Eating "Clean"



  • tiger_lily5
    tiger_lily5 Posts: 38 Member
    Start by buying local if you can, the Farmer's Market's near you or some of the smaller ethnic grocery stores. And WASH WASH WASH whatever you buy. Also, you may find the ketogenic, low carb way of eating more within the types of foods you eat now. The veg exalted here are mostly greens. For a greater understanding, check out It's been known to help with all kinds of health issues from Parkinson's to Diabetes to IBS to Epileptic seizure control.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There's no need to be scared of your food.

    Unless they're killer tomatoes ...
  • stefaniem76
    stefaniem76 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you all - I really needed to hear all of that. :) I am going to take one step and one day at a time. :happy: :happy:

    Think about it this way, if all those "scary chemicals" really were bad, we'd all be dead. You've eaten them your whole life, so have I and everyone else you know. We're fine. So there's nothing to worry about.

    Ignore the fear mongering. They're just trying to sell you stuff.

    Can you explain why all illnesses have quadrupled in the last 40 years? And new, unexplained illnesses? I'm not saying that all food is bad or that clean eating is "the way," but to say we have all been eating "scary chemicals" and we are all fine is completely ignoring the obvious.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    hey there. i'm in treatment for an eating disorder, and right now we are focussing on taking the labels off "good" and "bad" foods. i get that eating natural foods obviously is better for you, instead of eating fast food and packaged stuff for every meal.
    relax though. wash your produce before you eat it and honestly the pestisides will come off with the wash. i understand too with what is being fed to the animals, i don't eat meat for that and other reasons but if you do just try and do your research about meat that maybe is without hormones and grass fed, although that will be more expensive.
    don't be afraid of food. that can lead to some serious issues down the road. i've been afraid of food for a long time, and i have to break that. food is good for you, even the kind labeled as junk, every now and then, will not kill you. it's a scary thought about what horrible things they put in food sometimes, but if you shop the outer perimiter of the store and wash your produce you should be okay.
    as far as your daughter, you'll just have to start introducing her to fruits and veg. when i was growing up, we ate what was on the table, or we didn't eat or had bread and water. other than not eating meat, i will pretty much eat whatever is put in front of me, and over the yeras have grown to love the crap out of fruit and veg.
    good luck to you, and again, don't be afraid to eat!
    also, maybe see if there is a farmers market around you, for at least the spring summer and fall you can get some more fresh produce. and maybe some farm fresh eggs too.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    There's no need to be scared of your food.

    Unless they're killer tomatoes ...

    shark and alligator gar are pretty good...and i ate alligator the other day...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Thank you all - I really needed to hear all of that. :) I am going to take one step and one day at a time. :happy: :happy:

    Think about it this way, if all those "scary chemicals" really were bad, we'd all be dead. You've eaten them your whole life, so have I and everyone else you know. We're fine. So there's nothing to worry about.

    Ignore the fear mongering. They're just trying to sell you stuff.

    Can you explain why all illnesses have quadrupled in the last 40 years? And new, unexplained illnesses? I'm not saying that all food is bad or that clean eating is "the way," but to say we have all been eating "scary chemicals" and we are all fine is completely ignoring the obvious.
    Could you name some of these new and unexplained illnesses?
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i like the idea of having your daughter help you cook, dad always had us cook with him so we were excited to eat it and see how it came out.
    i am limited on growing food as i live in an apt complex but some things you can grow in a pot, or do tomatoes on a vine. even if it's just some herbs and a few veg you grow yourself, that's one step closer to healthy clean eating. and you can freeze the herbs in olive oil in ice cube trays to use them throughout the year.
    or you can do garden boxes which area easier, pretty much soil in a wooden box and you can grow some diff veg in a few different boxes.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Thank you all - I really needed to hear all of that. :) I am going to take one step and one day at a time. :happy: :happy:

    Think about it this way, if all those "scary chemicals" really were bad, we'd all be dead. You've eaten them your whole life, so have I and everyone else you know. We're fine. So there's nothing to worry about.

    Ignore the fear mongering. They're just trying to sell you stuff.

    Can you explain why all illnesses have quadrupled in the last 40 years? And new, unexplained illnesses? I'm not saying that all food is bad or that clean eating is "the way," but to say we have all been eating "scary chemicals" and we are all fine is completely ignoring the obvious.

    Population as tripled, genetics, increased obesity and decreased activity to name a few.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Thank you all - I really needed to hear all of that. :) I am going to take one step and one day at a time. :happy: :happy:

    wait... i think i see success here!?!??
  • denverheather
    denverheather Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone will give you some advice, mine is to do your own research. Also, I wanted to ask you if you have had your daughter checked for food allergies, she may be allergic to citrus or something and has to stay away from only certain fruits. That being said, do research on the following: Natural versus Organic (Natural is only helpful in meats not produce and other foods), GMO or GM foods (foods modified to grow bigger, better, faster and consequentially do the same to those who ingest them.) Start there, baby steps so you don't get overwhelmed.
    Some baby steps to consider:
    Drink only water with added lemon or lime if you need the taste-eliminate all sodas, juices, etc
    Buy only Organic apples or other fruit of your choice-You still need to wash all fruits and vegetables-The organic is more expensive because the farmers have to prove that their produce was grown without chemicals and other nasty crap that typical produce has...isn't that crazy?
    Do not eat canned food such as canned vegetables-buy only fresh or frozen...

    Hope that helps with "Just Getting Started":drinker:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    here is my advice OP ...

    Try to incorporate some healthy foods into your diet, but stop freaking out about "non clean" foods, whatever those are. Focus more on eating less, hitting your calorie deficit, and staying within your macro percentages for the day...

    There really is no "bad" food, there is just food with different caloric levels and macronutrient composition that your body uses for energy.

    I really do not focus on eating clean and have lost about 50 pounds, reduced body fat t 12%, and am in best shape/health of my life...

    my diary is open, so feel free to browse it for ideas
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    Shop the perimeter. So that is produce, meat/dairy. Stay out of the aisles with packaged treats...cookies, candies, snack crackers.

    You'll be eating "cleaner" than about 80% of all Americans who equate the naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals in blueberries with a highly processed food which has zero nutritive value.

    There is a cleaning eating group here on MFP where you'll find more of us!

    For my own part, I'm 50, 21.5 BMI, just did a competitive stairclimb where I did 54 flight in 12 and a half minutes.

    My weight I attribute to a calorie deficit.

    The fact that I feel terrific every day and fully expect to live well into my 90s, I attribute to eating clean.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Shop the perimeter. So that is produce, meat/dairy. Stay out of the aisles with packaged treats...cookies, candies, snack crackers.

    You'll be eating "cleaner" than about 80% of all Americans who equate the naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals in blueberries with a highly processed food which has zero nutritive value.

    There is a cleaning eating group here on MFP where you'll find more of us!

    For my own part, I'm 50, 21.5 BMI, just did a competitive stairclimb where I did 54 flight in 12 and a half minutes.

    My weight I attribute to a calorie deficit.

    The fact that I feel terrific every day and fully expect to live well into my 90s, I attribute to eating clean.

    right, so everyone who does not eat "clean" by your definition (whatever that is) is a "dirty" eater that is not going to live a long life....?

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Shop the perimeter. So that is produce, meat/dairy. Stay out of the aisles with packaged treats...cookies, candies, snack crackers.

    You'll be eating "cleaner" than about 80% of all Americans who equate the naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals in blueberries with a highly processed food which has zero nutritive value.

    There is a cleaning eating group here on MFP where you'll find more of us!

    For my own part, I'm 50, 21.5 BMI, just did a competitive stairclimb where I did 54 flight in 12 and a half minutes.

    My weight I attribute to a calorie deficit.

    The fact that I feel terrific every day and fully expect to live well into my 90s, I attribute to eating clean.

    Yeah, cause apparently "clean eating" is also competitive.
    Who knew?!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Shop the perimeter. So that is produce, meat/dairy. Stay out of the aisles with packaged treats...cookies, candies, snack crackers.

    You'll be eating "cleaner" than about 80% of all Americans who equate the naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals in blueberries with a highly processed food which has zero nutritive value.

    There is a cleaning eating group here on MFP where you'll find more of us!

    For my own part, I'm 50, 21.5 BMI, just did a competitive stairclimb where I did 54 flight in 12 and a half minutes.

    My weight I attribute to a calorie deficit.

    The fact that I feel terrific every day and fully expect to live well into my 90s, I attribute to eating clean.

    right, so everyone who does not eat "clean" by your definition (whatever that is) is a "dirty" eater that is not going to live a long life....?


    yeah, but you don't stairz, so what do you know?
  • Sirinya55
    Sirinya55 Posts: 79 Member
    Read this

    so get so caught up in "clean eating". Just eat healthier
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    Firstly, you need to do what you feel is best for you and your goals. ‘Clean eating’ seems to be a sticky situation on MFP. I currently eat clean about 95% of the time {with my definition of clean meaning non-processed food}. I don’t indulge with the stuff I used to eat, not because I think I won’t* lose weight if I do but I know that for me, personally, if I have treats in my house then I will end up binging and it’s just a whoooole lot easier for me to only have tons of fruits, veggies and lean meats/proteins. When I do have a sweet tooth I just incorporate the ingredients I have to make something yummy.

    With that said, do some research. Figure out where you want to start, the types of foods you want to eat. Look up recipes. There are many out there that have ‘natural’ ingredients that taste really good.

    As far as the chemicals on produce and the hormones/steroids in meat, I totally understand. I don’t buy organic produce ALL of the time because I know that even some of that can have levels of pesticides to some degree. I do buy organic chicken though. Springer Mountain sells bags of pre-packaged chicken breasts that are organic {and the organic chicken imo tastes a lot better and juicer then the store brand chicken}.

    Just start with lots of research and figure out if this is the path you want to take and know that either way there is nothing wrong with it. Whether someone agrees with clean eating or not, it doesn’t matter because you are the one in charge of your own goals, so you need to do what’s best for you and no one else.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The fact that I feel terrific every day and fully expect to live well into my 90s, I attribute to eating clean.

    My grandmother lived to almost 98 and was on her own until the last two years. She ate whatever. I mean, she ate overall healthy, but she ate cookies and store-bought bread and jarred pasta sauce, etc.

    My grandfather was an obese smoker most of his life and lived to 89.

    And I've watched people with perfect, healthy lifestyles get sick and die in their 20s and 30s.

    Good luck.
  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    I think you have to accept that fact that your eating better. Trying to meet all the standards of organic, vegans, vegetarians and all the other subgroups that pump out "food is bad" information will drive you crazy. I live up north - if i'm going to eat "clean" and "organic" then I'm going to need a second job to pay for groceries. You have to accept its better than what you use to eat. My grandmother never followed any of these rules that are constantly popped out now - she ate potatoes, carrot, meat, chicken and whole foods. She lived to be a healthy 96. Its about keeping the weight off and getting nutrients into your body - don't let the "clean" revolution confuse you to the point that it just easier to eat packaged (that is made of all the "horrible" stuff mixed with preservatives).