I posted on my wall that I am going very soon on a liquid diet for 7 days. I am not useing any lose weight detox fads just a liquid diet.

I take metformine for PCOS! However it also controls sugars. I learned very fast what not to eat ..because some stronger foods made me run straight for the toilette. . I lost 77 pounds when I first started it but after about 2 years of slowly eating whatever I wanted until my body got used to it again I gain every pound back. Also because I did not excersize.

My experiment: One time I went 3 days without bread of any kind. After I finally had bread I got sick..because the bread I chose was "mcdonalds burger."

Anyways my theory is after 7 days of no food just liquids I will be naturally detoxed. On the 8th day my goal is to slowly pick out things to eat... if it makes me sick... I never eat it again. If it does not make me sick I will add it to my food journal. Hopefully with my new Metformine medication and this one time 7 day Detox/Liquid diet, I will find the well balanced meals that work for me... Alot FASTER. And with excersize I will keep losing weight.

My question is... Has anyone else done this before?

Does anyone hae any suggestions?


  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Please give a name of the toxin that your body cant cleanse it self.

    Just curious.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you are curious about food sensitivities, look up the protocol for elimination diets. They cut out common allergens and then week by week, add them back in. You track and at the end have a more realistic idea of what you're sensitive to. There's no need to do a liquid diet, though.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    detox's are bad. the only benefit is mental, but if they work for you all the power to ya.

    im curious to see how this goes though, ive never heard of a liquid diet used to induce those kind of results before
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    Please give a name of the toxin that your body cant cleanse it self.

    Just curious.

    I am not sure really. I just know that like grease and certain sauceages don't set well. (no gall bladder... hrm maybe I should have said that first as well) However even with no gallbladder, during 2 years, I was able to "train" myself to "eat" whatever i wanted all over again and I gained and gained! no matter if I excersized or not. I even get constipated after 3 days very frequently.

    So i just figure I need to do this..... to kind of figure out what else out there I am not supposed to be eating.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    detox's are bad. the only benefit is mental, but if they work for you all the power to ya.

    im curious to see how this goes though, ive never heard of a liquid diet used to induce those kind of results before

    Thats why I am not using over the counter "gimmicks" Just liquid diet. Because hopefully i did before.(only last time was just bread).. after going so long without it; my body will know that it's not "good"

    I have never done it longer then 3 days though. So I don't know.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Please give a name of the toxin that your body cant cleanse it self.

    Just curious.

    I am not sure really. I just know that like grease and certain sauceages don't set well. (no gall bladder... hrm maybe I should have said that first as well) However even with no gallbladder, during 2 years, I was able to "train" myself to "eat" whatever i wanted all over again and I gained and gained! no matter if I excersized or not. I even get constipated after 3 days very frequently.

    So i just figure I need to do this..... to kind of figure out what else out there I am not supposed to be eating.

    Sounds like you have already made your mind up...
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    If you are curious about food sensitivities, look up the protocol for elimination diets. They cut out common allergens and then week by week, add them back in. You track and at the end have a more realistic idea of what you're sensitive to. There's no need to do a liquid diet, though.

    Hrm. Possibility. Thanks for that tip. I may think about this.

    I know that I used to get sick on so many different foods.. . But I am positive it was the sugars were too high... but I can't remember all of them. That is why I decided to do it. And the frequent constipation on almost everything I eat... also made me want to try this.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member

    Sounds like you have already made your mind up...

    Well I am very, Open to suggestions.

    Im just tired of the constpation and weight gain.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    your theory is wrong..unless of course your kidneys have stopped working, or maybe you have stopped pooping, peeing, and sweating?????

    as someone else mentioned, please name one toxin that this liquid diet/detox will get rid of that your body does not naturally get rid of on its own?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    at the end of the day, even with a medical condition you are going to need a negative energy balance to lose weight if you are third of "not losing" then you need to look over what you have been eating and how much and figure out how to eat less of it….or maybe see your dr….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    oh, I just checked your diary and you have logged nothing for a week …maybe you need to start there and start logging everything you eat consistently…..
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member

    Sounds like you have already made your mind up...

    Well I am very, Open to suggestions.

    Im just tired of the constpation and weight gain.

    Here is a suggestion:

    Buy a food scale
    go to sccobys workshop or the iifym website and figure out your tdee - 15-20%
    Weigh and log everything you eat
    Stay active
    research macros, pick one that fits your lifestyle

    Do this for a month then check your measurements and weight

    But seriously the body will detox itself, thats what kindneys and your liver are for. You don't need to detox, you don't need to juice, you don't need to fast. Just eat the right amount of calories, and be active.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    I've done fasts for spiritual reasons and had great success (not weight weight loss, though. I did drop down a good amount, but gained it back awhile later). I don't think a fast is going to help you with eliminating what food is making you sick, I'm just not really understand your root reasoning. X food makes you sick. You eat NOTHING for a week. You eat X food....? Couldn't you just eat that food now, see if it makes you sick, and if so, cancel it out? For example, I got really really ill from cashews, but I didn't know what it was. I kind of went mono for awhile until I figured out which food was the culprit (I'm big on food-mixing, so me deducing the cashews otherwise would have been really rough). Anyway! If you fast for 7 days, on the 8th day pretty much everything will make you feel a bit ill. It's really, really dangerous and you need to make sure you're getting a lot of vitamins and minerals daily. Please make sure that you know how to come off of a fast properly if you decide to do this. Personally, I wouldn't do it for the reason you stated. It doesn't seem like it's going to do anything except land you back where you are now, but hungrier.
  • EolAcalia
    EolAcalia Posts: 18 Member
    Excercise is a tool which compliments a good diet, you can lose weight without running an inch, so it isn't a reason why you haven't lost weight.

    Log everything you eat everyday, and don't eat over your calories and you will lose weight.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I have PCOS and I'm not ever going on a liquid diet. Sorry.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    OMG...... This sounds crazy!!!

    Why not eat healthy, Drink lots of water & get to the gym or move ALOT more.......... : )

    You will feel amazing......... And detoxed : - )
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    Are you talking to your doctor during any of this? I would hate for you to eliminate foods for the wrong reason.

    It's been found that people almost always eliminate the wrong food after a bout of food poisoning. They tend to blame either the most recent meal or the most memorable ingredient/experience vs. what actually caused the illness. The example I remember being given was taken out for curry for the first time, get sick that night and blame the curry, the actual cause was bad milk in the morning coffee. I'd hate for you to fall to the same error during this process. You could think "oh the reason I don't feel well after this is sugar/gluten/it's purple" and the reality is you have an diagnosed allergy to a certain ingredient.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    If you are curious about food sensitivities, look up the protocol for elimination diets. They cut out common allergens and then week by week, add them back in. You track and at the end have a more realistic idea of what you're sensitive to. There's no need to do a liquid diet, though.

    Sounds reasonable.
    Therefore, no place for it on MFP. :wink:
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Like an earlier poster, I flipped through a week of your diary and didn't see any logging, so it's hard to say what might be lacking. But, I'd think if you're on a prescripton, you might want to talk to your doctor before doing any kind of radical liquid diet.

    If you're constipated, drinking more water and increasing your fiber may help you out. Again, hard to say with no information from your diary.

    You might artificially jump start a weight loss with a liquid diet, and you may temporarily combat constipation with a liquid diet. I always feel like it's more important to focus on permanent sustainable changes instead of a quicky "fix" that ends when the radical change ends... Best of luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    This is completely unnecessary and even if you lose weight (because lack of carbs for a week), you will gain it back the following week. I would question what your current carb intake is? People with PCOS generally need to go low carb. Also, if you aren't logging and using a food scale, people will struggle to give you solid advice outside of log consistently and accurately.