May Walking Challenge 2014



  • mikew4242
    mikew4242 Posts: 33 Member
    As of May 5th walked 3.6 miles so far
  • Earthgirl51
    Earthgirl51 Posts: 73 Member
    I walked 1.25 miles in 25 minutes. :-)
  • libbyco2208
    libbyco2208 Posts: 9 Member
    Jumping in :)
    I work in kilometres though :)
    My km goal for this month is 150

    May 1 = 10km
    May 2 = 7km
    May 3 = 4km
    May 4 = 4km
    May 5 = 9km

    KM todate: 34

  • beccamaunder
    May 5th,

    I didn't get much actually walking in but I did walk around shopping for 2 hours...
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    May 3 - 3hrs 15mins (approx 9 miles)
    May 4 - 1 hr (3.6 miles total 12.6 miles)
    May 5 - 1:20 (3 miles walking 4 miles stationary bike total 19.6 miles)
  • maddoxnjl
    maddoxnjl Posts: 25
    17 miles done so far
  • msmariimac
    msmariimac Posts: 27 Member
    Count me in! My goal is 100 miles this month
    --May 6 - 3.6 miles
  • stephen4232
    stephen4232 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Count me in too

    9.79 miles so far in May. Will log each day.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    May walking miles:
    Total: 4.49 miles
    May 1 = 1.98
    May 5 = 0.86
    May 6 = 0.8

    Got to get moving!
    35.51 to goal.
  • tlangenfeld
    tlangenfeld Posts: 2,330 Member
    I would like to join this. I don't have a pedometer but do time my walks most days I walk at least a 1/3 hour aday if not more
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    May 2 - Leslie Sasone Walking 3 miles
    May 5 - Walking 2.5 miles
    May 6 - Walking 2.5 miles
  • pitbulliemom
    im in. I did 20 mins on elliptical this am and hope to get a walk in this afternoon.
  • ktloo
    ktloo Posts: 90 Member
    5/4 - 4.8
    5/5 - 1.7
    5/6 - 2

    Total 8.5 out of 40
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    May 3 - 3hrs 15mins (approx 9 miles)
    May 4 - 1 hr (3.6 miles total 12.6 miles)
    May 5 - 1:20 (3 miles walking 4 miles stationary bike total 19.6 miles)
    May 6 - 0:40
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    May 3 - 3hrs 15mins (approx 9 miles)
    May 4 - 1 hr (3.6 miles total 12.6 miles)
    May 5 - 1:20 (3 miles walking 4 miles stationary bike total 19.6 miles)
    May 6 - 0:40 ( 2 miles 21.6 total miles)
  • Earthgirl51
    Earthgirl51 Posts: 73 Member
    May 6 1.3 miles
    My ankles were not happy. I am sticking my fingers in my ears and saying lalalala!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    We finally have our wifi back!!

    I will catch up:
    May 3rd = 2.8 miles w/ 16 minutes of Cardio
    May 4th = 2.1 miles w/ 0 min of cardio
    May 5th = 2.3 miles w/ 0 min of cardio
    May 6th = 2.4 miles w/ 30 min of cardio. I know I am not done walking, but done with the cardio part.
    Twice today I walked a lot and realized I did not have my fitbit in my pocket - grrrrrr

    Everyone have a great evening. See you tomorrow
    Reba in Kansas
  • vtleo82
    vtleo82 Posts: 5
    I would love to get in on this. Actually just started a new walking group with some of my friends today. Did a 1.3 mile walk today! What is the best app to track that will link to MFP?
  • libbyco2208
    libbyco2208 Posts: 9 Member
    My km goal for this month is 150

    May 1 = 10km
    May 2 = 7km
    May 3 = 4km
    May 4 = 4km
    May 5 = 9km
    May 6 = 6km

    KM todate: 40

  • shaylatbc
    shaylatbc Posts: 1
    I'm going to try to do this challenge.

    May 6 = 2mi

    I'm new to the forum & haven't been using MFP so add me as a friend! I need to lose 56lbs and could use insight and motivation from those of you who know what you're doing especially on meal planning!