. What I find is that when I am truly working at my max 1x5 effort, I will lose form and start to round my back on the next rep. If I feel this start to happen, I abandon the lift. Once that happens, I'm done for the day because I can no longer hold form with that weight. I can do 3x10, 5x10's at a lower weight stopping short of failure no problem.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    A lot of good programs include only one set of deadlifts, because you only have so much fuel in the tank and deadlifts are probably the fastest way to drain that fuel. They're incredibly taxing on your body and if you're planning to do squats and other movements in the same day, 1x5 deadlifts (with some warm up) may be plenty. Nothing wrong with programming more than 1 set of course, but just saying there are reasons why you might do 1x5.

    You should never be doing squats and deadlifts on the same day. They both are extremely taxing on your CNS and are very draining. I know people are going to say: "But stronglifts has squats and deadlifts on the same day" which is one of the reasons I don't think stronglifts is a very well designed program. Stronglifts also has you doing squats every single workout which is asinine...

    I have seen you post similar comments on multiple threads and it's total nonsense, in fact I just got home from the gym where I both squatted then deadlifted.

    You seem to have an extremely pessimistic view of what's possible to do in terms or work capacity. Go look at some of the higher frequency style powerlifting routines out there which people are getting amazing results from. Look at dan green, mike turscherer [sp?] , layne Norton, Paul carter and how they train.

    If you think you can only squat once a week because anything more is overtraining you are doing yourself a disservice.

    Russian squat program
    Smolov base cycle

    These are the routines that have given me the best strength gains and they all involve squatting 3-4 times per week. Is it hard? Yeah, deal with it. Try it and it might open your mind, it's not just strong lifts it's some of the best and most successful routines have people squatting multiple times per week.

    Those routines mentioned will put guaranteed pounds on our squat and Deadlift. It's been working for decades and still works today.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    A lot of good programs include only one set of deadlifts, because you only have so much fuel in the tank and deadlifts are probably the fastest way to drain that fuel. They're incredibly taxing on your body and if you're planning to do squats and other movements in the same day, 1x5 deadlifts (with some warm up) may be plenty. Nothing wrong with programming more than 1 set of course, but just saying there are reasons why you might do 1x5.

    You should never be doing squats and deadlifts on the same day. They both are extremely taxing on your CNS and are very draining. I know people are going to say: "But stronglifts has squats and deadlifts on the same day" which is one of the reasons I don't think stronglifts is a very well designed program. Stronglifts also has you doing squats every single workout which is asinine...

    Squatting every single workout is a very effective method for huge strength gains. See Texas Method, Mad Cow, Smolov, etc.

    eta because I no can English spelling


    If I wasn't squatting I would increase my DL..esp at this weight as I don't find them that taxing (recent deload to work on form)

    And most programs I have seen have squats during every workout.

    Now I am not what you call an experienced lifter (only been doing it for 7 months) so I will follow a pre designed plan for now.

    To the OP yah if bodypump is mainly DL's first...