Changing Pizza Night



  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Pizza fries (probably the most perfect food ever) are extra crispy french fries that are topped with sauce, cheese, meat, etc. You then dip in more sauce before devouring. AMAZING.

  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member

    Please tell me more about pizza fries!!! Must.have.

    Think chili fries with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese instead of chili/cheese. Oven baked fries of course!

    Ingredients (serves 4)
    3 large baking potatoes, cut into 1/4-inch-thick matchsticks
    2 tablespoons canola oil
    Cooking spray


    Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. In a large bowl, toss the potatoes with the oil and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray and spread the potatoes in a single layer. Bake until golden and crisp, about 35 minutes. Remove the fries with a spatula and season with salt.

    Per serving Calories: 280; Total Fat: 7 g; Sodium: 305 mg; Carbohydrate: 50 g; Fiber: 3.6 g; Protein: 6 g

    Additional calories for marina sauce and mozzarella melted on top!
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Cauliflower pizza crust, it is yummy and you cant taste a difference

  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Thursdays (today) is my cheat day, but I've already had 2500 calories which is what I planned to have for today but now my friend has passed his driving test and they are getting Pizza, and they getting me my own pepperoni pizza, but I don't know what to do? should I stop worrying and just eat it? tomorrow I'm back to my deficit though for another 6 days.

    Yes - 2 slices and stop - give away the rest - get back on track tomorrow - Have fun!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    My boyfriend is a pizza fanatic. Seriously. He could eat it every day of the week and still love the stuff.

    When he wants his pizza, he gets it. Me? I opt for a flatbread pizza, dolled up and tossed in the oven! I feel like I can "join him" in a pizza meal, but I'm not tossing the day out the window, either.

    I'd either find yourself a substitute, or just arrange your day to fit it in.

    I've also been known to get a salad and have ONE slice of pizza (when going out for it).

    Whatever you choose to do, enjoy!!

    I make flatbread pizza too - with the Joseph's Multigrain Flatbread - It is VERY good, but I like thin crust pizza anyway. 90 calorie crust + the add ons
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    OMG PIZZA FRIES .... I have never heard of that before!
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    Thank you for all of the suggestions! I'll have to get shopping and cooking to make these tasty and healthy choices.

    This is the crazy thing—I really don’t want the pizza. I want a healthy dinner. I just don’t want to ruin what was a nice tradition. Maybe get him a frozen, regular pizza and myself a lean cuisine pizza?

    Sometimes I get in the zone where I just want to eat healthy foods and I want to stick with it!

    My motto for May is: I Don’t Fool Around!

    Honestly you can make a healthy "pizza" for yourself.

    I use the flat out flatbread, add sauce, cheese and whatever toppings I want. I can have the whole thing for somewhere around 500 calories depending on what I put on it.

    Flatbread - 140 to 150 calories depending on which kind I use
    Pizza Sauce - Classico is 40 calories for 1/4 cup
    Cheese - 90 -110 calories depending on brand
    Turkey Peperroni - Armour - 70 calories for 16 slices
    Sliced Mushrooms - 20 calories for 84g raw

    So for that pizza above is 390 calories... and it's delicious and you could also have a salad and still stay under 500 calories.

    Now I think it's pizza night tonight at my house :)
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Cauliflower pizza crust, it is yummy and you cant taste a difference
    You live a sad sad life.

    LOL I dont live a sad life, It was awesome, you just dont make it right if you tasted a difference.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Thank you for all of the suggestions! I'll have to get shopping and cooking to make these tasty and healthy choices.

    This is the crazy thing—I really don’t want the pizza. I want a healthy dinner. I just don’t want to ruin what was a nice tradition. Maybe get him a frozen, regular pizza and myself a lean cuisine pizza?

    Sometimes I get in the zone where I just want to eat healthy foods and I want to stick with it!

    My motto for May is: I Don’t Fool Around!

    lemme get this dont want pizza, so youre going to get yourself a lean cuisine pizza.


    youre making this far too complicated.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    We still have pizza every Friday night at our house. I simply make it myself so that it will meet my nutritional needs.

    ETA: It's also a lot easier on the budget to make your own.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Cauliflower pizza crust, it is yummy and you cant taste a difference
    You live a sad sad life.

    LOL I dont live a sad life, It was awesome, you just dont make it right if you tasted a difference.
    No need. I don't feel the desire to lie to myself by think cauliflower in the shape of pizza is actually pizza.

    OK well I eat real pizza. I wanted to try something different. I made this and I couldnt tell a difference. I will still eat real pizza, I was simply saying I made this before and it was awesome. If you have never made it then how do you have a opinion about what it tastes like?
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Cauliflower pizza crust, it is yummy and you cant taste a difference
    You live a sad sad life.

    LOL I dont live a sad life, It was awesome, you just dont make it right if you tasted a difference.
    No need. I don't feel the desire to lie to myself by think cauliflower in the shape of pizza is actually pizza.

    OK well I eat real pizza. I wanted to try something different. I made this and I couldnt tell a difference. I will still eat real pizza, I was simply saying I made this before and it was awesome. If you have never made it then how do you have a opinion about what it tastes like?
    Come to NYC I will buy you a slice of "real pizza"

    Iv had real NYC pizza lol. Why bc I said I made cauliflower pizza and liked it does everyone think I dont eat pizza or Iv never had real pizza? I simply made cauliflower pizza, liked it, suggested it, and would make it again bc I must be awesome at making it bc I could not tell a difference didnt taste like cauliflower it tasted like pizza crust.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I make my own pizzas on Friday night. I use my bread maker on the "pizza dough" setting and viola! Two rather tasty pepperoni, Canadian bacon and bacon pizzas! It's not very difficult to make.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thank you for all of the suggestions! I'll have to get shopping and cooking to make these tasty and healthy choices.

    This is the crazy thing—I really don’t want the pizza. I want a healthy dinner. I just don’t want to ruin what was a nice tradition. Maybe get him a frozen, regular pizza and myself a lean cuisine pizza?

    Sometimes I get in the zone where I just want to eat healthy foods and I want to stick with it!

    My motto for May is: I Don’t Fool Around!

    For the love of all that is holy... if you insist on something healthy, then make your own. Lean Cuisine has a crap ton of sodium and not remotely tasty enough to justify the calories!!

    .microwave pizza is no bueno... It's something cheap and quick, maybe occasionally for lunch at work on a day you didn't have time to pack a lunch, but on a Friday family night? Hell to the no!.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I vote go out to dinner, and order 1 slice! Date night =)

    I can't have leftover pizza around. I feel obligated to eat it.

    Who can eat only 1 slice?!?! Why can't you have 2?

    Because the slice is enormous, HUGE, gargantuan from our local eatery. But by all means eat however many you can fit in your day. I just prefer to have 1 and save some room for the pizza fries. Because....who can resist PIZZA FRIES?

    Good pizza has huge slices so that one or two is more than enough. Those chain stores are just ok, at best.
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    How about get a whole grain pizza dough from Publix(if you have them near you) or I bet Whole Foods has a ready made pizza dough. Then make your own pizzas. You can make yours super thin crust and put healthy toppings and just a little or no cheese. Your husband can top his any way he likes. Make them just big enough for one meal and if there is dough leftover, make another pizza and freeze for next time. If you are wanting to eat a lean cuisine pizza, you are wanting pizza. So, just have it and control portion. Or adjust your whole day's eating to accomidate the pizza you really want.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    how about he orders a small pizza that would be enough for just him? make it clear to him you do not want any. if he has left overs he should trash them (hopefully, you would have very little left over so you don't feel like you are wasting food).

    take out pizza is definitely a diet buster if you can't control portion size. there is nothing wrong with not wanting it around to tempt you. you know your triggers and limits. that is a very postive tool to have in your weight loss journey. i also understand that maybe you don't want to cook on a friday night (making a from stratch "healthy" pizza)--other than your salad and soup. good luck!