Changing Pizza Night

Okay, MFPeeps, I need advice please. Friday night has always been pizza night at home for me and my hubs and I usually look forward to the treat. I make a salad and/or soup too. Here’s the thing…I don’t really want pizza tomorrow. If it’s in our house, I’ll eat it, but I don’t really want it. But I don’t want to be a Grinch.

I was thinking maybe my husband could make a Boboli (those are a lot easier to resist than Domino’s pan pizza) and I could have a healthy dinner. Or he could have the good pan pizza for lunch, except then there’d be leftovers that I don’t want to eat… What to do that’s good for both of us? I have to ask because not wanting pizza on pizza night is UNPRECEDENTED!


  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Do you not want it because you dont want it or because of the calories?

    If it is the latter,just adjust your daily calories to allow for them.

    Win win.
  • catywilcox
    catywilcox Posts: 11 Member

    Try this pizza I found on pinterest! It's healthier! I'm making it next week!
  • melissajane83
    melissajane83 Posts: 54 Member
    my daughter loves pizza and so do I. I won't order out anymore because I just can't limit myself on pizza. What I have been doing lately is making it at home but just getting the small pizza for her. Plus she loves homemade pizza.Then baking chicken or having a taco salad for me. So far its worked for me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't know what your husband's dietary habits are like. My husband and I are both on the healthy eating train and both MFP-ers, and we are also kind of picky about our pizza. Every 3-4 months, we make a 2 hour (each way) trip to our favorite pizza place, it's in another state LOL. We devour a pizza in one sitting and it is totally worth it.

    As for pizza at home, my husband makes a super thin whole wheat crust and then uses flavorful sauce, tons of vegetables, sometimes adding fresh basil to it too, and like 1/3 the amount of mozzarella that I would probably put on a pizza in the past. It is still pizza and it's still delicious. I have no idea if that would satisfy your husband/family or not. If deep dish pizza is the norm in your house, probably not hehe. But if you bake the pizzas at home anyway, maybe you could make 2-3 different ones, including one with some lighter/healthier methods?

    My other advice would be to limit yourself to 1-2 slices along with a salad, and call it a day! Good luck.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Okay, MFPeeps, I need advice please. Friday night has always been pizza night at home for me and my hubs and I usually look forward to the treat. I make a salad and/or soup too. Here’s the thing…I don’t really want pizza tomorrow. If it’s in our house, I’ll eat it, but I don’t really want it. But I don’t want to be a Grinch.

    I was thinking maybe my husband could make a Boboli (those are a lot easier to resist than Domino’s pan pizza) and I could have a healthy dinner. Or he could have the good pan pizza for lunch, except then there’d be leftovers that I don’t want to eat… What to do that’s good for both of us? I have to ask because not wanting pizza on pizza night is UNPRECEDENTED!

    Make an actual pizza from scratch, I like this dough for mine. Then to cook pre heat a stone in a 500 oven for a while then crank up the broiler and put the pizza on the stone and broil
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Theres always the idea of making your own pizza. You could present it as fun to the hubs. Little easier to control what goes into it to make it healthier if you want (wheat crust etc). You could start it off less healthy so it's less of a shock to the hubs and then make it more healthy over time also. That way pizza night is still pizza night. Just a thought.

    We did that for our saturday morning breakfasts. We used to get take out at dunkin donuts every week now most weeks we make a feast at home egg whites, veggies, sweet potato home fries etc.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Make an actual pizza from scratch, I like this dough for mine. Then to cook pre heat a stone in a 500 oven for a while then crank up the broiler and put the pizza on the stone and broil

    This. It really doesn't take much time and it's fun to come up with different topping combinations on your own.
  • angela860
    angela860 Posts: 7 Member
    I would say don't change pizza night, just change the pizza! We went from ordering out on our weekly pizza night to making it at home with the kids. I use the square lavash bread which is super thin and gets crispy in the oven. Then we load it up with lots of healthy veggies and we can add as much or as little cheese as we want.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Okay, MFPeeps, I need advice please. Friday night has always been pizza night at home for me and my hubs and I usually look forward to the treat. I make a salad and/or soup too. Here’s the thing…I don’t really want pizza tomorrow. If it’s in our house, I’ll eat it, but I don’t really want it. But I don’t want to be a Grinch.

    I was thinking maybe my husband could make a Boboli (those are a lot easier to resist than Domino’s pan pizza) and I could have a healthy dinner. Or he could have the good pan pizza for lunch, except then there’d be leftovers that I don’t want to eat… What to do that’s good for both of us? I have to ask because not wanting pizza on pizza night is UNPRECEDENTED!

    Well first off... no... Domino's is nasty!

    Secondly, if you plan your day out, there is no reason that you can't have pizza too. It's not necessarily an unhealthy food when paired with a day full of nutritious, low-calorie meals.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    We don't have a designated pizza night, but the last few times we've made our own. We both enjoy the process and the ingredients. Hard to beat a pizza that's made exactly the way you want, unless you're just in a major rush.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member

    Try this pizza I found on pinterest! It's healthier! I'm making it next week!

  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Pizza night is Thursday.

    Empty boxes go out Friday.
  • djslickrix
    djslickrix Posts: 35
    Thursdays (today) is my cheat day, but I've already had 2500 calories which is what I planned to have for today but now my friend has passed his driving test and they are getting Pizza, and they getting me my own pepperoni pizza, but I don't know what to do? should I stop worrying and just eat it? tomorrow I'm back to my deficit though for another 6 days.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Try this pizza I found on pinterest! It's healthier! I'm making it next week!

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Yeah, I wouldn't blow my calories on Domino's either, OP.
  • Jeffy67
    Jeffy67 Posts: 112 Member
    Have the darn pizza that fits into your calories then send the leftovers to work with your hubs :)
    Everyone will be happy !
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I vote go out to dinner, and order 1 slice! Date night =)

    I can't have leftover pizza around. I feel obligated to eat it.
  • joeysfacts
    joeysfacts Posts: 83 Member
    Like others said, make your own. If you don't want the doughy crust, go with a cauliflower crust as another person suggested. I have made this and was pleasantly surprised at how good it actually is. Just a bit more floppy than an actual crust. You can also just use a soft tortilla shell as the crust. So many options. Just google healthy pizza recipes!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member

    half of this pizza is 300 calories, we like it better than any take-out pizza!