

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I taught two line dance classes today with enough time in between to walk the dogs and eat my lunch.....I'll be asleep early tonight.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Dang it! The computer ate my reply again! :grumble: :mad: :grumble: :sad:

    I'll just say good night and have a great weekend.

    Carol in NC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Friday ladies. Hope all are having a nice day. I am working my short shift today and have the weekend off, so feeling pretty good. Yesterday I mowed the yard for 2 hours. So proud that I did most the yard myself. My DM is here, she came yesterday afternoon and will go home this afternoon. She is doing well and I feel better after spending time with her. We went out to supper last evening with DS and his family and I did well with my eating. So feeling pretty good today. Am alittle sore from mowing, but planning to walk home from work today.
    Joyce--Thanks for the info. I did call the customer service number and they said mine was on back order for that color. So I asked what they did have and ordered one. They shipped it out yesterday. Going this way it only cost me $37.60 as our insurance paid the rest. I am looking forward to getting it and hope I can get it connected and running without alot of problems. I am not that smart come computer stuff. Hugs!! It drives me crazy when DH thinks I can read his mind.
    Sylvia--Sorry to hear about DGD. Hugs and Prayers. Congrates on the NSV! I was surprised also when
    Deb--congrates on making choices for a healthier you.
    I am asking for prayers for a co-worker Mike, He was hurt yesterday at work, a patient over 300 pounds and wheel chair flipped over on top of him. Mike is 74 years old and sounds like he is hurt pretty bad, tear in his back. I feel so bad for him. Patient was not hurt and glad about that.
    Barbie--you are such a caring friend. I bet those Wednesday calls mean alot to her.
    Eileen--prayers, that has to be so scary.
    Patty--the rope exercise sounds interesting. Congrates on getting a good result with the sign up for your class.
    Jane--prayers and hugs for you and Melody. I had to have a D & C several years ago for bleeding and since then I have had nothing.
    Renny--Love the red dress!! Spa day sounds like lots of fun.
    Welcome Lynn--One thing I had to learn is that is not a diet, but a life style change. You can do this and we are all here to support each other.
    Jill--congrates on the blood sugars. Mine are staying in the 80's and I take metformin twice a day. But they are under 100 and I can live with that.
    Beth--sure hope DS is getting relife from the pain. Does not sound like fun.
    Heather--sounds like your trip was great. I so enjoy hearing about your travels. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the finished cake.
    Liz--let us know how you come out on your appointment. Prayers all is ok. Great news about DD and insurance.

    Well ladies have a good evening and remember we are in this together.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all,
    it's been 5 or 6 pages since I was last here! Wow !!! so some of my comments are dated... Meg today must be pacemaker day as I spent it at the hospital with my Mom as she needed her battery replaced - all went smoothly but a huge chunk of the day shot! and she is an hour drive each way away from me.

    I am a bit frustrated with clothing.. I am happy with my loss but have lost very little in my waist, seems like I have lost bust and above and below my waist - but the middle is the same - so clothes are hard, tops are ok, they are just looser and that is fine, but pants my waist needs the same old size and then they are baggy and shapeless over my bum and legs. And I do not want tight, just not so baggy it looks like I have diapers on!!!! (or room for them!!) I have my god daughters graduation/18th birthday party to go to and I wanted to look nice... I may end up in a skirt; but that group is very non-dressy...

    JB – thinking of Mariah.

    Patty – hope DGD party was fun.:smile:

    Nina – hope the dr. appt went well:smile:

    Janet, Heidi , Beachbaby– welcome

    Cindy – good job on the gardening. Great on loosing another lb. :happy:

    Barbie – what a dance filled day :happy:

    Sue – glad you are having fun with DD and had a good Dr. report. :happy:

    Katla – hope you feel better!!! Is Loo running on the mfp exercise list? Hahaha:bigsmile: So glad to hear that you got someone to join yoga!!

    Sylvia – Both Bones!!! Yuck – hope it heals quick . Seedless watermelons are a hybrid (GMO) and you have to buy a plant as they do not come from seed. :smile:

    Cynthia – welcome back, thinking of you!

    Deb - good job on day 1!!! Candy cravings GO AWAY!!! - sometimes sweet fruit helps me; pineapple; berries; cherries...

    Carol – take care – try not to over do! :smile:

    Eileen – I was thinking of you when I was listening to the news…. Stay safe!

    Jane – my heart is with you! I can't imagine loosing my best friend...:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    Patty– great news about the class!!

    Gail – hope your eye (s) heal quickly and successfully

    NenaC- Good for you to take care of you !

    Lynn - I think you may find that the calories are not that restricting depending on your choices

    Liz – hope your tummy issues is just a bug!!!

    Kim in N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of the deep water today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do another DVD in that "90 Day Challenge" series.

    Before going to the Y, I went food shopping just for the items that were on sale. After the Y came home and Vince and I worked some on the front where we're going to put in the landscape lights and riverrock getting the ground ready. Since it's really nice today and it rained yesterday (hence, the ground was soft), I'm surprised Vince didn't want to go to the end, we got about 3/4 of the way up our walking path

    Sylvia aka skinnyfeet - Congrats!

    Renny - have a great time at that spa. One time I forgot to take a bra with me to the deep water class and right after it I was going to a lady's house for a fitting, so I really needed the bra that time, so I had to drive home and get one. Another time I forgot to take one with me, I just wore a shirt home and when I got home I put one on

    Liz - life for you sure has been up and down. sorry about your stomach, better to get it checked out. Happy for your daughter.

    katla - happy birthday to your hubby

    Patty - that's wonderful that your class is getting such positive responses, especially now. Summertime is when people usually don't go to the Y a whole lot, then it picks up after summer before the holidays, drops off at holiday time, picks up after the New Year. But you already know this.

    Jane - good luck with the D&C. Fortunately, it wasn't something more serious

    Meg - take care of yourself

    Joyce - YOU'RE tired of this weather??? It was just a few days ago that it was almost 90 and we were swimming in the pool. Today it's in the 50s.

    Vicki - prayers for Mike

    Just got back from the play. It was funny, we had good seats. Time to get ready for tomorrow and also for bed.

    Before the play we stopped at CVS to get a prescription for Vince They had some M&M's on sale so I got those for the soup kichen anlog wth my coupon. Also, they had these gummy fish that I might use on the pool cake at the social this year so I got those. If I wind up not using thm, I'll just donate the fish

    Worked outside, then came in and had something to eat. I didn't realize Vince would take so long (we need to measure to determine how much riverrock we need), went and laid by the pool then went to Ald, came home and we started taking the measurements but it also started drizzling. Came in, had dinner, then the play. Nite all.

    Michele in NC
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Kim, What about one of those casual, long skirts? I wear a lot more skirts since I've lost weight and kind of like them now.

    Thanks for your thoughts. We still have fires, but not quite as bad as before. A couple were arson but some were from construction crews and the like. The worst ones are on the Marine base right now. Pray for the safety of all those military families please.

    Thinking of all of you!!

    Eileen near still hot San Diego
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies. I know I haven't been around for a couple of months but I need some help. Please pray or send positive thoughts to my precious Bodi Boy. He was out playing today and suddenly lost feeling in his back legs. One minute chasing a Kong bone and the next a little yelp and the he is dragging himself around by just his front feet. We rushed to the vet. He was not good at all. They said he had no pain response at all in his hind legs. By the time we got him to the emergency clinic (they have neurologists on staff) He was showing signs of deep pain and sympathetic pain so we have reason to be hopeful. He will have an MRI tomorrow morning.I am visualizing him waking up with his hind legs kicking so he won't even need the MRI. For those of you who have been on this thread for a long time you know what my Bodi is to me. I am trying to be positive but it is hard to type thru the tears.

    Ritter is just very confused.

    Thanks for letting me come back when I need a little TLC and support.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    You all might think I am obsessed with my vacation. So she sent me a bunch of emails today of homes that look interesting. I know we told her that the budget could go another $200, but that means $1700 which includes all fees, taxes. So these homes are renting for over $2000 and doesn't include fees and taxes. They are still only 4 bedrooms or some even 3. One of them only has 2 bathrooms. I'm about to fire that girl! I love her to death and I appreciate her help but she isn't using the same criteria as I am. They went on a vacation one time and were perfectly content in this little studio size home for the 4 of them. I need my own bed, preferable in a separate bedroom than my husband. If push comes to shove if I had to stay in the room with him I would. But with his and my older daughter's length, they need queen size beds. Of course all these homes have really nice master bedrooms which we have always given to the, since they are the only ones who are a couple who sleep together

    Oh well, I think if I remember correctly the older I get the more stressed I am planning and implementing everything then everything works out just fine and we all have a good time. I think it is my MS that I don't handle things as well. I remember when I had to have my psycological testing done for my disability the neuro psychologist told me that my memory and word finding problems are because of the neuro pathways get temporarily blocked during times that I am stressed in some way. It may be mental stress or even physical stress such as illness or exercise. And he said that where my MS lesions are that it would make perfect sense to him that I would have my difficulty finding my words, they are just blocked in there.

    Some times I wish I could live some one else's life but I know that God ahs me in this body for a reason and I'll just stick with it because He has His hands on it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    jb - prayers for Mariah and family. So sorry to hear she is going through this again!

    jane- So sorry to hear about your friend. Prayers and hugs!!

    Robin- I am praying that when Bodi gets up this morning , he will be better. I know how much he means to you. We went through serious health issues with Sarge and Hawkeye in the past. It is heart-breaking. Lots of prayers and hugs!!

    Deb A in CNY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Joyce - so sorry you are having trouble booking your holiday. I know how difficult it is to have that sort of responsibility. Also I very much identify with having a husband who doesn't state his hidden agenda. I had a discussion with mine this morning, based on your post, and he said it's because he was brought up with people who disapproved if he said what he wanted. It was less trouble to keep quiet. I said I found it very frustrating and in the long run I found it easier if I knew where he was coming from. He has definitely got much better since I have known him and much more open, but sometimes he reminds me of my father who always opted for the quiet life and said nothing until it reached a crisis. I am the opposite and often feel I have to speak up about my wishes, even if other people don't like it. Sometimes I am a bit of a coward though and don't speak up and usually regret it.
    I know DH doesn't want to go to NYC in September and I gave him the option of staying at home, but he is coming becsuse he loves me. I just hope his anxiety doesn't get too overwhelming nearer the time.

    I iced the cakes yesterday with the basic white fondant. They look OK and I'm sure will be fine with the decorations stuck on. Last time I did two layers of icing in order to get it smooth, but I found it too thick in the eating. I also made up a batch of royal icing for the sticking. D H is going to measure and cut the dowling to support the second tier. It's warming up this weekend so I hope the buttercream won't melt. We might have to take the unassembled cake into the church to keep it cool. Can't leave it in the trunk if it's hot! ! ! ! !
    Wish me luck!

    Heather in sunny and warm Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: I hope your dad’s pacemaker surgery went well and you’ve had a chance to rest.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope you are able to find the perfect vacation get away that your DH can also enjoy.:flowerforyou:

    Kim in N CA: I have changed shape through this process. It is somewhat difficult to buy tops now because I’m tall and long sleeves are not long enough in my new size. I need a larger size to reach my wrists, and then the top is a little loose. :grumble: DDIL is also tall, and she chooses to live with sleeves that are a bit short rather than a loose top.

    Robin: I’m keeping your sweet Bodi in my prayers. Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:

    I’m having trouble with gmail. :angry: It won’t let me in to my own account. What is that all about? I hope DH will be able to help me when he wakes up.

    Have a great day, everyone.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least two glasses of water daily.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Robin:smile: Will be sending Bodi healing thoughts:heart: , and you as well my friend:flowerforyou: !!!

    Prayers and hugs for all:flowerforyou: !

    DeeDee in cool but sunny NC:glasses:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Good morning,

    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deedee having my coffee with you.:drinker:

    Michele acogg appreciates all the prayers at this difficult time.

    Jane prayers for your friend.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce hope you can quickly resolve vacation plans.

    Robin hope Bodi Boy is on the mend.:flowerforyou:

    Prayers to those in California. May the wildfires die down soon.:flowerforyou:

    Worked three and a half days this week. In one Kinder class talked about how Pluto is no longer considered a planet. One little girl piped up “I think it is so sad it is not a planet. It’s not fair.”

    Went to an event called Retro Rama at our History Museum last night. The theme was the 70’s and 80’s. I dressed up in my mother’s Red Cross outfit. She would wear this uniform when she volunteered at the Bloodmobile in the late 60’ into the early 70’s. I even had the cap that went with it. A good time was had by all.

    Hopefully we have seen the last of the frost warnings.

    Today I will work in our garden, so tomorrow we have a beautiful garden.

    2014 word: contentment
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 477 Member
    Good morning Lovely Ladies,

    It is cool this morning and a little overcast. We found a lot of beautiful plants yesterday to redesign our front flower bed. I look forward to "playing in the dirt" later today.

    Robin, many prayers and positive thoughts for Bodi. It hurts so much when our fur babies are in pain.:heart:

    Joyce, best wishes on finding the perfect vacation for you and DH.:flowerforyou:

    Heather, I love to look at beautiful cakes on Pinterest. You are an artist! Best wishes with moving your current one to church.:flowerforyou:

    Jb, prayers for you and your family.:heart:

    Jane, hugs for you.:heart:

    Hugs and prayers to all. Be kind to yourself today.:heart:

    Cindy in OK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    This is the cake. Finished it this afternoon. You might have to click onto my profile to get a proper look. We are transporting it with the tiers separated on a non slip mat in the trunk. We only have 40 mins of very careful driving to do and then will put the tiers together in the pub where the party is being held after the church. I have a repair bag ready with extra flowers, royal icing and glue in case of disasters!
    Phew! I am very relieved that it came out OK. I am a real beginner at this. I wish it wasn't going to be a warm day, but hope for a shady parking place or refuge for the cake in the church.
    Love Heather
    PS The writing on the book says, "Edie. Her Book.♥♥"
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    Rain, rain go away! We planned to have an outdoor birthday party today. It's cold and rainy, what is up with this weather.
    I got up and di my cycling and ab class. I really love my Saturday morning work out. I feel so energized afterwards.
    Just stopped in to say good morning to all. Have a great week-end everyone
    Patty, Cincinati OH
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thank you all for the healing thoughts for my Bodi boy. He is stable but still can't stand or walk on his own. the vet said he did good thru the night and he does have more feeling than when we took him in last night. Now we wait for the neurologist to let us know whether or not he needs the MRI and what's next. It is so hard for us not to be with him. I am sure he is soo scared.

    Its hard to think about being healthy or caring what I do to my body when all I can think about is my big ol yellow fur boy.

    Thanks for listening.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    the drizzly PNW
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi ladies :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers for Mariah, she's doing ok, and the family is hanging in there. Here are the current updates as written by Mariah's aunt Kelly:

    "Mariah did have her surgery on Thursday morning as planned. She was in the OR for most all day while several surgeons carefully removed all the tumor! After the surgery they do several MRIs to ensure the tumor has not left anything behind that they didn't see, which in this case the MRI did not show any residual tumor tissue. There was a a lot of scar tissue around the area as well as a blood vessel which did create some challenges but the surgeons worked and retrieved it all.

    Mariah has since been in the ICU and has slowly been waking up. Her right side was left without movement so they are monitoring that. With brain surgery there is always side effects, some of which normally heal themselves over time and we are hoping for her to become stronger with time. She's been nauseous and agitated but again, with all the meds and steroids she's on it is to be expected.

    We went to the radiology oncologist yesterday at Emory and she spoke to us for an hour about which radiation to get, either photon or proton...it was interesting, sad, scary--- and a lot to take in. This doctor actually had a different opinion about which radiation to use for Mariah, the photon. That means that they may not have to travel to another state! It will still cause them to be out of work because it is a strong dose every day and they have to travel 125 miles round trip Monday to Friday for six weeks if they stay in Atlanta. The good thing is is that Mariah will sleep in her own bed at night, which is healing to a child. So, now with this new opinion they have to wait until a couple weeks after surgery to decide where to go: to Jacksonville, fl to receive the proton radiation or stay here in Atlanta to receive the photon radiation. Big decision because they both have their serious long term negative side effects."

    Wishing everyone a very nice Saturday :heart:

    jb nursing a bad sore throat in cool, cloudy Portland :ohwell:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Heather - your vacation sounds divine!!! Although I have not eaten some of the “non-traditional” animals… I tend to vegetarian, although not complete by any means!:laugh: The new profile picture is the cake!!! It is so darn cute!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi Boy and Ritter bit - I am so sorry;:cry: my dog is my family too and I would be so worried if it was Levi… You take good care of him, and be strong; sending good thoughts your way!

    JB - thanks for the update on Mariah... Such tough decisions, but a good start...

    I networked with a gal at a water conservation meeting a couple of weeks ago; and this morning we met for coffee - She is amazing and connected with all sorts of folks who want embroidery - She could have me working all year long! She is involved with the horse community out here, is the owner of a horse show scoring company, also works for our water district, and is the president of the board of the children's museum... she is so busy she was making me tired just listening to her! I really felt like I hit a gold mine! So I have a list of quotes to do today! Busy busy!!!! - and it is great timing as business had been slow.

    have a great weekend all;
    Kim in N. Cal.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    I have been completely in a world of my own with the holidsy and then the cake marathon.
    Now I'm coming to I can read the troubles and struggles of so many of you.

    jb - sending hopeful thoughts for Mariah.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Robin - may there be an improvement soon.:brokenheart: :flowerforyou:

    Jane - big hugs.:heart::flowerforyou:

    And any others who need healing for their hearts or bodies. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    My DS#1 is not coming to the christening after all. I hadn't heard from him so I texted. He texted back to say he was feeling very low and couldn't face travelling.:brokenheart: :cry: He is prone to severe depression and has recently broken up with a dear girlfriend and her dogs. My thoughts are with him.:love::heart: :brokenheart:

    Love Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

    Forgot to say, Vicki, I adore your new photo! You look wonderful!