hcg diet?



  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yes, this!

    Why take some injection or pill and restrict yourself to ridiculously low calories to lose weight when you can eat the RIGHT number of calories for your age, height, weight, goals, etc and lose.....and keep it off? For free!

    With so many awesome tools at your fingertips, like MFP, online body fat, BMR & TDEE calculators, etc, etc - it's really not difficult to find the right info and put it into practice. Temporary diets will get you temporary results. Do it right, change your lifestyle, lose the fat and keep it off. It's worth it to do it right.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Its a money maker scam. I have known several people to do it. They lose weight and gain it all right back. Recently my husbands aunt paid her MD $600 for the "diet plan" & drops. I guess this also covers her having to go back to him every 2 weeks as well. She doesn't even need to lose weight is the scary part, but there are people out there looking to make a quick buck.
  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    Stay away from this hyped up fad diet. It messes with your metabolism, tricks the body naturally to lose weight fast. husband did this last year and he gained the weight back.
  • Keepcalmanddontblink
    Keepcalmanddontblink Posts: 718 Member
    Has anyone tried it and has it worked? It seems interesting? But I want to know reviews and side effects. :/
    http://keysnews.com/node/39708 Just say no to the pregnant lady pee diet.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I know someone who did it, and she didn't have a lot of weight to lose to begin with - maybe 20-ish pounds. She, of course, loved it.

    It's just one of the varieties of tools that's available to people to try to lose weight. I've got real concerns about it. It requires taking shots "THE" hormone they measure to see if you're pregnant to try to curb your appetite. And you're only supposed to eat something like 500-1000 calories a day.

    Personally, it isn't for me. I already have a hormone imbalance, and taking shots of another hormone just seems like an oxymoronic thing for me to do.

    No matter which method you use to try to lose weight of the massive amounts of methods to try, they all require one thing: making changes to your eating habits. That's the ONE THING they all have in common: whether it's the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, atkins diet, south beach diet, weight watchers, jenny craig, slimfast, optifast, lap band surgery, gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery, WHATEVER!!

    Therefore, it only stands to reason that if anyone wants to lose weight, then the only requirement is to change your eating habits.

    Just my 2 cents worth.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm kinda surprised this is still here, but since it is I'll tell you what my family went through with it.

    My father-in-law started on it. He needed to lose 100 lbs so he went to one of those "weight loss clinics" and they started him on the injections and the diet. He was losing about 1-2 lbs per day. So my mother-in-law started it too and got all excited about it, and soon the whole family was on it-- mother and father-in-law, 4 sisters-in-law, my husband, my brother-in-law, and a few more distant relations. Everyone had success the first go around. My mother-in-law lost 40 lbs. The others lost varying amounts of weight. Within a month or two of quitting all of them had gained back their weight so some of them started a second round. That's when the hair loss started. They started to look sickly. They didn't lose as much that round so they started a third round. And it went on like that. My husband went straight to boot camp so he kept his off for awhile. But eventually he gained it back too, and after that it was 2 years before he could lose weight with calorie counting.

    They all lost a ton of muscle. My mother-in-law lost her 40 lbs three times in the same amount of time it took me to lose mine once. But years later she's bigger than she ever was and I've maintained. HCG doesn't teach you any good habits. At the beginning you eat all this extremely caloric food (called loading days) and then you starve yourself for the next month. It's a very unhealthy mindset.

    The worst part though is my father-in-law. He couldn't sustain his loss and each time he went back on the diet he lost muscle, which includes his heart. So now he has a lot of heart issues that weren't there before (they told him it was from the diet) and he's heavier than before but without the skeletal muscle required to be as mobile as he was.

    All around it was a very bad deal. Generally when I tell people they say "well then they didn't do maintenance properly" but that isn't true. They followed the book they were given to the letter. They gradually reintroduced calories and carbs. It just wasn't enough.

    I'd urge you to run, not walk, away from this diet. It's nothing but bad news.
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