Weight Loss Envy?



  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    hahha oh this is my favorite!
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    I lost about 20lbs a couple of years ago and felt great. Needless to say I put the weight back on and then some. I had lost enough that my jeans were practically falling off of me. My mother asked me why I was bothering getting new clothes when I was just going to put the weight back on. I know she was envious because she was 60lbs over weight. I'm still annoyed I've put the weight back on, but I'm working on it.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I lost about 20lbs a couple of years ago and felt great. Needless to say I put the weight back on and then some. I had lost enough that my jeans were practically falling off of me. My mother asked me why I was bothering getting new clothes when I was just going to put the weight back on. I know she was envious because she was 60lbs over weight. I'm still annoyed I've put the weight back on, but I'm working on it.

    This is my story. :)
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Oh god, from everyone- I have lost 35lb, but still have 63lb till my goal- Im doing well, but still very overweight. My partner has told people that this diet is just one of my 'fads', one of my colleagues has told me 'its enough now, you're going overboard' (erm, still clincally morbidly obese, hello?!), and this weekend my sister and step mum (who are both only 1 stone from their own goal weights) both made catty comments about my bridesmaid dress for my friends upcoming wedding- one saying that I 'have a bloody long way to go' before I fit into it, and the other that I cant possibly wear that size, shes only one size smaller and Im much bigger than her! Cheers. I try to remind myself that it's just envy, but sometimes I just want to throttle them lol!
  • MeanNurseGM95
    MeanNurseGM95 Posts: 49 Member
    I had a co worker comment about my weight loss then the very next day she brought me 12 fresh glazed donuts. She knows I absolutely love them. It was the most evil thing anyone has done to me. Good thing is I only ate one then gave the rest away.
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    I had a very close friend tell me"you done that before and just gained it back." Well guess what, I'm just stubborn enough to prove him wrong! Also this time I have a realistic goal I know I can maintain AND MFP and everyone here to help me make it!
  • snoopyjet
    snoopyjet Posts: 82 Member
    Good one! LOL :tongue:

    Some people are just envious and competitive to extreme. So they could feel better they discard your hard work. Don't loose energy with them, ignore them and don't let them pull you down.
    43 pounds of water weight? lol

  • laurenfit92
    I experienced a lot of this form my sister as she was always skinnier than me, would always clal me fat and when my weight started to go down, hers went up.
    I completely understand the envy, I'm sure a lot of people feel it. It is just how you react to it is the problem. At first I was laughed at my all members of my family/few others, I was teased for trying to get fit but now they all ask me for training/diet tips!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I've had friends outright tell me they're jealous of me and then they look so disappointed when I tell them my ''secret''. I'm not sure why don't just try it my way, their shake diets etc have never worked. Not sure what magic moment they're waiting for. Sometimes I feel like they think the weight is just falling off me and that it hasn't required 5 months of hard work and a lot of dedication.
  • Bexchubb
    Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
    Sometimes I feel like they think the weight is just falling off me and that it hasn't required 5 months of hard work and a lot of dedication.

    THIS! Its like they're p*ssed off with you for daring to try to better yourself, and you must be tricking them instead of working hard. Grrr.