
  • JCE0129
    JCE0129 Posts: 26 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed several years ago. I have chronic constipation, a lactose allergy, a gluten intolerance (not an allergy, my body just doesn't digest it well), and numerous other food sensitivities. I have seen GI doctors, had an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy, had several allergy tests and breath tests, had an ultrasound of my liver and pancreas, and I have been tested for autoimmune diseases. The big diagnosis....nothing. They call it IBS, but I think that is just because they don't know what else to call it.

    I went through all of this testing a year ago and, at my doctor's instruction, stayed on a very light diet while this was going on. It was pretty much a liquid diet. I lost 25 lbs and was down to 110 lbs. People at work began to ask if I was sick. I couldn't workout because I had absolutely no energy. I felt as though I was starving but I was so tired of everything I ate making me sick I felt as though I was better off. Granted, this went on longer than 7 days

    I have since gained back some of weight. I am currently at 119 lbs. I don't starve anymore but I am very careful about what I eat. This has worked well for me. I still have days where I battle nausea and other symptoms, but I feel a lot better than I did. I eat no red meat or pork. I stick to lean protein, mainly chicken and fish. Even turkey sausage has grease and fat in it that my body cannot handle. I eat a lot of eggs. I had a nutritionist tell me that, as long as you don't have cholesterol issues, they are pretty much the perfect food and easy to digest. I avoid dairy almost completely. There is one particular brand of low fat lactose free cheese that I do well with and eat often. I use a vegan protein powder. It doesn't dissolve as well as whey and other proteins, so it has an odd texture, but you get used to it. I eat good fats like olives, avocados, and nuts. I avoid bread and pasta. I will eat some crackers here and there so that I don't feel so carb deprived. I also avoid to many raw veggies. My doctor gave me that tip. They are too hard to digest. I will eat a small salad or a few raw vegetables, but steamed is better on the belly.

    These limitations can be difficult, but it has helped me. I have days where I eat something just because I want it and I later regret it. I also have a couple medications that I take. Message me if you have any questions. I'm happy to share what has and has not worked for me. Some days I still feel like I am figuring it out, so I don't have all the answers. You can add me as a friend if you want to view my food diary. Hope that helps!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I don't think this is the solution you need. A liquid diet/detox won't help solve your issues.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    I would like to point out that Metformin MUST be taken with food. If you have nothing in your system when you take it, it can cause a dangerous drop in your blood sugar. I don't know what exactly a 'liquid diet' entails, but I would be willing to bet you're going to make your blood sugars bottom out and possibly end up in the hospital.

    If you're having issues with constipation you probably need to get more fiber in your diet. Start with that. Vegetables and fruits (especially things with skins like apples), beans, whole wheat bread and pasta (add these carefully if you are concerned about a gluten intolerance), bran, and oatmeal (again be careful with this as it may contain gluten) are all high fiber and can fit nicely into a lower calorie diet.

    An elimination diet is probably what you should be doing instead of a 'liquid diet'. You might be surprised at what actually makes you ill, and it probably isn't what you think it is. Dairy and gluten are the two most known, but everything from corn to yeast can cause similar symptoms to what you're describing. I highly recommend looking up elimination diets and discussing going on one with your doctor.

    Blood tests can also be done to test for certain allergies like gluten. You might want to look into that as well.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I don't think this is the solution you need. A liquid diet/detox won't help solve your issues.

    Read the link. Also, does your physician approve of you not eating for a week? I predict a week of sad, misery followed by a lifetime of yo yo dieting.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Anyways my theory is after 7 days of no food just liquids I will be naturally detoxed.

    What, exactly, makes you think that a liquid diet "detoxifies" you? Where did that idea come from?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I posted on my wall that I am going very soon on a liquid diet for 7 days. I am not useing any lose weight detox fads just a liquid diet.
    Liquid diets are a fad.
    You will lose some weight but it won't be long-term useful because liquid diet tend to make intestinal digestion a little faster (increased water, reduced maceration). You'll lose weight from the reduced food in transit which is a temporary effect.
    I take metformine for PCOS! However it also controls sugars. I learned very fast what not to eat ..because some stronger foods made me run straight for the toilette. . I lost 77 pounds when I first started it but after about 2 years of slowly eating whatever I wanted until my body got used to it again I gain every pound back. Also because I did not excersize.
    It's the fact that you don't have a gall-bladder that creates the digestion issues.
    You gained because you ate too much - not because you didn't exercise - while exercise does affect total calorie expenditure it is a minor part of your energy equation. Focus on the amount of calories consumed. Exercise for health.
    My experiment: One time I went 3 days without bread of any kind. After I finally had bread I got sick..because the bread I chose was "mcdonalds burger."
    Most likely had nothing to do with bread but more with your gall bladder.
    Anyways my theory is after 7 days of no food just liquids I will be naturally detoxed.
    On the 8th day my goal is to slowly pick out things to eat... if it makes me sick... I never eat it again. If it does not make me sick I will add it to my food journal. Hopefully with my new Metformine medication and this one time 7 day Detox/Liquid diet, I will find the well balanced meals that work for me... Alot FASTER. And with excersize I will keep losing weight.
    Exercise is good. But weight loss is more about quantity of food ingested and how you can balance oils, etc. that in the absence of a GB.
    My question is... Has anyone else done this before?

    Does anyone hae any suggestions?

    read these:
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    I never thought I would get this many responses. Really thanks guys. Here is what I have learned. First, I may have been "dumb" when I posted last night. I was just so constipated and so sick that I did not know what else to do. I know it seemed dumb but I am glad I posted because I got a lot of good advice.

    Honestly, I was not thinking straight because I was sick.

    So I have seen a couple people post about "Elimination" diets or whatever. Does anyone have a link? Can you explain more about this?

    Several of you have said "You gained because you ate too much..." Or "Lack of exersize is not really the problem, your calorie intake is"
    (I am sorry if I did not quote right..but that is the gist I got.)

    Okay, I know there are lots of people in the world with medical issues. However, I know people who have the same problems that I do and they eat Low Calorie Diets, they eat vegetables and fruit and plenty of fiber. They still gain weight and do not exersize.

    If they did have a "splurge day" it was only one time every two weeks. Not every day and certainly not over eating.

    The only difference is that I exersize and they don't. So instead of maintaining with exersize like I am doing.... They keep gaining.

    I realize that I gained my weight back then because I did not excersize and eventually was able to eat whatever I wanted after all those times of being sick.... so Yeah I may have ate too much (back then) but not now. And the weight is "maintaining" but slowly gradually going up every couple of months. Eventually it will not be maintaining anymore.

    I don't want to sound like a complete idiot here but seriously What else could it be if they eat healthy? We are talking about 1500-1200 calorie diets that are already pushing the "healthy limit" here.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    yeah don't do it trust me on this it will do nothing but make you want to eat even more when you are done and you will get absolutely nothing out of it. I did this once worst thing ever. I use to have some issues with constipation as well. I wasn't getting enough water. I also found that weighing my food with a food scale made all the difference between me making progress and not. You might be surprised just how much you are really eating if you aren't already doing this.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    I don't want to sound like a complete idiot here but seriously What else could it be if they eat healthy? We are talking about 1500-1200 calorie diets that are already pushing the "healthy limit" here.

    Because healthy food can still make you gain weight if you eat too much of it. Did you follow them around 24/7 and calorie count for them? Did they weigh and measure all their food? Plus, the term healthy itself is so subjective. Healthy comes down to your overall diet and not individual foods. I ate ice cream, pizza, fast food throughout my entire weight loss. It really is about calories but you have to be committed to it. You have to log all the time every day. Stay accountable. Have you read this yet?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I never thought I would get this many responses. Really thanks guys. Here is what I have learned. First, I may have been "dumb" when I posted last night. I was just so constipated and so sick that I did not know what else to do. I know it seemed dumb but I am glad I posted because I got a lot of good advice.

    Honestly, I was not thinking straight because I was sick.

    So I have seen a couple people post about "Elimination" diets or whatever. Does anyone have a link? Can you explain more about this?

    Several of you have said "You gained because you ate too much..." Or "Lack of exersize is not really the problem, your calorie intake is"
    (I am sorry if I did not quote right..but that is the gist I got.)

    Okay, I know there are lots of people in the world with medical issues. However, I know people who have the same problems that I do and they eat Low Calorie Diets, they eat vegetables and fruit and plenty of fiber. They still gain weight and do not exersize.

    If they did have a "splurge day" it was only one time every two weeks. Not every day and certainly not over eating.

    The only difference is that I exersize and they don't. So instead of maintaining with exersize like I am doing.... They keep gaining.

    I realize that I gained my weight back then because I did not excersize and eventually was able to eat whatever I wanted after all those times of being sick.... so Yeah I may have ate too much (back then) but not now. And the weight is "maintaining" but slowly gradually going up every couple of months. Eventually it will not be maintaining anymore.

    I don't want to sound like a complete idiot here but seriously What else could it be if they eat healthy? We are talking about 1500-1200 calorie diets that are already pushing the "healthy limit" here.

    You aren't tracking, so you don't know how many calories you are eating.
    Start with that.

    Exercise can HELP create a calorie deficit but one can certainly overeat without understanding how many calories they are actually eating.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    A couple links regarding the elimination diet. They take a while, but it's worth it to find out if what foods might be causing issues.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I've done it. I lost 3kg that week and my bench press increased by 10kg. Magic liquid detox. If you'd like more details, just pm me and I'll send you my invoice. Thanks.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You don't need a liquid detox

    You need to start measuring and logging your food. If you're continually gaining weight then it's because you're not in a calorie deficit.

    I'd suggest talking to your doctor if you think you're having a reaction so certain foods. :flowerforyou:
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member
    You don't need a liquid detox

    You need to start measuring and logging your food. If you're continually gaining weight then it's because you're not in a calorie deficit.

    I'd suggest talking to your doctor if you think you're having a reaction so certain foods. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the reply to you and to everyone.

    I am logging my calories daily. Just because it's not here does not mean it is not at home. Would have updated here tonight but left my notebook at home. Anyways... I stay under 1500 calories which is my goal... and I exersize daily.

    IE--- I am maintaining weight for the most part but a slow increase over time. I am not gaining so much like in "one month" or anything... MOre like 5 pounds every six months or so.

    I am probably going to a Doc...again.... soon. I just get tired of going to Doctors....err :frown:

    However, I am tired of being constipated one day and super nauseated the next.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If in the future, you need help from us, you will need to log calories on here. Putting them on paper won't allow us to see where the inconsistency is, the accuracy or the macronutrient breakout stands. With PCOS and other medical issues, macros are a huge part of weight loss.

    Honestly, here is what I would suggest, start your calories are 1500. Use a food scale to measure and MFP to log all your calories. Set your macro's to 30% carbs, 30% protein and 40% fats. Aim to get 30-50g of fiber as well (so track fiber and sodium). Do that for one month and report back to the thread. Honestly, before you eliminate foods you want to see if macros can fix the situation first. More people tend to have carb sensitivities over gluten or dairy or whatever sensitivity/intolerances. And since it's already rather commonly known that PCOS and carb don't go together, that would be a good start.

    Regarding constipation. Pick up some probiotic yogurts like activity. Between that and the extra fiber, that should take care of things. If not, talk to your MD about a stool softener.
  • IsabellaGiano
    IsabellaGiano Posts: 158 Member
    If in the future, you need help from us, you will need to log calories on here. Putting them on paper won't allow us to see where the inconsistency is, the accuracy or the macronutrient breakout stands. With PCOS and other medical issues, macros are a huge part of weight loss.

    Honestly, here is what I would suggest, start your calories are 1500. Use a food scale to measure and MFP to log all your calories. Set your macro's to 30% carbs, 30% protein and 40% fats. Aim to get 30-50g of fiber as well (so track fiber and sodium). Do that for one month and report back to the thread. Honestly, before you eliminate foods you want to see if macros can fix the situation first. More people tend to have carb sensitivities over gluten or dairy or whatever sensitivity/intolerances. And since it's already rather commonly known that PCOS and carb don't go together, that would be a good start.

    Regarding constipation. Pick up some probiotic yogurts like activity. Between that and the extra fiber, that should take care of things. If not, talk to your MD about a stool softener.

    May I add, for the constipation, to drink a lot of water, and don't forget the fats/oil.

    A big, healthy green salad without oil its likely to worsen a constipation instead of resolving it.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I would like to point out that Metformin MUST be taken with food. If you have nothing in your system when you take it, it can cause a dangerous drop in your blood sugar.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I am logging my calories daily. Just because it's not here does not mean it is not at home. Would have updated here tonight but left my notebook at home. Anyways... I stay under 1500 calories which is my goal... and I exersize daily.

    IE--- I am maintaining weight for the most part but a slow increase over time. I am not gaining so much like in "one month" or anything... MOre like 5 pounds every six months or so.

    I am probably going to a Doc...again.... soon. I just get tired of going to Doctors....err :frown:

    However, I am tired of being constipated one day and super nauseated the next.

    Weight loss has nothing to do with exercise, other than exercise burns a few calories. Weight loss is 100% calorie deficit, period, end of story, there is zero argument.

    I suggest that you are probably eating more than you think you are.

    Unfortunately you don't log here, so we can't see your diary to evaluate your compliance over time, average daily calorie intake, etc. If you start logging on MFP we can help. Otherwise.... sorry. Nothing we can do.
  • PixieQueen25
    PixieQueen25 Posts: 118 Member

    I can see why your face is an angry face. Your blunt, and somewhat defiant.

    You can not tell me that if you just STAY on a "Calorie Deficit" diet; and never excersize then your weightloss will not eventually become stagnant. You will lose weight but then your body will get used to the calories you are eating...

    (Cut back more calories at that point?) right? Wrong, eventually you will be eating NOT ENOUGH calories.

    Maybe your right... lets say for arguement sake your right, and you; yourself wants to sit and never exersize and only cut back calories. When you start losing weight; so much weight to where your sick? Then what will you do?

    Look all I am saying is Calorie Deficit and Exersize for a "Healthier body" Is the better thing to do.

    Because you say "exersize burns a few calories?" Wrong. MyseIf and I know many other people here have burned over 1000 calories a day working out. There are a lot of body builders who burn that many calories and build muscle while doing it.

    So Yeah after thinking about it.. Your right you can continually lose weight by eating a Calorie Deficit Diet and never exersize... but It all depends on what you want to look like.

    Do you want to look small pale and sick...possible with "fat places that won't "go away"

    Or.. do you want to look healthy and feel good about yourself?
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Pixie, when you say "sick" what are your symptoms? There may be some posters who have experienced the same and can pin point the problem.